Friday, July 31, 2009


In the wake of yesterday's (and this morning's) "spiritual" rantings and railings on twitter and several blogs including this one, I thought it might be nice if we all took a deep breath and thought about bunnies, or sunrises, or happy laughing children running through fields of daisies.

Okay, maybe not, but how 'bout this. It's kind of like what it looks like when Christians go at each other over doctrinal issues (without the overdubbing). Enjoy, have a laugh, and be sure to attend Crossroads this Sunday as I open my message with the following statement, "I believe in evolution". You gotta be there if you want to hear the rest of the story...

Ladies and gentlemen, Bruce Lee vs. Chuck Norris

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Apparently, based on the flack we've been getting recently, I need to Blog about something.  I'll tell you right now, I don't have all day to do this, so I'm going to make rapid work of it, and it is not a thesis or anything resembling a complete work.  It's a Blog post. Guys, you know, when we met in our house, when we met at the Annex, we were far off the radar screen of the religiously intolerant in our community and beyond.  But we are experiencing and explosion of growth at Crossroads.  And with that growth, comes a parade of detractors.

There have recently appeared a plethora of self-appointed dispensers of truth (albeit truth seemingly masked by their own religious vitriol), people who do not know me - who have never even met me - who are now hurling insults at me personally and at our church - who seem to think that simply because our church is growing, because people are receiving Christ, because people are rededicating their lives to Christ, because people getting baptized and experiencing life change brought about by the love of Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit - in large numbers, that there MUST be something wrong with it.  It is not surprising.  It is understandable.  Perhaps they have not seen God move in such a way before, and when we see things we don't understand, often our first reaction is to meet that discovery with negativity.

But this Blog post is not written to them.  It is written to those who have labored long and hard to expand the kingdom of God in our community.  It is written to those who are not bound up by religious doctrine that keeps seekers at arms length from the church.  It is written to those who are compelled by the love of Christ to reach as many people as supernaturally possible with the glorious Gospel of peace.  It is written to those who have become willing, as Paul says, to become all things to all people that by any means possible they might win some.  It is written to those with a heart for the un-churched, the un-religious, the un-saved to whom we boldly and unashamedly proclaim:

God's Not Mad At You, But He Loves You!

We will put it on billboards, we will paint it on cars, we will post it on signs, we will print it on bulletins, we will print it on invitation cards, we will print it on bumper-stickers, window stickers and car magnets, and we will boldly wear it on a variety of handsomely decorated T-shirts.  If you don't like it...don't buy one.  So here's a BIT (and just a bit) of why (using the Bible - the only reliable source - as our guide...imagine that) that I believe that God is not mad at you, but rather has unfailing LOVE for you: 
  1. For God so LOVED the world that he gave his one and only Son, that WHOEVER believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.  John 3:16 (NIV)
  2. For God chose to save us through our Lord Jesus Christ, NOT TO POUR OUT HIS ANGER on us.  1 Thess 5:9 (NLT) 
  3. The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness.  He is patient with you, NOT WANTING ANYONE TO PERISH, but EVERYONE to come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9
  4. But God demonstrated his own love for us in this: While we were STILL SINNERS, Christ died FOR US.  Romans 5:8 (NIV)
  5. For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him (Christ), and through him (Christ) to reconcile to himself (God) all things, whether things on earth or in heaven, by MAKING PEACE through his blood, shed on the cross.  Once you were alienated from God and were enemies IN YOUR MINDS because of your evil behavior. But NOW he has reconciled you by Christ's physical body through death to present you holy in his sight, without blemish and FREE FROM ACCUSATION - if you continue in your faith, established and firm, not moved from the HOPE HELD OUT IN THE GOSPEL.  This is the gospel that you heard and THAT HAS BEEN PREACHED TO EVERY CREATURE under heaven...Col 1:19-23
Finally, for those who may yet feel as though the judgement of sinners - rather than compassion for them - is their calling, I offer this passage from Romans 2:1-4

You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgement on someone else, for at what point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgement do the same things. Now we know that God's judgement against those who do such things is based on truth.  So when you, a mere man, pass judgement on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God's judgement?  Or do you show contempt for the RICHES OF HIS KINDNESS, TOLERANCE and PATIENCE, not realizing that GOD'S KINDNESS LEADS YOU TOWARD REPENTANCE?  

It is God's kindness, patience, mercy and grace that is the focus of our ministry at Crossroads.  ROADIES: to those who speak out against a Gospel of grace, mercy and forgiveness, bear in mind that perhaps God has appointed them to some other sort of ministry.  It's not our job to fight them, or to judge them for what they's our job to love them as unconditionally as we would love someone who never heard the truth.  

Those of you who attend Crossroads know of a certainty that the BIBLE is preached in context.  Some of it is easy to hear, some of it is hard to hear.  You know - better than those who complain about our billboards - that the truth of God's word is shared each and every Sunday from the pulpit (okay, from the music stand).  The numbers speak for themselves.  Of the 237 that attended service last Sunday morning, about half of you either made a first-time decision to receive Christ, or rededicated your life to Christ since you started coming to Crossroads.  45 of you were baptized in the first year since we launched.  For some reason, that just pisses religious people off.  I don't know why, and frankly, I don't really care.  

As for Crossroads, we're going to continue to LOVE ALL PEOPLE! The world will not be won for Christ by making Him unapproachable or making grace unattainable.  If someone gives you a hard time about our billboards or t-shirts...point them to this blog.  Smile.  And love them anyway.


P.S. Comment as you will, I may publish it...I may not.  If your desire is to write some hideously offensive tripe about hundred ways you disagree with the way God has chosen for Crossroads to reach the lost, I encourage you to save it for your own Blog and preach it in your own church. Might I suggest you get your own billboard and tell people that God is FURIOUS with them if you have determined that is the best way for you to reach the lost.    

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Guys, I am so grateful that Crossroads has been blessed with such a talented and dedicated team of staff, leaders and volunteers in our children's ministry. There's nothing like top quality, age-appropriate ministry for children to provide a solid foundation for a growing church.  From the Filling Station to Big Wheels Pre-School and Peek-A-Boo Nursery, Crossroads majors on your children. It's a privilege and an honor to serve the WHOLE family!

That said, it looks like one church in Utah needs to do some re-evaluation of their children's ministry.  Check out this real-life story. Funny, and frightening at the same time.

PLAIN CITY, Utah -- Police in Utah say a 7-year-old boy led officers on a car chase in an effort to avoid going to church.

Dispatchers received reports of a child driving recklessly in Sunday morning. Weber County Sheriff's Capt. Klint Anderson says one witness said the boy drove through a stop sign.

Anderson says two deputies caught up with the boy and tried unsuccessfully to stop the Dodge Intrepid in an area about 45 miles north of Salt Lake City. The car reached 40 mph before the boy stopped in a driveway and ran inside a home.

Anderson says when the boy's father later confronted him, the boy said he didn't want to go to church. The boy is too young to prosecute and no citations were issued, although police did urge the father to make his car keys more inaccessible to children.

Here's to making sure YOUR kids WANT to come to Crossroads!!  See you Sunday!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Weekend Update 072609

Incredible, fantastic, stupendous (insert your favorite adjective here) weekend at Crossroads!  We wrapped up our July series SIZZLE, and held our very first membership class ROADIES 101! What a banner day!  Here's a few quick takes on the weekend:
  1. First and foremost, many made decisions to recommit their lives to Christ!
  2. Biggest crowd EVER (even in the long hot months of July - a time of year churches aren't "supposed" to grow).  237 people attended Crossroads yesterday!  Can I get a "Woot!"
  3. Worship was off the chain yesterday.  The band sounded better than ever/  Great job by everyone!
  4. The lobby experience was warm and welcoming as always. Made even more special by the size of yesterday's crowd. LOVE the new strawberry infused cinnamon rolls, yeah!
  5. Had the privilege of sharing the most uncomfortable message I have ever preached, to our largest crowd ever with TONS of first-time attenders.  I talked about S-E-X!
  6. I could feel the tension of many pushing back at Paul's call in 1 Thessalonians 4 to be "sanctified" and to "avoid sexual immorality".
  7. I felt like I was walking through a mine-field at times.  Big jokes...small laughs.  It simply proves something we ALL already know about US.  We do not like God to get involved in our pocketbooks or our bedrooms.  HE wants to be involved in EVERY aspect of our lives.
  8. We ended strong asking people to make a commitment to sexual purity outside of marriage - and to bring their "A-Game" to their sex life inside the marriage covenant by drawing closer to God so that we - as husband and wife - can enjoy the total sexual fulfillment God had in mind for us when He made sex physical, emotional and spiritual.  
  9. Bottom line: tough message to preach, tough message to hear, but we have God's grace.  His love for all of us helped us receive this strong message.  The Holy Spirit in us will help us to walk it out.
  10. So encouraged by the turnout at our very first membership class, ROADIES 101.  60 people took the plunge by attending the class and signing Crossroads membership covenant!
  11. It was weird - but VERY cool - to be sharing from the platform at the Annex again!  What a thrill.
  12. Rio de Vida (River of Life) the Spanish=speaking church plant we are helping to launch, held their first launch team meeting yesterday morning at the Annex, while we were meeting at the College Cinema!  What a thrill to be involved in the Extreme Sport of Church Planting!
Many other great things took place yesterday in our midst.  It was a good, good day. Remember this week as you rub shoulders with those in your world, there's a really great church in Enterprise that wants to love them and help them grow to be all God intended! Pass out invite cards and BRING THE UNCHURCHED back with you next Sunday.

Have a GREAT week!  Peace.


Friday, July 24, 2009

ALMOST HOME (Pastor Matt)

I have 23 days and a wake up.  Meaning after 23 more days of work I will wake up once more just to get on the plane and come home.  I am very ready.
I look forward to seeing all of you and meeting so many of you.  I CAN'T WAIT!!!  Why is it that the last days before any big event seems to drag.  I feel like I am 9 years old and it's December 2nd.  I know it's soon, but it still seems like forever.  Truthfully, I know the time will fly so I am trying my best to reflect on the the last year while I am still here.  I know God has a purpose for my life and this trip was part of that purpose.  I don't want to leave here without truly seeking His purpose for me while I was here. 
Anyway, I live and work out of Kabul, which is in the northeast part of the country.  We go on trips to all parts and last week I spent in southern Afghanistan.  It was over 120 degrees for three days straight.  At that temp it doesn't matter if it is a 'Dry Heat' or not, it was just Hoooooooot!
I have been there many times before, but this time I saw something really cool.  On the 22nd there was a solar eclipse which could be seen from different parts of Asia.  I learned about it around 5:10am.  It was so beautiful.  We were about 5 miles north of the Pakistan border and the sun had just risen.  The mountains down there are really quite impressive.  There are huge rocks that just come out of the ground for no apparent reason.  Some are 2000 ft tall but only have a circumference of a building.  It is really neat but strange too.  We were flying about 50' when we came around this huge rock and the sun, half eclipsed, was just sitting there about an inch above the horizon.  In the past I have seen an eclipse, but they were always when the sun was full bright and way up in the sky.  This time it was just above the horizon so you could look right at it.  Both the moon and the sun looked soooooo big.  It truly was amazing.  Unfortunately we didn't have a camera and were only a few minutes from where we were going, so as soon as it was there it was gone for us.
I am so glad I saw that eclipse where and when I did.  The rest of the day I could not stop thinking about how amazing that was.  It made me think of how awesome and big God is.  It made me realize how small the world really is, and how His presence is all over.  To me...that eclipse was proof that God made this world for 'all peoples' to be close to Him.  Not just the US, Alabama, or even Enterprise, but everyone....everywhere!   
I look forward to seeing all of you, sharing time with you, and serving with you.

Pastor Matt

Thursday, July 23, 2009


Back to work this morning.  I've got tons to do to finish prepping for the weekend, but if I'm honest, I'm already thinking about what I'd like to do next time we get away.  

When I was a kid (maybe when you were, too) when we went back to school in the Fall, we'd go around the class and everyone would talk about what they did on their summer vacation. While that's interesting and all - especially if we got to hear about yours - I think the older I get, and the more stuff I've done in life, the better take-away from my vacation is what I learned, not so much what I did.  

Here's a few things I learned, how I learned them, and what I'm doing with that new knowledge:
  1. Summer vacations are great and I think everyone should get at least three of them a year (if not more).  I learned that because we haven't had a vacation in a couple of years.  I think a week off between Christmas and the New Year is calling me.
  2. It takes a minimum of four days and three nights just to decompress.  Accordingly summer vacation should be a minimum of nine days and seven nights.  I learned this because our vacation time (away from home) was four days and three nights.  At the exact moment I began to fully decompress, it was time to load up and head home.  No more mini-vacations for me.  I'm going for the full vacation experience next time.
  3. If you take your vacation at a cabin somewhere, someone still has to do dishes and laundry.  I learned this because about the third day, I observed Leslie doing laundry. When I mentioned how cool it was to have a fully equipped cabin, she said, "Yes, it is, except I've been doing dishes and laundry since we got here.  You when we're not on vacation."  I'm going to fix that before our next vacation.   
  4. "Stay-cation", you know...staying at home while you're on vacation, is to actual vacation, like time in the penalty box is to playing hockey. I learned this because at the moment the decompression was wiped out by the ride down I-65, I began to think about all the tasks with which I would fill the remainder of my time off. And though - as I tweeted yesterday - my wife thinks yard-work is sexy (at least when I'm doing it), I'm not doing yard-work on my next vacation.  I wonder - now that I'm doubled over like a 90 year-old man after my losing battle with the electric hedge trimmer - if she still thinks I'm sexy?  Woot!
  5. Church planting is tough on your kids.  I learned this not on vacation, but in the two years since our last one. And I can tell you this: the biggest vacation take-away for both Leslie and I is the time we got to spend with our three youngest (all teens).  I believe that we would take any kind of vacation, for any length of time, with yard-work at the front or back, and laundry and dishes - to see the kids enjoy quality time to communicate with us and each other like they did!  It was brief, but it was beautiful.
Okay, that's enough about us.  Later, I'll talk about you, as I post some thoughts on the remarkable thing that happened at Crossroads while we were gone.  Don't forget Sunday morning at Crossroads.  We're talking about SEX that SIZZLES.  And Sunday from 4PM-6PM, it's ROADIES 101.



Monday, July 20, 2009


Hey still on a bit of vacation for a couple more days. Heard GREAT things about Sunday! Like: Ben Rice did a fantastic job with the message and, oh yeah, Crossroads was blessed with our highest attendance ever! Woot!

Can't wait to see everyone again this Sunday. Look for more posts later in the week.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Well Rounded

Really excited about this weekend.  Tomorrow me and Leslie, Samuel, Caitlin and John are bugging out for a bit of vacation time.  The last time we had any actual vacation time with the family was more than two years ago.  Before the dreams of Crossroads solidified into anything resembling vision. Long before our first informational meeting in December of '07. Long before any of what is now our 24/7 reality ever even existed.

Our life as individuals and as a family revolves around Crossroads. That's just the way it is for a church planting family.  No complaints, it's just our reality. But another reality has taken hold, and that is the reality that nothing can possibly ever take the place (though circumstances and events in our lives sometimes muscle in and take precedence over) our relationships with our spouse and our children. We all just need a little family time.

Here's the great thing about being a part of the Crossroads family. We can leave knowing that every aspect of what happens at Crossroads on Sunday morning (and throughout the week) will absolutely ROCK whether we are there or not.  That's because Crossroads is now (as it has always been) not about US.  It's about ALL of us!

Here's to LOVING LIFE at Crossroads, and going away when you got to get away!  Here's to taking time to knock the sharp edges off our lives from time to time.  Here's to vacations! Guys, be sure to show up and invite BIG this weekend as Pastor Ben Rice brings Part 3 of SIZZLE - Cooling Down Conflict.  We'll see you all next Sunday for "SEX THAT SIZZLES"!

Have a GREAT weekend!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

First Time for Everything

Every time you do something there's a "first-time experience" associated with it.  The first time I rode on a train (that I remember) was in 1963.  My mom, my brother and I took a train from Detroit to Denver, and though I was only three years old, I'll never forget it.  The first time I flew on an airplane I was six.  Yes they had airplanes back then.  They even had jet engines on them.  You know what?  I remember the excitement of doing something new, but I also remember being a little afraid, 'cause I'd never done anything like that before.  I would feel that same feeling a thousand more times in the years that followed, each time I did something new, or moved somewhere new, or took a new job, or...

Maybe you have memories of the first time you did something new as a kid.  It may have been riding a new ride at the theme park, moving to a new town, or holding hands for the first time with someone you really liked.  The first time we do anything can be exhilarating, and it can also be a time of some emotional turmoil.  Maybe you stared up at that huge roller coaster, and though you were excited to try it, you had butterflies in your stomach.  Maybe you were a little afraid.  Maybe you were a lot afraid.  In fact, you probably felt that same feeling many more times in your life; like each time you moved to a new school, or embarked on a new career, or started a new relationship.

Anytime we do anything for the first time, there's a sense in which we are stepping into the unknown.  It's exciting, but it can also be a little bit (or a lot) scary because, after all, the unknown is, by definition, well...unknown.  In other words, we don't know what we know about the unknown until we have stepped into it, and it becomes known.  To which everyone reading this is thinking, "Well, duh!"

But even knowing that can leave us unsettled on the inside at times.  Fortunately, God knows all about sending his people (you and me) into the unknown, and He's not worried about it.  In Hebrews 11:8, Paul recounts Abraham's experience when he says, "Abraham said yes to God's call to travel to an unknown place that would become his home".  That scripture is part of a long passage in the Bible where Paul is talking about faith.  See, that's the great thing about stepping into the unknown; even though we may not know what lies ahead, we can have faith that God does.  God already knows what lies ahead for you and me.  Nothing is unknown to him.  Remembering that can give us great comfort when we're about to step off the edge, into something new.  God knows.

So embrace the adventure that God has set before you, knowing in your heart that He has a plan for your life, and if you'll put one foot in front of the other (even if you're nervous about it), He'll get you exactly where you need to be to do you and Him the most possible good. Whatever lies before you, allow God's peace to guide you, and like Abraham, just say, "Yes" when He says, "Go".

Remember, there's a first time for everything.  And it might just be the best time of your life!

Monday, July 13, 2009

WEEKEND UPDATE July 12th, 2009

Hey guys, what a huge day at Crossroads yesterday.  Many firsts for our church and much to talk about.  Here's a few quick takes from the day:
  1. Over a DOZEN people redidicated their lives to Christ in response to yesterday's service. No bigger take-away than that!
  2. Record attendance day.  We had 218 in service yesterday.  They (whoever "they" are) say that 80% of churches that fail to reach 200 in attendance in the first 18 months...never do. We launched 11 months ago and God just threw us over another growth hurdle.  Yea, God!
  3. We have seen a HUGE mid-summer bump from Freedom Fest.  So grateful for all the families and singles we got to meet that day!
  4. Seeing people really hook up with the vision of Crossroads and inviting BIG is so encouraging!
  5. Worship was smashing yesterday.  In the last few weeks the musical worship experience at Crossroads has grown by leaps and bounds.  It's cool seeing our worship leaders and band really connecting with the crowd, leading us all in awesome God moments.  Great job guys!
  6. I say this often, but our children's ministry at Crossroads is off the chain!  We are so fortunate to have such dedicated staff and volunteers in that area.  Your kids are having the time of their lives in the Filling Station and Big Wheels Pre-School!
  7. Well, I waited a bit to get to this one, it was personally so special to have Leslie join me on the platform yesterday for the first time, to share about Love and Respect in the context of marriage. She is the love of my life, and I thought she did a great job sharing what God put on her heart.  Heard TONS of positive comments on the service from young couples.  We love you guys, and believe in what God is doing in your marriage's!
  8. Awesome get-together last night at the Annex celebrating the engagement of Chris and Allie!
  9. Now to the hard part...   We had the privilege of praying yesterday for Chris Vincent and Allie Jette on the occasion of their last Sunday at Crossroads.  Whew, this is tough, folks.  Serving these guys has been an honor, and we have been doubly honored by getting to see the miracle of LOVE that God has performed in their lives over the past five months.  As hard as it is to let them go, we rejoice in their future together, knowing the God is at the center of their relationship, and that they will do GREAT things for the Kingdom of God in the Northeast part of the country.  New Hampshire, you need to get ready, because we are sending you the love of God in an absolutely ELECTRIC human package in Chris and Allie!  They are history-makers and life-changers.  They have touched the lives of EVERYONE they have met at Crossroads and we are all better off for knowing them!  Not saying, "goodbye"...just saying instead, "see you soon".
God, I thank you for what you are doing in our lives, in our community, and in the church that you are building at Crossroads.  May we learn to love others the way you love us.  May we share Christ at every opportunity.  May those opportunities be ever-expanding and may the life change we experience and see in others be ever-increasing.

Have a GREAT week!

Friday, July 10, 2009


Hey guys, Leslie and I took a couple of days earlier in the week and headed up to The Sticks Roundtable Conference in Decatur, Alabama.  The Sticks is a conference of church planters who have launched churches in towns of 50,000 or less.  No big names, no outrageous budgets, just a bunch of regular folks doing the work in small towns just like Enterprise. Many highlights including hearing from Charles Hill who pastored a church of 1400 in a town of 8000 people!  Many thanks to Pastor Dave Anderson and the great staff of Crosspoint Church in Decatur for hosting the event.

I want to encourage everyone to BRING SCHOOL SUPPLIES this Sunday to Crossroads that we'll pass out in Crossroads-provided backpacks to kids at our Block Party for the neighborhood behind the College Cinema on August 8th.  It's a great opportunity to meet the needs of someone else. Don't pass it up.

Also, a heads up for you, Crossroads will be holding our very first membership class on July 26th from 4PM-6PM at the Annex.  The class is called ROADIES 101.  If you want to learn more about the history and the vision of Crossroads and get involved at a whole 'nutha level, we encourage you to sign up in the lobby and attend.  It'll be awesome!

Can't wait to see you all this Sunday for Part 2 of our continuing series "SIZZLE - Making Your Marriage Hot".  This weeks message: Season with Love & Respect.  If you missed last weeks message click HERE and give it a listen, or sign up receive each podcast with an itunes or RSS subscription.  That way, even when you're gone, you never miss a week!

Have a great weekend, see you Sunday morning!

Monday, July 6, 2009


What a fantastic weekend at Crossroads.  So many things good things cooking Friday through Sunday.  One of my favorite weekends since we started doing this.  Here's a few reasons why:
  1. Since this time last year we have looked forward to Freedom Fest at Fort Rucker.  It is a HUGE event for Crossroads! 
  2. Our booth was awesome, and I was blown away by how hard everyone worked to make it special.  Roadies met up at the Annex at 0900 and many stayed right through until 11PM that night.  Thanks to all who gave their entire weekend for the cause of Christ.  Special thanks to Dan and Shayla who headed up our efforts made the event a raging success!
  3. My favorite thing about Freedom Fest is meeting people!  We met hundreds and hundreds of new faces, new families all with a story to tell.  Connecting with people in our community, and introducing Crossroads as a place for THEM to hook up with God and other people is what it's all about!
  4. Sunday morning, we saw the fruit of the hard work put in by so many, when people by the dozens whom we'd met at Freedom Fest came pouring through Crossroads front doors at the College Cinema!
  5. Tons of first-time attenders on Sunday!
  6. Here's the cool part, dozens of regular attenders were on vacation this weekend.  Add them to the mix and all of a sudden Crossroads breaks the 200 barrier!  SWEET!
  7. Guys, all of that is great, but what happened in the lives of those attending on Sunday was far greater. MANY people made decisions to rededicate their lives to Christ, adding to the amazing number of folks who have made similar decisions since coming to Crossroads.
  8. LOVED Sunday's service from start to finish.  The worship, the video segments, Natalie and Ben communicating with the people, the energy in the room was fantastic, and having my well-worn BBQ on stage to dance with to the tune of 'Let's Get It On' was EPIC!
  9. I personally felt like Sunday's message on the marriage covenant really hit home for many, many people in attendance.  I encourage everyone to attend every message in this four-part series!
  10. GREAT new ORIGINAL worship tune by Nic McElveen and the band.  Great job by our worship team connecting with the crowd.  Great to have Janna back, too!
  11. I can't blabber enough about how special this weekend was, and I think it's just part of the HUGE momentum that is building at Crossroads as we head into the Fall!
Have a fantastic week, and be sure to stop in at our website to check out Sundays podcast if you missed it.  

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A Moving Tribute

I'm in a somewhat giggly mood this afternoon.  You guys ever hear that old song by Micheal W. Smith about Friends?  You know:
     Friends are friends forever, if the Lord's the Lord of them,
      And a friend will not say never, 'cause the welcome never ends.

Oh, I know the sentiment is really sweet and it's absolutely true that friends in Christ are more than friends, they are brothers and sisters, and because we're going to spend eternity together, we're really not ever saying goodbye when this one moves across the country, or that one takes a new job, or goes to work at a different church, or even dies, but I'm laughing today (I told you I was giggly this afternoon), as I approach 1000 followers on twitter (999 right now) about the really deep level of connection I have with every single one of them. In fact, they are my closest friends.  True friends.  Not.

I'm am actually an experiment in social media that has gone horribly wrong.  See, when I got on twitter almost 16 months ago, there were hardly a quarter million people in the WORLD doing it, and when someone followed you, and you followed them back, it actually meant something. I LIKED that.  My first 100 or so followers on twitter actually ARE real friends.  And there are probably another 200 or so that are either friends of friends, or they are people with which I share a common interest.  Who are these other people?  I'm afraid they are mostly people that are far more interested in me knowing them, than in knowing me.  I don't blame them.  That's just the way it is.

Whether you have 100, 1000, 100,000 or more than a million followers (though some of you may have fans, accounting for those very large numbers of followers, and though some of you "collect" followers just to have large numbers, who could blame you)  I think the TRUTH is, we all probably have about the same number of friends - you know, ACTUAL friends, even true friends or close friends.  So here's what I'm going to do as a tribute to those who are actually my friends:

As soon as my number of followers on twitter has stabilized at 1000 (probably in the next couple of days), I am going to un-follow anyone who isn't an attender at Crossroads or a close friend, or even a friend of a friend, or someone with whom I share a common interest.  I think it will take about 36 hours for five to six hundred people bail on our "friendship".  Social media...kiss my butt.
Hey, being Italian, my favorite expression about friends is this: 
     A friend will help you move
    A real friend will help you move the body.  

I thank God for all my real friends at Crossroads.  I'll know exactly who to call if there's a body to move.