Friday, August 29, 2008


Don't know about you, but this has been a particularly weird week for me.  I had to go places and do things all week and I basically went from last Friday morning to Tuesday night with little or no sleep at all.  I am so flipping flapping tired this afternoon I can barely keep my chin off my chest.  

It's like the week finally caught up with me, and now it's pointing it's boney finger in my face as it leaps up and down taunting me with the refrain, "Who's the man, now? Huh! Who? Who? Say it!  It's me! That's right.  I'm the Week and I kicked your butt!"  

I hate weeks like that. They're so obnoxious and pushy, and they get so puffed up when they think they beat you.  But I have news for this week.  It's over tomorrow night, and I'm sleeping tonight!

Oh, and by the way - Mister "I'm the Week that kicked your butt" - we start a NEW WEEK Sunday morning.  Your reign of terror will be over, and once again I WILL RISE VICTORIOUS!!


Eyes On The Road, Hands On The Wheel

Okay, what's worse. Getting a speeding ticket on the same day that you wreck your mom's Toyota Corolla because you passed out from singing 'Break Free' at the top of your lungs and veered over into the oncoming lane of traffic and hit the rear end of a Ford F-350...or having your dad blog about it?  Hmm...tough decision, but I vote for having your dad blog about it.  So I will.

Sorry we haven't had much action on the blog front in the last couple of days.  Been pretty exciting around here.  Number one, thank God that Sam wasn't listening to Sandy Patty or Carmen!  Number two, thank God for keeping him and all my kids, and all YOUR kids, safe.

Have a safe day.  Pay attention.  Drive defensively.  And don't do the whole head-banging thing while you're behind the wheel of your car.  I thought we talked about this last Sunday! Ha, ha! Get your praise on, but don't break the law - or pass out - while you're doing it.

Love you guys.  Invite big for the weekend.  See you Sunday.  Final episode of LOST. Gonna be good!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Scary Words for something entirely different.  And weird.  Are there words that you have some sort of unexplainable aversion to?  I was talking to a couple of friends tonight, and we were noting that certain people we know HATE the sound of certain words.

This dislike of certain words - according to one of my friends - is not situational, or environmental, and is completely random and devoid of any underlying cause.  I disagree. My reason for disagreeing is fully supported by the fact that I have no such irrational aversion to any particular word, but I have an extraordinary loathing for one word, in particular, that is completely experiential.

I asked one of my friends if they had a word like that.  You know, that make their toes curl up inside their shoes.  The answer came not from the friend, but from the friends cohort who sold him out with little hesitation.  It was awesome!   

What's your word?  What's a word that if you hear someone say it - it sends chills up and down your spine? Ewww!  C'mon, this'll be fun.  You get to type the word you hate and post it anonymously (so I can't torment you with it later).

Sound off. What's your word?

Here - I'll be a good sport, and get things rolling.  Mine? Rotavirus (ick!).

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


I'll admit it.  I'm a junkie for the weekend.  I LOVE attending Crossroads.  But not just because I get to preach there.  No, when we sat down over a year ago and began dreaming with God what church could be like, what we were dreaming wasn't a place to preach and play music that hopefully some people would come to so we could justify doing it.  It was a place we wanted to attend!  

I believe we're starting to see those dreams come into being. And it's a great deal of fun!  I look forward to going each week where I get to see old friends and meet new ones.  (I swear it's not for the donuts, I haven't had one in a couple of weeks!)  I just really dig the vibe there.  Yeah, we have technical bugs and glitches to work out and we're learning week by week what they are - but Crossroads is making my church attending experience fun, enjoyable and meaningful. I'll deal with the bugs and glitches, 'cause I can't wait to see what happens next!  

So many cool opportunities coming up.  Like September 14th.  Finally, church membership! If you've been wondering about it, stop wondering.  Sunday September 14th, we'll have our first membership class for Crossroads at 5:00 PM at the Annex (more info later).  

This is an exciting time at Crossroads and a great time to invite people.  This coming Sunday August 31st will be our final episode in our current series LOST.  Check it out.  The theme of the message is this: CLEAN SLATE (It's Never Too Late To Be Who You Might Have Been)!  

Invite someone to LOVE this week!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Blame It On The Rain

Just a quick note because I have to scram out of town in the wee hours of Monday morning.  

Kudos to all who braved the leftovers of tropical storm Fay and joined us for service today. It was a great crowd and a great service!  Yeah, some people stayed home, 'cause they didn't want to melt, but we had a big day and we look forward to their return next week.  

Got our podcast issues worked out from last week. Podcast from Sundays service is edited and should be posted sometime Monday night.  Check back!  

Have a tremendous week and remember to put into practice what we talked about Sunday. Each day: Talk about Him, Sing to Him, Read from the Word, and Pray.  

I'll be reading from Paul's letter to the Ephesians tomorrow, and praying for peace in the homes of all who attend Crossroads.  You guys ROCK!  More Later...

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Luke chapter 15 records Jesus "lost" parables (as in lost sheep, lost coin, lost son). Though the importance of these parables cannot be overstated, I think my favorite part of the chapter is verse one:

"Tax collectors and other notorious sinners often came to listen to Jesus teach".

How cool is that? Notorious sinners. Sounds a lot like you and me without Christ, yeah?

Not to make too big a deal out of this, but doesn't it seem like the presence of notorious sinners at church should be something that we earnestly desire? Like all the time? I don't know about you, but I was a notorious sinner back in the day. Literally, I had a reputation, among those who knew me that was largely based on the way I lived my life. And I lived a pretty ragged life.

But I remember - long before I trusted Christ - hearing the Word of God preached by various guys on television, and shared one on one by people I trusted. Though I was a confirmed sinner, I remember how hearing the words they spoke made me feel good. Made me feel peaceful. I couldn't have known then that the words they were speaking were breaking up the hard ground of my heart.

Part of the "groundbreaking" work we will continue to do at Crossroads in the months and years to come, will require recieving and welcoming "notorious sinners" in our midst. What a thrill! I love sinners, and I can't think of anyone I'd rather spend my time with. How about you?

Groundbreaking weekend coming. Decisions will be made. Grab a shovel and invite big.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

New Community

I am so excited about the Crossroads community.  Doing CHURCH together is one thing (and it's certainly a good thing at Crossroads), but it seems like each day, the more connected people become, the more we begin to share the experience of doing LIFE together.  I wondered what it would feel like.  I think I'm beginning to find out.

Maybe it's getting to share with moms and granddads and couples the joy of bringing new babies into the world.  Maybe it's getting to talk to someone you haven't seen in a few weeks. Maybe it's sharing with another pastor how things are going at Crossroads. Maybe it's hearing how difficult things are for someone and having a chance to pray with them.  Maybe it's hearing about a new job someone just got and being able to rejoice with them.  Maybe it's all of those things.  Maybe it's the growing realization that community is about more than a bunch of people gathering at a movie theatre on Sunday morning.

How much more SPECIAL it is when we DO gather to worship together, when you find that you are emotionally and relationally invested in the lives of the people you're worshipping with!  Together we are experiencing what happens when God forms a new community.  (Not coincidentally, it seems very similar to the birth of a new child!)   

Call someone from Crossroads tomorrow and tell them you love them.  And invite someone you don't know to celebrate with us on Sunday! 

Monday, August 18, 2008

By the way...

Due to the technical difficulties we experienced on Sunday, we will not be able to post a podcast of Sunday's service to the website at this time.

We are working to resolve this issue...

Ever seen "it"? (CLICK ON THE PIC)

With apologies to Jeff (not pictured - except for part of his guitar), this is what "it" looks like.

Thank you, God, for bringing "it" to Crossroads.

(Don't worry Jeff, you're a big part of "it".)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Murphy, schmurphy!

What a great day Sunday! It was so encouraging to see so many people show up to do the work early in the morning, and equally encouraging to see the crowd at Crossroads stay strong after launch.  

We started the first week of our new series LOST, and we couldn't have had MORE technical problems. But everyone did a great job adapting to the difficulties.  I am confident that we'll figure out a way to keep Murphy locked up in the future (or at least have him focused on different areas other than our sound and video).  

Actually, with the sound problems we had, I got to use an old technique I learned many years ago. Growing up in the theatre, I learned how to project my voice using my diaphragm. (When you hear your voice bounce off the back wall, you know everyone in the room can hear you!). It was a lot of fun, and by the grace of God we took a tough situation and really had a fantastic service! It was great connecting with the crowd without a PA. Hey, here's a great take-away from that service for ALL of us: If your pastor can't preach a clear message without a PA, lights and video...he needs to find another job, right?  Ha, ha!  

Roadies, you guys rock!  And I can't imagine how cool this will be to experience when we get the bugs worked out of it!  If you were a first-time attender at Crossroads this week or last week BLESS YOU!  We are working around the clock to make your church experience a pleasant one, and to help you have a quality encounter with the life changing power of God's Word!  

Have a GREAT week and keep coming back

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Launch Part Deux

Have you ever been lost?  I'm not talking about being shipwrecked or marooned on a deserted island.  When you were a little kid, did you ever get separated - even if it was just for an instant - from your mom or dad, like when you were at a store or someplace, and this wave of sheer terror washes over you as you realize that you are alone?  Have you ever experienced anything like that?  

Well here's the deal, that terror that washed over you, that fear that gripped you, that anxiety that made your heart pound through your chest and brought tears to your eyes is the REALIZATION OF SEPARATION.  And little brings greater fear for a human being.  

But did you know that the anxiety, the fear, the terror is the same (actually, worse) for the one you became separated from as it was for you?  The REALIZATION OF SEPARATION is ultimately even MORE painful for the one that's looking as it is for the one that's LOST.  

That's why, when they FIND you...the celebration is so GREAT!  When I was a kid it happened to me.  Looking back, the funny thing was my mother going back and forth between hugging the stuffing out of me and crying out, "I love you SO much!"  And grabbing me by the shoulders and with the sternest of warnings, yelling at me "Don't EVER do that again!"  

Ahh...the emotional roller-coaster of parenting!  What must it be like for our Father in Heaven who watches us try in vain to disappear from His view?  Though never truly LOST from His watchful eye, how all of heaven rejoices when we decide to step from our hiding place in the darkness into the light of His glory!  Woo-hoo!!  

Invite someone to LOVE this week.  It's going to be great!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

He Promised

The Lord is my light and my salvation - 
so why should I be afraid?
The Lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger,
so why should I tremble?
      (Psalm 27:1, NLT)  

When times are tough, whether we're facing financial strain, emotional turmoil, or difficulty in relationships, God's desire is that we would be confident in His protection and provision.  

When we're paying over $3.50 for a gallon of gas, when the housing market is tumbling, when there is uncertainty, war and famine in every corner of the world, when the things we are expecting are slow in coming, when the difficulties of everyday life threaten to strain our relationships to the breaking point: THAT'S the time.  

"That's the time for what", you ask?  That's the time to take a deep breath (count to five if you have to) and remember that God is our light in the darkest place, our shelter from the storms of life, our protection from those who mean to do us harm, and the One who knows just where we are, when we feel like we are lost.  

Each Sunday for the rest of the month, in our new series LOST, we're going to go eyeball to eyeball with the worst the world has to throw at us, and see that God is still God in EVERY situation.  Not some situations...EVERY situation.  And God has PROMISED his guidance and protection not just in the best of times, but in the worst of times as well.  

Invite someone to love this weekend!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Sophomore Slump? Not Necessary!

Years ago I made may living as a professional entertainer (actor/singer-type) before I got in the rock and roll business full-time.  I did over 2000 performances in one particular theatre over a period of several years.  Each show would run about 8 weeks, and then we'd rehearse during the day to get ready to open a new show.  We'd all work our butts off to the point of exhaustion for Opening Night.  

It was always exhilarating.  The theatre would be buzzing with the electricity of excited theatre-goers anxious for the curtain to come up.  The Opening Night crowd was always so supportive, and after all the hard work that went into preparing, it was always a rush to do the first show. A large celebration always followed during which everyone would receive kudos and props for all their hard work and solid performances.  Then we'd have to do it all again the next night. 

The Second Night almost always flopped.  People were worn out.  All the big first night supporters went back to where they came from.  But we still had to go out there and do it for all we were worth.  It just seemed that the second night always fell far short of opening night.

Well, Crossroads ain't showbiz (thank God for that), but many of the same principles apply. We launched strong with 172.  Frankly, I don't expect those numbers for our second service, as at least 30 of them came from other churches. But I do believe that there are some practical things we can do to avoid the "second night slump".

First - this week - call all the people you invited the first week who didn't show up and invite them again.  Then call all the people you invited who did show up, and ask them what they thought, and invite them to come back.  Let's be even more dedicated to the idea of compelling folks to come then we were for launch.  That'll help in a big, big way.

Second, get some rest.  And after you have rested, commit yourself to elevate the level of your personal performance this coming weekend.  Whether you were tasked with sweeping, stacking, putting up platforms, making coffee, singing, working with children, running sound, hanging signs, or any of a hundred other jobs that got done - your personal commitment to excellence will have a MAJOR impact on what happens at Crossroads this weekend.

Third...pray.  Pray for God's help to reach the people He has called us to reach.  Pray that our efforts to compel others bear great fruit for the kingdom of God.  

Guys, I have personally set my faith on having an opportunity to minister to at least 130 people on Sunday, as we start our new series!  Pray and believe God with me!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Blast Off, First Pic

"Is this the biggest rocket you guys could find?"

Launching Large

Guys, that was textbook!

172 in attendance. 

I am humbled and I am so proud of our Launch Team - all the faithful Roadies that came from the Annex.  You are my heros. You totally 'get' the process and the purpose for Crossroads!  

By the way, we launched large with virtually no advertising.  Word of mouth is pretty powerful, huh?  Love you guys.  Get some rest, and let's get ready for next week.  Me and Leslie are off to Ocala for our final coaching network meeting with Hal Mayer.  We start a new network with Ron Sylvia next week.  It couldn't come at a better time.  We'll learn strategies to move Crossroads forward at the next level.  

"Thank you" is completely insufficient to express my gratitude for everyone's hard work. Today was your victory.  Now let's take it forward.  Six people re-committed their lives to Christ today!  We're on the right track.

Talk to you when we get back late Tuesday night.   

Saturday, August 9, 2008


What?  Are you kidding me?  Dude.  We are putting it ALL IN this weekend. Everything we have for Crossroads LAUNCH on Sunday August 10th at the College Cinema. Who can write? TOTALLY STOKED. Completely tasked right now.  

Incredible set-up and run-through this morning. About 35 "Roadies" on hand to make it happen. (Now you know why we're called "Roadies", right?).  

See you Sunday morning!  We'll Blog about it Sunday night.  Peace.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Humpday Night

Great news!  I didn't run in to anyone with anything today! But it was a Wednesday from start to finish.  A little rough, but we're on the backside of the week now, rolling into Launch.  

I trust everyone out there is inviting like never before.  I've heard some fantastic reports from people about the responses they've gotten from folks they have invited.  It's real encouraging.  I just want to stir you up to keep up the great work. Thursday and Friday are BIG days to invite people for the weekend 'cause it's easier for them to remember the event than if you tell them on Monday or Tuesday. Go ahead and reconfirm with people as the week draws to a close.  They won't be annoyed, and it might help them to remember.  

On a related note, I just want to give a shout out to Clark, Charlie, Miss Mary, Andrea and all the great folks at the College Cinema!  Mack Clark (call him "Clark") has been unbelievably fantastic to work with on our Launch, and continued use of his theatre facility!  I am truly humbled and very grateful for his interest and support in what Crossroads is doing in Enterprise.  

Guys, the countdown clock says we have a little more than 3 days before we launch.  Are you feeling it?  I know I am.  I am stoked beyond all measure. Completely off the scale.  Will tested out our new gazillion-dollar projector in Cinema One tonight, with HUGE results. Prepare to be stunned.   

Remember Youth Service tomorrow night at 7PM at The Annex (THE GARAGE).  See you there!  
Have a great day tomorrow!       

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

We're A Hit!

Will I never run out of ways to prove my own stupidity?  Leslie and I hitched up my big trailer to the old suburban, loaded my bike, and headed to Dothan for some tire repair at the Harley shop. About halfway there, we pulled into the Pig Stop (great barbecue on Hwy 84) for a bite to eat with a faithful Xroads staffer.  

We're enjoying lunch, and in walks a very energetic and pleasant guy whose wife works with our lunch mate. We get introduced.  About then, his wife shows up, who I'd met before at the workplace of said faithful staffer. We have a GREAT, if quick, conversation. Turns out, she listens regularly to the podcasts on our website. They have been wanting to come visit Crossroads. I say, "Great!", and proceed to tell them about our Launch at the College Cinema on August 10th.  

We seemed to have a good connection, and they said they wanted to come.  I knew they lived some distance from Enterprise and remarked on it.  To which he replied, "No distance is too great to travel for the Lord". I thought, "Wow".  Now I'm stoked.  They're coming, they're excited, it was a great opportunity to connect. Praise God! Great lunch!  

As I pull out of the parking lot of the Pig Stop, I make a sharp turn around the front of their brand new Dodge Nitro...forgetting I'm pulling a 16' enclosed trailer. Should I go on?

CAR-RUNCH!!! I raked the front of their brand new SUV with my trailer fender, putting a severe - and expensive - dent in the right hand side.  

Sheepishly, I went back into the restaurant to tell them what I had done.  They looked a little rattled, but I gave them my insurance information.  He called me later offering to get an estimate before reporting it to his insurance company, which I thought was a real fine gesture considering how I messed up their day.  If they come on Sunday, I'm putting them in charge of something!  

A personal message:  "Guys, if you are reading this - I hope to run into you again, soon.  Just not literally this time!"

Monday, August 4, 2008


To see the Press Conference video from Sunday morning's service.  Funny!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Just One Time...

Another great day.
If this keeps up (which it apparently will) I'm going to have to start making up adjectives.

We had a slamgoogly experience at Crossroads. It was completely gernacious!  The proficious crowd brought forth an offering with repostic generosity. Worship was positively rundaffic!  Or words to that effect...  

Seriously, I can't begin to describe the joy - the overwhelming joy - we experienced this week leading up to our final Sunday morning service at the Annex.  God is doing something BIG in our community, and He is letting us in on it.  I'm just humbled to be a part of it.  In my minds eye, I see the faces of each and every person that has contributed their time, talent and treasure over the past six months to get Crossroads off the ground, and I feel like the most fortunate man on the planet.  

Go...Love...Serve this week in your world.  Share what God is sharing with us.  Invite people to come along side and get in on what God is doing at Crossroads.  You know, I think we are zeroing in on something pretty cool, and I've never experienced it before.  It's rare.  It's the elusive thing that church planters hope and pray for.  It's the vibe, the momentum, the sheer power of word-of-mouth; and it only happens in the kind of environment where all you have to do is get someone to come for the FIRST TIME.  Just get them there.  All we need is one chance.  And they'll come back on their own.  

Compel people to attend our Launch next Sunday at the College Cinema as if their life depended on it.  It very well may. like the pic? Click on it to make it BIG.  
Shades of things to come...  

Saturday, August 2, 2008

A Great Day!

Had our first tech rehearsal at the College Cinema today.  It was fantastic.  It's like God is just paving our road with favor from everyone.  Thanks to Brett Himes for the use of the sound gear! Thanks to Will & Nat, DJ Dave, Justin, Sam, Chris & Jessie, Brent & Brian, and Hollie and the boys, and anyone I forgot to name (it happens, I'm old)!  Your quick work, made quick work, out of our work today.

Great news: It looks like we can store 100% of everything we need to do church ON-SITE! This is HUGE.  No load-in and load-out on Sunday mornings!  Everything is shaping up great for our first run-through next Saturday and our Launch on August 10th.

Look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow morning for our last Sunday morning service at the Annex.  Bring a friend - or better yet, an enemy - it's going to be a great time.  Also, staff, leaders, and ALL volunteers don't forget to be at the Annex at 4PM tomorrow as we get lined out for the week ahead in preparation for lift-off!

God is GREAT!  Invite someone to love to tomorrows service!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Big Week - More To Come

I am humbled.  Totally.  It's late Friday.  Last Sunday I presented a challenge.  I told you we were two weeks and $6,000 away from Launch on August 10th.  This week was tough, but God showed Himself strong on our behalf.  Through good moments and bad, God revealed Himself to be the God of every minute, of every hour of every day.

On Monday we got a pledge for $2100
On Tuesday we got an offering of $500
On Wednesday we got an offering of $250 and a new futon for the Garage
On Thursday we got an offering of $2100
On Thursday the pledged amount of $2100 came through on-line, plus $100
On Thursday we got an on-line donation of $500
On Thursday we got an on-line donation of $112
On Friday we got an offering of $1000

That's $6.662. And a new futon.

Everybody say, "YEAH!"

Guys, incredibly over $5000 of that came from OUTSIDE Crossroads. But I want to encourage all who attend to give BIG this Sunday and lets get out in front of Launch, have the equipment and materials we need, our bills paid, and our best foot FORWARD as we open our doors to Enterprise.