Friday, October 29, 2010

IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!

It's Friday and I'm so excited for the weekend, I can't hardly stand it!  In fact, my absolute favorite thing about Friday is how close it is to Sunday!  Earlier today I was looking for a picture from an old blog post I did a couple of years ago.  One thing led to another and a half an hour had gone by as I got lost in scanning posts all the way back to February of 2008.  I discovered a really consistent theme.  Here's a snippet of post from August 2008 that says it all: 

I'll admit it. I'm a junkie for the weekend. I LOVE attending Crossroads. But not just because I get to preach there. No, when we sat down over a year ago and began dreaming with God what church could be like, what we were dreaming wasn't a place to preach and play music that hopefully some people would come to so we could justify doing it. It was a place we wanted to attend

I believe we're starting to see those dreams come into being. And it's a great deal of fun! I look forward to going each week where I get to see old friends and meet new ones. (I swear it's not for the donuts, I haven't had one in a couple of weeks!) I just really dig the vibe there. Yeah, we have technical bugs and glitches to work out and we're learning week by week what they are - but Crossroads is making my church attending experience fun, enjoyable and meaningful. I can't wait to see what happens next!

I guess that's what I wanted to express today.  I haven't had a donut in a really long time now, but I am just as excited to be an attender at Crossroads TODAY as I was the first day we started doing this.  In fact...I'm WAY MORE excited.  The things that God put in our hearts more than three years ago are things we're really starting to see.  And while we've had plenty of challenges (and will have plenty more)  I can honestly tell you that I'd rather be at Crossroads than any church I've ever attended or visited.  I genuinely cannot WAIT to see (and be a part of) what happens next!!  


Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Sunday when I got home from church I noticed I had received a voice mail from a number I didn't recognize.  I listened to it.  "Hey, Gene call me back in about 5 minutes".  I had no idea who it was.  The voice was completely unrecognizable to me.  I didn't call back.  Then today at 3:00PM I got a call from that same number.  The conversation when something like this:

Me: Hello, this is Gene (those of you who call me are familiar with that greeting).
Him: What're you doin'?
Me: (not knowing who I'm talking to) Um...just working, you I do.
Him: (crackle) mmmmph  phummm mmbblll  phmufff
Me:  Hang on, let me go outside where I can hear you.
Him: mmmph phummmm mmbbll hear me now?
Me: Yes, I can hear you now, what can I do for you?
Him: Just comin' to Enterprise wanna know if you wanted to get a beer.
Me: What?
Him: Wanna get a beer?
Me:  Wanna get a...Um...who is this?
Him: Thomas.
Me: Thomas, who are you trying to call?
Him: Gene.
Me: Well my name is Gene, but I'm not the go get a beer type, Thomas.  Are you sure you have the right number?
Him: Well, he said his name was Gene when I picked him up.
Me: Sorry?  Picked him up?  What?
Him: Yeah, I picked him up at 84 and the Circle and he said he couldn't hang out now, but he said he was Gene and he gave me this number.
Me:  Okay, well that's not me.  I'm not the "get picked up on the corner and give you my number so we can have a beer later" kind of guy, Thomas.  Sorry.
Him:  Okay, well then...that's okay then.  Sorry to bother you.

So, whoever you are that's getting "picked up" by guys like Thomas at 84 and the Circle, I'd really appreciate it if you'd give them Pastor Ben or Pastor Matt's number next time.  Hahaha!  Although I'm pretty sure they won't go out with Thomas either, but he can give it a try.  Hahahahaha!

What a weird world.

Monday, October 25, 2010


Greetings and Happy Monday Morning!  Another great weekend!  I absolutely LOVE going to church at Crossroads!  Here's just a few of the things I noticed yesterday:
  • Worship was smokin' yesterday and Nic, Janna and the band played my brand new all-time favorite tune, 'Your Love Never Fails' and nailed it.  Way to go guys!
  • Peered into the Children's Center yesterday morning.  Always amazed by the hard-working volunteers back there who pour out their love on your children each week!
  • So appreciate everyone who stays late (well into everyone else's lunch hour) tearing down and cleaning up the Cinema.  The Lobby Team really works hard to make your experience at Crossroads warm and inviting.  Praise God for people who understand how cleaning a bathroom and mopping a floor is serving God at the very highest level!  That's exactly what Jesus did!
  • Cotinued our series 'Ghost' yesterday, teaching about the Holy Spirit, and sharing personal experiences.
  • The Holy Spirit wants to "wholly take possession" of us.
  • That those who believe have the Holy Spirit in them is a given.  What's up to us, is how much ROOM we give Him.
  • The more room we give Him, the more likely we are to do God's will. 
  • If praying "thy will be done" doesn't freak you out, you probably don't understand the implications.  When you pray it, don't be surprised if God challenges you by having you go places and do things that make you uncomfortable.
  • We all have fear at some level of the Holy Spirit having total control of our lives.  But for the control freaks among us (like you and me), it's important to always remember this: CONTROL IS AN ILLUSION.  We don't actually have it.  We only THINK we have it!
  • I love that our church is made up of people from all walks of life, different backgrounds, and different religious experiences!
  • That being true, it can make for challenging discussion, especially when people have different ideas about the Holy Spirt.  We're very fortunate that we worship in an environment where people are learning and growing in their faith, and haven't decided that they already know all the answers!
  • Thank you Crossroads Small Group attenders for joining me down front in the auditorium!  I encourage everyone who reads this to do just that, saving back rows and side seats for first, second and third-time attenders.  Plus, being down front helps you really engage in the service, and makes for a much livelier experience all the way around!
  • If you're not in a small group, don't forget to go HERE, and take advantage of the weekly small group resources and study questions downloads from our website.
I am beyond excited already for next Sunday's service!  This week, take some time to participate in the conversation that God is longing to have with you by hearing from you, and speaking to you through the Holy Spirit living in you.  The Holy Spirit has come to give you power to be witnesses of Christ's resurrection, and to comfort you, to counsel you, and to lead and guide your life.  As you approach God's Word this week pray: "Holy Spirit, illuminate the Word of God to me as I read it, so that I can truly understand it.  Help me to see how it applies to my life.  Use it to strengthen me.  Teach me what the Father wants me to know and do.  And give me courage and boldness to do it!"  

Have a GREAT week!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I have a confession to make.  I hate going to the dentist.  Let me be clear.  I don't hate my dentist.  Far from it.  I love my dentist.  Dr. Grimes is a wonderful man.  Acquainted with tragedy, he is full of the love of God and follows Christ as he unselfishly serves others in his church and in our community with unflagging strength.  Dr. Grimes totally rocks, and so does his staff.  But the metal scrapy things they put in your mouth...sweet God in heaven have mercy on me!

The Holy Spirit really used my dental disdain yesterday as I went (reluctantly) to an appointment, no longer able to put off for another six months the semi-annual scraping and gum torture they call "cleaning". 
The moment I sat in the chair, the guilt over my dental disobedience began to wash over me.  In addition to the cleaning, I had a loose crown, so before anything else happened, the lovely Karen did some digital X-rays.  Instantly, there it was right in front of me.  A radiological picture of my many bicuspid indiscretions in black and white.  My shame began to grow as the bright white of the amalgam fillings and porceline crowns glowed against the background of my God-given chompers.  And then I began to laugh.  No laughing gas to blame for it, I laughed out loud as I heard the Holy Spirit speak these words to my heart:

"Now you know how people feel, who go to church about as often as you go to the dentist!"

Freshly overwhelmed with empathy, I was struck by how kind and forgiving the lovely Karen was to me.  It was such a great example of how we should treat others, knowing that for some, it took every ounce of courage for them to just show up.  I love the Holy Spirit's sense of humor, and I appreciated His solid metaphorical reinforcement for the Vision, Purpose and Mission of Crossroads.

What I didn't know, is that statement would ring in my ears for the next 45 minutes as the lovely Karen, with her knee in my chest for leverage, began to scrape away at the things that had attached themselves to my tusks while I wasn't paying attention.  With each tug and scrape and clawing motion below the gum line, the words the Holy Spirit spoke confirmed how painful it is for people (not just those who come twice a year on Christmas and Easter, but for you and ME) to sit through a sermon, while our own spiritual lack of discipline, or indiscretions, or ambivilence, or apathy is sliced, diced, probed, scraped, poked and ultimately set right as the Word of God goes to work in us (and that, usually, way below the gumline).

I laughed at first thinking what a wonderful illustration the whole "I hate going to the dentist" thing was in the context of people saying, and living out, "I hate going to church".  I laughed later thinking this: If my personal study time just looks like me hurriedly brushing my teeth (and being very kind to myself in the process), then surely God looks like the lovely Karen with her knee in my chest for leverage, working overtime to right the things I am reluctant to right myself.

Thank you God for my dentist!  And that you God for the serious dentistry you do in our lives...if we'll show up for the appointment.  Leads me to this: Wouldn't it be easier to just live with simple and effective, daily spiritual discipline in our lives?  Maybe if we did, God could take His knee out of our chest. Bahahaha!

"For the word of God is alive and powerful.  It is sharper that the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between sould and spirit, between joint and marrow.  It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires".  (Hebrews 4:12, NLT) 


Monday, October 18, 2010


Great day at Crossroads on Sunday!  Started a new series called 'GHOST'.  Here's a few of the things that stand out:
  • A whole bunch of folks made decisions to renew their commitment to Christ!
  • Several people made the decision to take their faith public through Baptism!
  • The first two items get me out of bed every day.
  • Biggest crowd in two months on Sunday!
  • Great number of first time attenders!
  • We taught about the Holy Ghost yesterday.
  • No one brought a snake to church.
  • No one rolled down the aisles.
  • Absolutely nothing was weird.
  • And the Holy Spirit, the life-changing power of God was present in every way, moving and active in the life of every believer, permeating every atom in the building.
  • Hey, just another Sunday with the same power that pulled Jesus from the grave living in our bodies (think about that for a while today).
  • Have you noticed that when the supernatural power of God comes into contact with the natural man, the natural man changes? 
  • BCS standings came out last night.  Oklahoma is #1?????? Whaaaat?!?  Oklahoma is OK, and so is their football team.  Just...okay.  They won't be #1 for long.
  • So way off track there for a minute.  And yes, I am completely aware of the fact that God does not care about the BCS...although He does favor Alabama (the only team actually named after the blood of Jesus).
  • ROADIES 201 continued yesterday with Pastor Ben teaching.  GREAT CLASS!
  • Caleb led worship yesterday and did a really good job with the band!  Everything sounded great!
  • We are blessed with the most awesome children's ministry a church could possible have!  It's one of the very best things about Crossroads.  From nursery babies to 5th-graders, our CM is staffed with giving, caring, selfless, faithful followers of Christ who LOVE YOUR CHILDREN!!  Next time you see one of them, tell them what a great job they do!
  • Oh...and Hollie Mendenhall wanted to make sure that I tell you that she's awesome.  (which is easy for me because Children's Pastor Hollie Mendenhall actually IS awesome!)
Great, great couple of services Sunday.  Both unique, but both very powerful.  As you get into your weekly routine this morning, I encourage you to do it with the awareness that God is not simply watching your life unfold as he sits in a giant La-Z-Boy at some distant, undisclosed celestial location, but He is actually IN YOU in the person of the Holy Spirit!  Take a few minutes as you start each day and allow that to soak in a bit.  It's a game-changer for your life! 

Friday, October 15, 2010

On Messing Up

Some recent conversations with several different people talking about the same thing left me thinking a great deal about how we mess up, how bad it makes us feel, how we feel without hope or peace, how God loves us and forgives us, what He requires from us going forward, what we seem to require from ourselves, what others we offended or hurt think about us, what price we wind up paying for our mistakes, what price has already been paid, etc... 

There's some common ground, yeah?.  We all deal with that.  We've all made mistakes.  Even though I feel like I have surely made way more mistakes than you.  I've  messed up and dissapointed others and myself and fallen short of God's standard for my life more times than I can count.  So my situation has to be way worse than yours, right?  Ever feel that way?  Ever feel like hope and peace just evaporate when you think about the things you've done wrong?

One of the really cool things about the Bible, is that we get all these seriously gritty, real-life stories about people that did things that were so bad, you and I would probably never forgive them.  I mean the Bible is full of stories of people that God loved, lying to, cheating, stealing from, abusing, and even murdering other people.  This cast of real-life characters aren't the "dregs" of Bible lore.  Far from it.  They're people like Moses, Jacob, David and Paul just to name a few.  And you know what?  God redeemed their lives.  And God used them in a huge way to accomplish his purpose.  It didn't mean that they didn't suffer any ill-effect from their actions.  In Christ sin is forgiven, but there are always consequences to our actions. 

There were surely people who were negatively impacted by the mistakes, the sin, of Moses and Jacob and David and Paul and many others.  There were surely people who looked at them, wondering how they had the gaul and the temerity to continue calling themselves human after some of the things they had done.  There were surely people who chose to resent them and point at, look at, gossip about, criticize the things they had done wrong, rather than see how God gloriously redeemed their lives.  There were surely people who simply did not, or would not understand.

Should it surprise us then that some we have hurt wonder what business we have calling ourselves saved and forgiven?  Should it surprise us when some who have been negatively impacted by our mistakes, our sin, wonder what right we have to go on sucking air after the havoc we have wreaked?  Should it surprise us that there are those who would look at our faults, our flaws, our mistakes, our sin and criticize and gossip and be filled with resentment toward us rather than focus on how God has gloriously redeemed our lives?  Should it surprise us that there will be people who simply do not, or will not understand?

You and I have something else in common.  We cannot change our past.  If you have come to faith in God through his Son Jesus Christ, you are FORGIVEN.  You're life has been REDEEMED.  Perhaps the fact that there may be people in our lives who aren't jumping up and down celebrating that reality with us, is part of the cost of our sin, that we pay for here and now in this life.  Consequences.  That is also something we have in common that we cannot change.  What do we do about it?  Make amends, and move on in humility.  You are forgiven.  Your life has been redeemed.  You're not what you once were. 

If we're honest, wanting others to see and know that we are forgiven, redeemed, better off than before, is part of what got us in trouble in the first place.  We want them to think we're better than they remember us.  It's a pride sort of thing, yeah?  In the end, whether others recognize or place any value on our salvation and forgiveness of sin through Christ it is not nearly as important as whether we recognize it and place enough value on it to live the new life and, as Jesus told one person, "go and sin no more".

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit".  Romans 12:13


Thursday, October 14, 2010

What Is 'Ghost'?

Jesus said in John 14, “I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you”

Then later, Jesus said, “the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you”. 

For many of us, believing that there is a God who loves and cares for us just seems right. It isn’t hard for us to believe. It’s as if we were created to believe in God. Many of us are also able to admit that we are sinful by nature, and that we were in need of salvation. Accordingly, many of us have even taken that step of faith by trusting Jesus Christ with our lives today, and our eternal future tomorrow. But if we’re honest – while we may feel that we know or at least have some understanding of God the Father and His Son Jesus our Savior – we would draw a blank if called on to explain Who the Holy Spirit is, why He came, what He does, and what we should do in response to Him.

Did you know that, among other things, the Holy Spirit came to teach us, to comfort us, to remind us, to speak to us, to fill us with God’s love, to sanctify us, to pray for us, to empower us, to give us righteousness, joy and peace? What do those things even mean? And why does He do them? 

You ask GREAT questions! Let’s talk about all that. Join us for the next three weeks in October for Crossroads new series ‘Ghost’.


Monday, October 11, 2010


Hey guys! Trust you had a fantastic weekend!  Alabama loss on Saturday notwithstanding, I know I did.  Here's just a few of the reasons why Sunday at Crossroads was the highlight of the weekend for me:
  • ROADIES 201 at 9AM in Cinema 3 went really well, and was really well attended!  Got tons of feedback from attenders about what a great job Pastor Matt did teaching the material.  Thanks to everyone who made the kickoff of ROADIES 201 a great success! 
  • Worship was exceptional yesterday!  Crossroads is blessed with an incomparable group of musicians who get better each week under worship leader Nic McElveen's direction.  Great job guys!
  • Yesterday was 10-10-10, so naturally we did a truckload of Top Ten Lists.
  • I bombed horribly during 1st service.  (If you have to explain the items on your Top Ten Lists...then you're in serious trouble.  I heard nothing but air-conditioning several times.)  
  • 2nd service was a straight-up, full-on, pie-in-the-face laugh-fest!  That was kind of the idea yesterday, to keep it light and have a bit of fun.  (Having fun is a lot more fun when things are funny and people are laughing and you're not bombing.)  
  • There were probably a lot of offensive things in many of my Top Ten Lists.
  • If you were offended...I'm sorry.  Not for doing the material...but for offending you by doing it.
  • Some of the material offended me...and I put it together.
  • I used the word 'suck' and the word 'freaking' yesterday.  Apparently, there is no level to which I will not stoop in order to get a laugh.        
  • Some of the other material didn't have offensive words in it, yet offended entire people groups.
  • That material won't be on the podcast.  
  • I don't want to be on CNN.
  • My favorite list was 'Crossroads Top Ten Rejected Ideas'.
  • My favorite Crossroads Rejected Idea was: #3 - Warm Haggis served in the lobby!
  • No one in either service laughed at that.  I assume no one in either service knew what HAGGIS was. My bad.  Look it up.  I'll do it next year on 11-11-11.  You can laugh then.  (BTW, Haggis is always funny.  Just sayin'.)
  • Mercifully, there was a message of HOPE after the Top Ten Lists.
  • It was about God's promises.
  • That will definitely be on the podcast!
Thank you so much for laughing AT me, and laughing WITH me yesterday.  The Bible says that laughter does good, like a medicine.  I LOVE to laugh!  I also love the PROMISES of God!  Have a GREAT week, and remember, next Sunday we kick off a brand new series about the Holy Spirit called 'GHOST'!  Can't wait to see you there!

Friday, October 8, 2010


Vision (vizh-uh n) ...seeing or perceiving that which could be, or should be...

CROSSROADS VISION: To create a church that people who don't like church would like to attend.

Purpose (pur-puh s) ...the reason for which something exists...

CROSSROADS PURPOSE: To love God, love each other, and serve the world.

Mission (mish-uh n) operational task (usually assigned by a higher headquarters)

CROSSROADS MISSION: To connect people to God, to each other, and to the world around them.

I heard Rick Warren say this once: "A lot of people say, 'I'm going to be original...or nothing', and wind up being both".  I don't care about being original.  I don't care if Crossroads is original.  I want for my life, and for our church, to be effective for Christ.  I've heard pieces and parts of our vision, purpose and mission spoken and written by other church leaders.  Not a new idea (see Ecclesiates 1:9 if that concerns you).

That said, the Vision, Purpose and Mission of Crossroads resonate deep within me as surely as if I invented them myself.  I have taken ownership of them and made them my personal vision, purpose and mission in life.  I invite you to do the same, and to continue to be liberal in your use of them, especially as you share them with people new to Crossroads, and to those who serve throughout our church and community.

Much love!


Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I am convinced that Crossroads has the best staff and leadership team on the planet!  We have always had remarkable leaders and high capacity volunteers in every area at Crossroads and I believe it is the reason God has been able to do so much in us and through us over the last couple of years.  Last night we had an incredible Staff & Leaders meeting at the Annex.  I want to share a little bit about that, but give me a minute to thank and brag on some people.
  • Thank you Will and Chris and Rachel and Justin for making everything work so well last night.  You made our Staff & Leaders meeting the most important thing to you, and it showed!
  • Thank you Leslie for making a ridiculous amount of really awesome chili to eat.  Two kinds!  I love that you made feeding our Staff & Leaders the most important thing to you!
  • Thank you Staff & Leaders for making last night's meeting so important in your lives.  I know many of you had to miss other events, comittments and opportunities in order to be there.  That you consistently sacrifice your own personal time and personal agenda to prepare yourselves to better serve others blows me away!  Your faithfulness is why Crossroads even exists!
After we ate some really good chili, we settled in and I shared a bit about what was important for our church when we started out, what's important today, and what will be important tomorrow.  We shared from Nehemiah Chapter 4 where we read about the incredible effort to rebuild the wall around Jerusalem.  The wall was only halfway up, and people were tired.  They were discouraged by constant attacks from the outside, and finishing the work they had set out to do seemed like an overwhelming and unattainable goal.

But then Nehemiah made some changes in their approach to the work.  They organized themselves to do what they were doing BETTER.  They worked out a system of staying united in their efforts, even though their work kept them far-flung from one another.  They became unified around the vision of completing the work, and doing so realizing that God was fighting for them! 

Along those lines we recognized that we were suffering from a certain amount of "organizational tiredness" in carrying out the work that God called us to do at Crossroads.  We recognized that "our wall" was also only halfway up.  That as a church, many things were distracting us or competing for our attention, getting us a bit off mission.  We also recognized that our work had us far-flung, or spread out from one another.  So we set out to unify our efforts by recapturing the vision that God put in our hearts for our community when we first set out.

We covered a lot of ground last night, but here, in short form, are some very important commitments that we have adopted as our own, and that we resolve to keep as we go forward:
  • We commit to be more concerned about REACHING people than KEEPING people.
We don't need to figure out how to keep church people (INSIDERS) happy and comfortable.  That's an impossible task that we were never designed to accomplish.  Instead, we need to stay on mission by spending ourselves making every effort to reach and serve those who are far from God (OUTSIDERS). 
  • We commit to be willing to err on the side of GRACE.
It's impossible to hate someone once you've heard their story.  God knows everyone's story and He loves them anyway, and He's called us to do the same.  But it's messy to do that, and it raises this question: "If I ACCEPT you, doesn't it look like I APPROVE of you?"  The answer is, "Yes".  Acceptance is the path to INFLUENCE, but it will look to some people like we approve of the choices or lifestyles or sin of others.  But we are resolved to be the generation, the people, the CHURCH that is willing to look like we approve, in order to gain INFLUENCE for Christ, regardless of what anyone else thinks about us.  
  • We commit to remain focused on OUR UNIQUE CALLING.
There is much to be LEARNED from other churches and leaders.  In fact, the very resolutions you are reading were adopted from a well-known church leader.  They are not original to us.  But time is short, and we don't have to reinvent the wheel, or try to be original.  What we need to be is effective.  God has uniquely fashioned us as a church to reach specific people with the Gospel now!  To be effective we must stay true to that calling.  In turn, staying true to our calling makes us authentic.  (Here's the cool part: by being authentic, we are original.) 
  • We commit to remain OPEN-HANDED
We started this church with absolutely NOTHING.  In fact, in purely economic terms, there's no reason that Crossroads should even still be here.  At NO TIME have we EVER had enough money to do the things that we have done.  Yet, we ARE here, and every indication is that we will continue to be here and continue to thrive.  In a natural sense, it makes no sense.  BUT GOD has provided everything we have ever needed, and He continues to provide what we need.  And if GOD is on our side, and GOD had called us, and GOD has put the lost on our hearts, and GOD wants Crossroads to reach them, then NOTHING will stop it from happening!  God didn't call us to protect assets, but to advance a kingdom.  Let's always be fearless!

We dug down deep into each of the areas I mentioned above.  We talked about where we had succeeded, where we had fallen short, where our focus needed to be going forward, and we commited to stay true to what God called us to do.  While the ideas and the words behind these commitments are not original, they fully belong to us.  Our vision, and purpose and mission at Crossroads are also not original words or ideas.  But they wholly belongs to us, and we have them securely in our grasp.  I'll be writing about them later in the week.   

Wow.  What a big night.  

Sunday, October 3, 2010


What an AMAZING day at Crossroads today.  We taught about Baptism in a personal way in both services this morning, and this afternoon at Lake Tholocco we had the honor and privilege of Baptizing 34 people!!!   Pastor Ben, Pastor Matt & Hollie and Pastor Chris and me got to do it.  I'm sure I speak for all of them when I say that baptizing people is the coolest thing God has ever let any of us do, and I can't imagine ever getting tired of it!  I know you probably get tired of hearing this, but I am constantly BLOWN AWAY by how good God is to us, and BLOWN AWAY that we get to do what we do at Crossroads.  Here's a few more of the many reasons why:

  • Great crowd this morning.  MANY people made decisions to renew their relationship with Jesus.  MANY others decided to "go public" with their faith through Baptism.
  • ROADIES 101 was well attended (don't have the numbers yet - but I saw the biggest crowd for ROADIES 101 I've seen in a while), and Pastor Ben did a great job hooking people up with Crossroads vision.
  • Many who were in ROADIES 101 decided today to continue their term at CROSSROADS U and sign up for ROADIES 201!
  • Worship Band rocked today!  Everyone in Cinema 1 did an exceptional job.  The pace of both services was spot on.
  • Regular giving met our weekly budget today for the first time in quite a few weeks.  Way to bring it guys!  Can't tell you how much it means to your faithful staff to see you honor God by bringing to Him a portion of what He's blessed you with.
  • Last week we executed our official Letter of Intent to purchase the College Cinema!
  • Last week we closed on the dance studio (our Children's Center) next door to the Cinema!
  • It's happening.
  • God is making it happen.
  • We just need to be faithful to walk it out.
A couple of weeks ago, Leslie and I were up at a leadership conference at NEWSPRING, Perry Noble's church, and Stephen Furtick - pastor of Elevation Church - said this: "If no one's laughed at the size of your vision lately, you're probably not dreaming big enough".  Here's to people busting a gut over what God has put in our hearts at Crossroads! Hahahaha! Hahahaha! Hahahaha!  WooooooHooooo!!!

Have a GREAT week!