Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Scary Words for something entirely different.  And weird.  Are there words that you have some sort of unexplainable aversion to?  I was talking to a couple of friends tonight, and we were noting that certain people we know HATE the sound of certain words.

This dislike of certain words - according to one of my friends - is not situational, or environmental, and is completely random and devoid of any underlying cause.  I disagree. My reason for disagreeing is fully supported by the fact that I have no such irrational aversion to any particular word, but I have an extraordinary loathing for one word, in particular, that is completely experiential.

I asked one of my friends if they had a word like that.  You know, that make their toes curl up inside their shoes.  The answer came not from the friend, but from the friends cohort who sold him out with little hesitation.  It was awesome!   

What's your word?  What's a word that if you hear someone say it - it sends chills up and down your spine? Ewww!  C'mon, this'll be fun.  You get to type the word you hate and post it anonymously (so I can't torment you with it later).

Sound off. What's your word?

Here - I'll be a good sport, and get things rolling.  Mine? Rotavirus (ick!).

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