Thursday, February 28, 2008

At the Intersection of Church and Life...

That's our tag line at Crossroads.  Why?  Because that intersection is a place, a life-location, that many of us have in common.  Whether we go to church, or would never consider darkening the doorway of one, we've come to the intersection.  We've made a decision. One of the decisions I have made is to make the "Go or No-Go" thing a little bit easier for everybody.

Church is one of those funky things, man.  Some folks stay away at all costs.  Some are there every time the doors are open.  But most of us fall in the middle somewhere.  And all of us want our church experience to be meaningful. To matter.  To make a difference in our lives.

At Crossroads, we have decided - on purpose - to LIVE at that intersection.  Life isn't all about church!  And unfortunately, sometimes church has little to do with life.  Crossroads is a happy collision. Where the day to day things we ALL deal with (and sometimes suffer from) can gracefully crash directly into the loving, healing, repairing power of a God that can do something about it.

Crossroads is all about living life at the intersection.  Because we all live, every day, at the point where critical decisions are made and questions are asked.  Do I go forward?  Do I turn left?   Where is my life leading me?  Does anyone care about me?

There is One who cares.  About the little things AND the big things.  Join us, as we learn together, to successfully navigate one of life's most challenging intersections: the crossroads where who we are intersects who we may become.  Go and love someone this week by serving them, by helping them, not by judging them.  Help someone else accomplish something big, or something small.  That's one of the greatest ways to see a difference in our own lives.

When we focus on what's important to others, our own problems seem so much less important.  That's life at the intersection!