Wednesday, May 27, 2009


So I've been spending a lot of time in Hebrews and John (and a few other places) this week in preparation for Sunday's next message in our new series 'EPIC'.  One of the things that came up,  that sort of led to me running down a rabbit trail just for fun, was the "issue" of the oldest surviving fragment of the New Testament being some verses from the Book of John - specifically from Chapter 18, verses 31-33 and 37-38.

Curiously enough, many purveyors of religious beliefs contrary to Christianity use the "evidence" that this fragment discovered in Egypt, cannot possibly be dated prior to the mid second century.  According to them, that leaves room for doubt.  Wow.  In my own common and uneducated understanding, I sort of came to a vastly different conclusion.  Can I just tell you that what blows me away about this fragment is not that it is dated possibly more than 100 years after the death of Jesus, but the words that were written on it?

The verses record part of the discourse between Pilate and Jesus, specifically those dealing with who Jesus is. Pilate asks him, "Are you the King of the Jews".  In verse 37 Jesus says, "You say I am a king.  Actually I was born and came into the world to testify to the truth.  All who love the truth recognize that what I say is true".

Now, granted, I gave you the New Living Translation of those verses - but is it lost on any Christ-follower how significant it is that the oldest known fragment of the New Testament we have contains such powerful testimony?  Held in those few verses is the reason Jesus, the Son of God came into the world - to testify to the truth.

Jesus is the Word (in the Greek, the logos - the power that set the world in perfect order and kept it, and keeps it, in perfect order).  Who better to testify to the truth.  If all who love the truth recognize that what Jesus said is truth, it follows that all who love Jesus recognize that the Word Himself is truth, because He is the only One qualified to reveal the truth.

Speaking of Himself, Jesus asked Peter, "Who do people say the Son of Man is?"  Peter didn't have the Greek papyri with the answer written on it.  He didn't have an NLT.  Just curious.  Who do you say Jesus is?  Why?       

Monday, May 25, 2009


We started a new series this weekend called 'EPIC'.  It was a great day at Crossroads.  Pouring rain, Memorial Day weekend, many regulars out, several staffers on vacation - but the day absolutely rocked!  Here's some quick takes:
  1. Several first-time attenders on Sunday!  I LOVE that on a holiday weekend.  AWESOME!
  2. The Filling Station started a new series this weekend.  I have never seen the children's wing hallways and worship spaces look better.  Absolutely magical! Great job by everyone involved in Crossroads children's ministries!
  3. Will & Natalie were vacating this weekend and by all accounts had a great time!  They are beyond faithful in their service to God and His church, and must be forced at various times to leave.  They've never missed a Sunday since we started this great adventure, and served without missing a week for 3 years of youth ministry before that.  It was time. Thanks to Brian, Max, and Chris Brooks for stepping up and doing a fantastic job with Sundays service.  Everything went off without a hitch.  Major Roadie Kudos to you guys! Great example by Will and Nat of empowering others to do your job!  Important lesson there for all who lead at Crossroads.
  4. The Garage Band blew everyone away this weekend as Nic and Janna (and an as yet unnamed miniature Roadie still under construction) and the rest of the Crossroads worship team got a well-deserved weekend off.  I have been following and listening to the Garage Band since they started playing, and I can honestly say they gave their very BEST on Sunday morning.  Sam, Justin, Cameron, John and Dante - GREAT JOB!!  You guys have more than earned the right to do that again in the future.  Way to go next generation!
  5. I was really impressed with Sundays attendance.  To be honest, I didn't expect it.  I made a bit of a goof - not realizing that Memorial Day was THIS week and not next week - when scheduling our 2009 series starts.  Normally I wouldn't start a new series on a holiday weekend, but you guys really turned out big.  Pouring rain, holiday weekend, we had 163 in the house!  That was HUGE!
  6. Really enjoyed sharing the message on Sunday.  I am as excited about this series, 'EPIC', as I have ever been for any series at Crossroads.  I encourage you, if you missed on Sunday to listen to the podcast.  Many thanks again to Brian Gullo for setting up the podcast element of our website to work so well.  It was a breeze getting the podcast up this week.
  7. Got to do a special baptism today to accommodate someone who can't be at BBB next week.  So looking forward to next Sunday's rain delayed Beach, BBQ and Baptism.  Don't forget.  Same time, same location.  Look for an email blast later in the week with details.
Honestly, there is much more I took away from Sunday's experience at Crossroads, but it is Memorial Day and I am going to home to spend the balance of the day with family and friends. Love you guys!  Thank God for our country and for all who serve and sacrifice, and for those who keep the home-fires burning.  God's Best!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Notable Quotables

If you spend any time at all reading the Bible, meditating on its meaning, reading commentaries, or (God preserve you) participating in theological arguments on twitter - then you are probably interested in what other people also think about the Bible.  Here's some quick takes from a smattering of historical notables:

The Bible is no mere book, but a Living Creature, with a power that conquers all that oppose it.  - Napoleon (Bonaparte, not Dynamite)

The observant man recognizes many mysteries into which he cannot pretend to see, and he remembers that the world is too wide for the eye of one man.  But the modern sophists are sure of everything, especially if it contradicts the Bible.  - Charles Spurgeon

The Bible is a collection of fantastic legends without scientific support.  - The Communist Dictionary issued by the Soviet State Publishing

I am going to put the Bible out of business.  - Robert Ingersoll

Another century and there will not be a Bible on earth!  - Voltaire

Voltaire expected that within fifty years of his lifetime there would not be one Bible in the world.  His house is now a distribution center for Bibles in many languages.  - Corrie Ten Boom

The New Testament is the very best book that ever was or ever will be known in the world.  - Charles Dickens

It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.  - George Washington

We fail in our duty to study God's Word not so much because it is difficult to understand, not so much because it is dull and boring, but because it is work.  Our problem is not a lack of intelligence or a lack of passion.  Our problem is that we are lazy.  - R.C. Sproul

The greatest proof that the Bible is inspired is that it has stood so much bad preaching.  - A.T. Robertson

Reading the Bible without meditating on it is like trying to eat without swallowing.  - Anonymous

And my personal favorite (of this bunch):

Most people are bothered by those passage of Scripture the do not understand, but the passages that bother me are those I do understand.  - Mark Twain

I LOVE the Bible and I can't wait to share that passion with you as we learn to discover our place in the greatest adventure that ever really happened as our new series 'EPIC' begins this this Sunday.  Have a great weekend.  See you at church!


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

"It's the economy, stupid!"

Years ago (like, more than 16 years ago) when Bill Clinton was running against George H.W. Bush (W's dad), the brain-trust of the Clinton campaign coined a slogan that summed up what they believed was the problem with the then-current administration: "It's the economy, stupid".  That slogan - while never seen in an official television advertisement - created an underground advertising tsunami of the highest order. Appearing on bumper stickers, rally signs, hats, t-shirts, and virtually anything that could be printed (except billboards - too mainstream), and spoken aloud by the cheekier members of the campaign, the slogan embodied not just what the Clinton campaign thought was wrong with the republican administration - but it was a RALLYING CRY for a new generation of voters.

I voted for Bush anyway.  But, please, just in case you're tempted to go there, this post has NOTHING to do with political ideology.  It's about RALLYING, stupid!  You know, keeping the main thing, the main thing? That's the great thing about that RALLYING CRIES.  They help an army of people to stay unified, on point, and on target.

From the very first meetings at Crossroads - before we ever met as a launch team, before we ever launched as a church - we lovingly and clearly and simply laid out our agenda.  In our early meetings at the house, and for many consecutive weeks at the Annex before we launched, we gathered our energy and resources and enthusiasm and creative input around one single idea: reaching the unreached.

Almost 22 months since a group of us drove to Chattanooga to spy out the land for planting a church, 20 months since we made the God-led decision to stay in Enterprise, 15 months since we started meeting at our house, 13 months since we started meeting at the Annex, 9 months since we launched at the College Cinema...I still don't have a better idea.  It's good to remind myself with this very simple rallying cry: "It's about the unreached, stupid!" 

Perry Noble said recently, "Some people are going to question how you do matter how you do them.  If you preach line by line, verse by verse, then some people are going to prefer that you be a more topical teacher.  If you preach topical messages some people will scream you need to exegete the text.  If you use secular music then some people will scream that you are "loving the world". If you use only "Christian" music then some people will scream that you are not relating to those outside of the church.  If you dress up then some people will say that you make them feel uncomfortable because they don't have any "church clothes".  If you wear jeans and a T-shirt, then some people will say that "you aren't giving God your best".  Your ministry style will be questioned, but the ultimate One who we answer to is Jesus.  It is His church, His ministry, and He will ask the final set of questions on day!  Be who HE called you to be.  Do ministry how HE called you to do it".

And remember the rallying cry.   



Monday, May 18, 2009

MONDAY MIND DUMP (Rain Delay Edition)

Well...what can I say.  After an absolutely STELLAR morning, a great crowd, a positively electric lobby, the best worship experience probably like, ever, in the sanctuary our Beach, BBQ and Baptism at Lake Tholloco was totally rained out.

I know, I know...I said rain or shine, and I meant it.  Those of you who have ridden with me know that a bit of rain is not going to spoil my fun.  However, I thought it would be irresponsible of me to drag you and your children into a roiling lake, in deluge conditions, with cloud to ground lightening and thunder clapping overhead.  Not really what we're going for.

On a really personal note, I'm not just bummed about the event being cancelled, I am aching over the fact that in our awesome service on Sunday I gave you a challenge ("get baptized TODAY") that it was impossible for you to carry out.  That hurts my heart.

On a lighter - and forward looking - note, the Beach, BBQ and Baptism has been rescheduled! Same location, same time, on Sunday May 31st!!!

By my reckoning, we had around 30 who wanted to be baptized on Sunday.  Let's see if we can make it 40 in the next two weeks!

Love you guys so much.  So sorry about BBB getting washed out.  But let's dig in over the next two weeks, and build a bigger crowd, get MORE people baptized.  Nothing like a little anticipation to stir the heart.

Have a great week, and don't forget to weigh in on the Touchy Topic Series all week long!

Fun with Dinosaurs

This one always get people going.  Everyone has an opinion.  Sent in by a regular reader, dig into this Touchy Topic.

Q: What's the deal with dinosaurs?  Why doesn't the Bible talk about them.  If the earth is 6000 years old, how come there's things on the earth that are supposedly millions of years old?   

Christian or Christ-follower?

For your consideration and comment, another reader sent this in for our Touchy Topic series.  Got an opinion?

Q: What do you think the difference is in being a "Christian" and a "Christ follower"? Or IS there a difference?

Teaching Evolution vs. Creationism

Here's an issue sent in by a regular reader of the Intersection. Consider it issue #1 in our Touchy Topic Series.  Let 'er rip!

Q: Should the public school system be allowed to teach evolution and big bang theory without offering creation as an alternative?  

Thursday, May 14, 2009


Our next series at Crossroads beginning on May 24th and running four weeks was initially to be called "txt".  "txt" is a series of teaching originating (I believe) at Northpoint in Atlanta, and done over the last couple of years by dozens, if not hundreds, of churches around the country.  The main point of the series is to encourage people to read their Bibles.

As we were preparing the series in our creative team meetings, we all voiced a certain uncomfortableness with the idea of comparing the Bible with a personal text message from God. Granted, it's catchy and current and, I suppose, relevant, but it's also fantastically cheesy and - to me, and the rest of your crack creative staff - utterly devoid of the greatness, the grandeur, the splendor and the surpassing majesty that is the Word of God.  The Bible is indeed epic, by literal, and colloquial, definition.

So come, Sunday's May 24th through June 14th, and find your place in the greatest adventure that ever really happened.  Epic.

Here's how it breaks down:
Sunday, May 24th - In The Beginning
Sunday, May 31st - The Word
Sunday, June 7th - Light to Live By (w/Chris Brooks)
Sunday, June 14th - Ever After   

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Clown Barf

When I sit at my computer in my office at the Annex, the wall directly in front of my is covered by a massive 6-month dry erase calendar.  As I looked at it this morning, random non-sequiturs (was that redundant?) began flooding into my already totally flooded (think carburetor) mind.  Here's a few of them:
  1. Today is the last day of the Sticks Conference that got cancelled that we didn't go to.  At least I'll be home to watch the 2-hour season finale of LOST on our really cool new ABC HD channel from Time Warner.
  2. Our really cool new digital phone service from Time Warner doesn't work.  Ever. (I know that's not on my calendar, but I thought about it when I thought about Time Warner.
  3. None of our cell phones work in our new house.  (That's not on my calendar either, but thinking about really bad giant companies that promise things they don't deliver automatically made me think of Sprint.  I'll get back to the calendar now).
  4. I always mess up the spelling of calendar the first time: c-a-l-a-n-d-e-r.  Know what I mean?
  5. I can't wait for Beach, Barbeque and Baptism on Sunday.  If it rains, I'm counting everyone who gets wet.
  6. I had a friend, who's already been married four times, call me and tell me he's getting married again ("?") on the 22nd of 2010.  I'll have to put that on my calander (see?) - CALENDAR - next time around.
  7. May 25th is my first "tweetaversary".  I hope I get something nice.
  8. Off the calendar again: My Blog readership for The Intersection has fallen to dangerously low levels.  I went under 1000 last month. I'm barely at 300 this month and it's half over.  You know what that means don't you? Expect several hideously controversial subjects taken head on at my Blog over the next two weeks.
  9. Still off the calendar:  If you're reading this - send me ideas on your favorite hideously controversial topic.  I'll put in a good word for you with my publisher.
  10. Back on:  I keep forgetting to bring over my special dry erase erasing liquid and special magic felt dry erase eraser from my old office.  I tried to erase April with Windex and paper towels, but as there is nothing magic about Windex and paper towels it didn't do a very good job. Looks like a clown threw up where April used to be.  Truth be told, I'm a little concerned about May.
  11. On a happier note, THE GARAGE BAND will be doing worship at Crossroads on Sunday May 24th!  That'll be really cool.  We'll make a short vid about youth ministry at Crossroads to show before they play.  People need to know the surpassing level of youth ministry that goes on at Crossroads every Wednesday night at the Annex.
  12. I like the word 'surpassing'.  There's something...prodigious about it.  (Clearly that was self-indulgent.  Sorry.)    
  13. Chris Brooks will be bringing the message at Crossroads on Sunday May 31st.  Also a big deal.  He's really good.  He'll be doing the second part of our three-part series on the Bible called .txt
  14. That's about it for now.  Gotta get back to message prep.  And listen, don't forget about my friends fifth wedding on May 22nd 2010.   
Have a bang up day!

Monday, May 11, 2009


Fantastic Mother's Day at Crossroads in Enterprise on Sunday!  Here's a few quick takes:
  1. Crossroads has the most awesome (and definitely the best looking) moms in the Wiregrass!  Happy, happy Mother's Day to all of you!!!  Special thanks to Star's mom for making lovely Mother's Day presents for all the precious moms who attended Sunday's service.
  2. TONS of first time visitors on Sunday!
  3. Top FIVE in overall attendance at Crossroads this Sunday!
  4. Eight MORE people made decisions to rededicate their lives to Christ!
  5. Four MORE people decided to be baptized next Sunday!
  6. Children's ministries at Crossroads rock!  And if you haven't seen the stuff for the Filling Station that Billy Donegan has made - you have GOT to see it.  Ask someone in the Filling Station, "I wanna' see the stuff Billy made!"  He made an entire ship (you could get in and sail) out of nothing but foam board, paint and glue! The guy is a genius.
  7. Worship was very good yesterday.  In fact, probably Top Five for the worship team.  No kidding. Way to go!
  8. Chris Vincent now rocks the donuts from Wally World!
  9. Totally enjoyed the series It Came From Within.  Incredibly challenging teaching.  Challenging to share, and challenging to apply.  Heard from SO MANY how helpful this series has been.  
  10. Can't WAIT for next Sunday.  We get to BAPTIZE people!  Woo-hoo!  
Don't miss our Special Sunday morning service 'REVEAL' at the College Cinema.  And plan to attend the Beach. BBQ and Baptism at Lake Tholocco on Sunday afternoon at 3PM.  This is a whole church party at the lake, whether you're getting baptized or not.  It's gonna be HUGE fun!

Love you guys!  Have a great week.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!

I joked last Sunday that this week was Mother's Day, so naturally...we'd be talking about anger. I thank God for my mom, and for my wife who is such a great mom. Here's to the people with the toughest job in the world!

Bring mom (or someone who has a mom, or had a mom) to Crossroads this Sunday!  We'll be talking about...well, anger - as we close out our current series It Came From Within 3D. Don't miss it!  See you Sunday!  

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Totally Spiritual

I spent the morning with a good friend (and Xroads staff member) doing something completely recreational.  It was a blast and I'm entirely certain that God was digging it too.  It was just like...well, church.

Church?  Yeah, see sometimes we get stuck on the idea that church is about a service time, or a building, or a sermon, or something "spiritual".  In the same way, we can compartmentalize our thinking into spiritual versus non-spiritual activities.  Whether we understand it, as human beings, we are wholly spiritual beings.  And if WE are involved in it (whatever "IT" is) it IS spiritual.  Church is about you and me, because we ARE church.

So - while I was being completely spiritual (at church) trying to knock a little, dimpled white ball out of a sand trap - I got to thinking how grateful I am to be at Crossroads.  Not that our gatherings are the be-all-end-all of the collective Christian experience, but that God is connecting our hearts and our lives in ways we never imagined, as we experience His life-changing love together.  That's pretty cool, and it's also pretty rare.  Out of the sand trap, I felt certain that:

I have never been more passionate, enthusiastic and energized about what God is doing IN us and THROUGH us right here in Enterprise, not just at Crossroads, but in other churches as well.  

I have never been more certain that doing life and celebrating God in the way we are is right on target to put us all in the best possible position to ride this wave.  

I have never been more committed to following God's plan for our community, never been more willing to lay down whatever I have to lay down, to see His plan come to pass, and never been more confident in expressing to those who have found themselves marginalized by their life experience (or church experience) that God loves them unconditionally.  

I have never been more able to work, nor more aware that God's goodness is not a product of my work, but a product of His grace and mercy.

You didn't know golf was such a spiritual pursuit, did you?

Love.  Peace.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Great service at Crossroads in Enterprise on Sunday!  We're one week from wrapping up our current series and we hit it hard yesterday looking at Jesus teaching on our heart and our possessions.  Here's a few quick takes on the weekend:
  1. No Christ-followers were actually harmed in the delivery of this Sunday's service. Conversely (even in the face of a challenging message) I had more positive comments from people  leaving that after ANY other service at Crossroads (Hmm...maybe they were just relieved to be
  2. Kidding aside, it was a great service to be at and a privilege to prepare for and participate in.
  3. Great to see more first-time attenders even on such a beautiful day!
  4. Many, many regulars enjoying the day off with families and friends - also our first week after several long-time regulars moved - also several still out of tow - but we had GREAT attendance despite all of that.  Many who tried Crossroads for the first time around Easter are continuing to come back.  Exciting to see that!
  5. Worship was GREAT yesterday.  The band played well, no sound equipment melt-downs and Janna absolutely LIT UP the room!
  6. Lobby was rockin' yesterday - our lobby team Brian, Michelle, Shelly, Laura, Stacy, Rachel, Star (and ALL the others I'm failing to name) makes ME want to work on the lobby team!
  7. Kudos to Mike Armstrong who led our short-handed set-up team to a first-rate, on-time set-up.
  8. Children's ministry ROCKS at Crossroads!  From babies to 6th-graders every area of children's ministry is strong and working well.  But we still need help doing set-up and tear down in the nursery/toddler area.  Get involved, you'll be glad you did!
  9. Crossroads continues to grow each week, not only in numbers, but in life-change.  I hear life-change stories from regular attenders week after week.  There is something HUGE to be said for developing the habit of going to church and applying what we hear.  I see the effect on the faces and in the hearts of those have committed to regularly attend.
  10. What's more, I am consistently hearing how people are helping one another in our community.  That is perhaps one of the most inspiring things about Crossroads - that people are doing life together, sharing their time, talent and treasure with one another.
Leslie and I moved this weekend - so our small group didn't meet.  But it is reported to me regularly that small groups continue to be strong and fruitful at Crossroads.  Look for our very first membership class coming up following the end of our small groups Spring semester.  

Thanks to EVERYONE who helped us move and special thanks to all the TEENS from Crossroads who helped.  I marvel at how involved you are in everything that is happening at the church.  Youth Ministry is something that seldom makes the MMD because they meet on Wednesday's in the Garage at the Annex.  Crossroads continues to be committed to strong youth ministry as we stay committed to the teens that helped build this church, and those who will come after them.  You guys are a HUGE blessing!

Have a FANTASTIC week!  Don't forget Mother's Day this Sunday.