Monday, July 27, 2009

Weekend Update 072609

Incredible, fantastic, stupendous (insert your favorite adjective here) weekend at Crossroads!  We wrapped up our July series SIZZLE, and held our very first membership class ROADIES 101! What a banner day!  Here's a few quick takes on the weekend:
  1. First and foremost, many made decisions to recommit their lives to Christ!
  2. Biggest crowd EVER (even in the long hot months of July - a time of year churches aren't "supposed" to grow).  237 people attended Crossroads yesterday!  Can I get a "Woot!"
  3. Worship was off the chain yesterday.  The band sounded better than ever/  Great job by everyone!
  4. The lobby experience was warm and welcoming as always. Made even more special by the size of yesterday's crowd. LOVE the new strawberry infused cinnamon rolls, yeah!
  5. Had the privilege of sharing the most uncomfortable message I have ever preached, to our largest crowd ever with TONS of first-time attenders.  I talked about S-E-X!
  6. I could feel the tension of many pushing back at Paul's call in 1 Thessalonians 4 to be "sanctified" and to "avoid sexual immorality".
  7. I felt like I was walking through a mine-field at times.  Big jokes...small laughs.  It simply proves something we ALL already know about US.  We do not like God to get involved in our pocketbooks or our bedrooms.  HE wants to be involved in EVERY aspect of our lives.
  8. We ended strong asking people to make a commitment to sexual purity outside of marriage - and to bring their "A-Game" to their sex life inside the marriage covenant by drawing closer to God so that we - as husband and wife - can enjoy the total sexual fulfillment God had in mind for us when He made sex physical, emotional and spiritual.  
  9. Bottom line: tough message to preach, tough message to hear, but we have God's grace.  His love for all of us helped us receive this strong message.  The Holy Spirit in us will help us to walk it out.
  10. So encouraged by the turnout at our very first membership class, ROADIES 101.  60 people took the plunge by attending the class and signing Crossroads membership covenant!
  11. It was weird - but VERY cool - to be sharing from the platform at the Annex again!  What a thrill.
  12. Rio de Vida (River of Life) the Spanish=speaking church plant we are helping to launch, held their first launch team meeting yesterday morning at the Annex, while we were meeting at the College Cinema!  What a thrill to be involved in the Extreme Sport of Church Planting!
Many other great things took place yesterday in our midst.  It was a good, good day. Remember this week as you rub shoulders with those in your world, there's a really great church in Enterprise that wants to love them and help them grow to be all God intended! Pass out invite cards and BRING THE UNCHURCHED back with you next Sunday.

Have a GREAT week!  Peace.



  1. Man I am blown away at all of the happenings at Crossroads and am stoked for my fam there in Enterprise! Know this that Allie and I pray for all of you continually and I won't waste any time telling you how much we miss you all! The picture of Roadies 101 taken by Max made both of us get misty eyed as we knew what was taking place! Life change with a Roadie flavor to it! Connecting to God and connecting with each other, it's what life is all about! Thanks for the update and know that Allie and I hang on every word you put in the update so keep up the good work and know that we love you all!


  2. What a thrilling day at Crossroads! Cinema One was electric as the crowd worshipped together! Thank God for the truth,light, guidance, and correction in His word. Many were challenged, many were reassured, but everyone was affected by your message on Sunday morning.

    I loved being back in the Annex sanctuary for Roadies 101! I felt the same rush of excitement I experienced when our launch team held our first service there on Easter Sunday 2008. I couldn't hold back the joy-tears as we watched the video of our May Beach, BBQ, and Baptism. And, as you shared Crossroads history, and our vision for the future, I was so thankful we are doing this together. So glad you brought (dragged?) me along for the ride.

  3. Leslie, Im so glad that you got brought (dragged) along for the ride! Love you both!

  4. Appreciated the message. Just shows how crossroads can bring relevant messages with unwavering biblical truths.

    Brian Gullo


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