Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What Comes Around Gozer 'Round

Leslie and I were having lunch today with Chris & Jessie Brooks.  Chris is a Student Pastor at Crossroads who with his lovely wife Jessie (Crossroads Pre-School/Nursery Director), just had week two of their weekly student meeting on campus at EOCC called 'Amplify'.  Leslie and I went to Amplify today and it was fantastic.  Chris shared the best 10-minute message I have ever heard on why it's okay to ask God questions (even hard questions). Yes...I'm rambling.

So anyway (now that the introductions are out of the way), we were eating lunch at Milanos in Enterprise and talking about some new set-pieces to heighten the atmosphere of Cinema 3 - home of the Big Wheels Pre-School and the Peek-A-Boo Nursery.  And Jessie and Leslie were talking about the pre-school curriculum we are getting ready to use called 'Wonderfully Made', and how great it is, and how there's this recurring character that's an alligator and his name is 'Gozer'.  Presumably because he "goes into all the world", etc...

So, I'm sitting there thinking, "Gozer...Gozer...Gozer...", and I say to Chris, "Man, that sounds really familiar...wasn't Gozer like a demon ghost or something in the movie Ghostbusters?" And Leslie's like, "I don't think so".  And me and Chris are like, "Yeah...maybe...I don't know". So I google Gozer and what'dya think I get?  Holy junk! Gozer is the shape-shifting god of destruction that "Zuul" (remember him) is waiting for.  Gozer is also known as the Traveler (though I don't think he's going into all the world for the same reasons).

Now I'm not the kind of guy (even as a pastor) that sees demons behind every bush.  But dudes, gone. However, if you come to the Big Wheels Pre-School in the coming weeks, we'd be happy to introduce you to a really nice, super-friendly alligator that travels around sharing the gospel.  His name is Gary!


  1. Haha!!
    Gary sounds so much better anyway! I guess a super friendly but destructive zebra named Zuul is out of the question, right?
    man! lol

  2. How bout a horse named Nebbi? (short for Nebuchadnezzar)


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