Friday, July 30, 2010


Hey guys, happy Friday night!  Kicking back tonight watching the X-Games with family.  Just wanted to pass on a quick heads-up.  This afternoon I had occasion to go to our Food Closet at the Annex to get some much-needed food for a single mom and her family and guess what was in there?  Virtually nothing.  Ugh!

We're going to be sharing a bit about our responsibility as followers of Jesus to feed hungry people, clothe naked people, shelter homeless people and care for widows and orphans this weekend as part of our continuing series ALMOST FAMOUS.  If you read this Blog, you can get a jump on everyone else this weekend and really help make Jesus famous in our community.  Here's how:  Check out the list below, take it to the grocery store on Saturday and pick up some or all of the items on the list and BRING THEM TO THE CINEMA ON SUNDAY.  What's on this list - with a few perishables added - will feed a family of four for a week.  These items make up our emergency food boxes that are so, so necessary.  So here you go, be a ROADIE and make a difference.  You'll be glad you did, and so will the people that are helped by your generosity.  Peace.

Brand is not important; product and size are

18 oz. Peanut Butter
32 oz. Jelly
28 oz. Green Beans/ 2 cans
29 oz. Corn/ 2 cans
15 oz. Peas/ 4 cans
13½ oz. Spinach/ 2 cans
40 oz. Yams
32 oz. Mashed Potatoes
7¼ oz. Macaroni & Cheese/ 5 boxes
5 lb. Rice
29 oz. Tomato Sauce/ 2 cans
1 lb. Spaghetti
1 lb. Red Beans/ 2 bags
12½ oz. Canned Chicken Breast
26 oz. Chicken Noodle Soup/ 2 cans
29 oz. Fruit Cocktail/ 2 cans
64 oz. Apple Juice
1 lb. Apple Sauce
15 oz. Raisins
18 oz Oatmeal

Total Cost to You $ 42.00

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Youth Pastors Chris and Jessie Brooks took a group of Crossroads teens for a quick getaway at Lake Tholocco earlier this week.  Today's post gives Chris some space to talk about a a few of the things he brought back.  - Gene

Sunday the teens from Highway 68 and the Underground went out to Lake Tholocco for a 3-day retreat called Blank Canvas. It was incredible!!  Here were some of the awesome things that happened this weekend! 
  • Swimming was a blast! water-slides, and a giant floating trampoline to jump on (and off) of!  
  • Road (and raced) Kayaks and paddle boats!  
  • Battle-royale in the woods!!! we took waterguns into the woods and played games of Capture-the-flag, VIP, and attack-defend.  
  • Early monday morning, we went on a 3.5 mile hike, followed by a morning devotional at the end of the hike by the lake. Beautiful backdrop for a conversation about our heavenly Father. 
  • Campfire at night, roasting hotdogs and making smores and telling stories! doesn't get much better than that . 
  • We learned about just how real our relationship with God can be by keeping journals about it, and reading the journal of one man's encounter with God. His name was David, and The journal tracking His ongoing relationship with His Father was the Psalms.  
  • Best thing of all- forging positive friendships!  Finally- discovering that we, at Crossroads, do indeed have the coolest teens on the planet!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Great service Sunday morning at Crossroads! Here's a few quick hits:

  • We sure missed Pastor Gene and the Oden family on Sunday. We’re looking forward to seeing them back rested next week from a short get-a-way.  
  • Jonathan Cutrell stepped in with the worship band on lead guitar and did a phenomenal job.  
  • I noticed that some of our new volunteers have been connecting with other Roadies. That’s one of the great things about volunteering in our Sunday morning services, we have the opportunity to hang-out with some great people.  
  • The band did a fantastic job with worship this morning. A big thank you to Janna, Nic, and the band for making the worship experience at Crossroads incredible.  
  • I was stoked to let the congregation know that we are officially accepting our I Love My Church Building Drive pledges. I am inspired to see what God is doing at Crossroads.  
  • Oprah is famous and Robert Matthew Van Winkle (Vanilla Ice) is Almost Famous.  
  • I brought my best Jr. High dance moves to the stage on Sunday.  
  • It was a privilege to speak Sunday morning and it was awesome starting off our new 3-week series, Almost Famous. This is going to be an incredible set of teachings that will show us how we can make Jesus famous in our LIVES, in our COMMUNITY, and in our WORLD.  
  • The Almost Famous roll-in was outstanding! Thanks Will!  
  • Here’s something for all of us to think about this week. The God-revealed and life-changing truth that Jesus is our Savior is no longer supposed to be a secret.  
  • Quotable quote: “If He’s not famous to you, He’s Almost Famous.”
  • Quotable quote #2:  “God takes full responsibility of us when we make our life a message.”
  • And my personal fave:  “God shouldn’t have to use x-ray vision to see our faith.”

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


We follow famous people.  Until they become almost famous.  We often take a positive interest in their stories and recognize their faces and enjoy their work, be it business, politics, music, film, sports, whatever.  We recognize that they are famous, but that fame can be fleeting.  Isn't it true that those people are only truly famous in our lives, our communities and our worlds until someone else comes along who is braver, or smarter, or better looking, or more talented? 

We eat our dead.  We relegate famous people to almost famous status with shocking speed and regularity.  Isn't it true that often times the interest we take in a soon-to-be-almost-famous person is sort  of macabre?  You know, like slowing down to take a good long look at a car wreck.  If we didn't buy-in to that as a society, Nancy Grace wouldn't have a job (what a GREAT idea!).   We mock our former famous heroes, or fein shock at their behavior, or speak derisively about them, or applaud ourselves with "I-told-you-so's" as they plummet from the lofty heights to which their fame had lifted them (think: Tiger Woods, Lindsey Lohan, John Edwards, Kenneth Lay, Martha Stewart, Mark Maguire, etc.).

How about those confounding almost famous people in the movies and on television that we know when we see them, or recognize them from other television and movie appearances, but we have ABSOLUTELY NO IDEA what their name is, but their face is so familiar.  In fact, isn't it true with many such almost famous people, that once having heard their name (which never resembles what we think it might be - think: James Rebhorn), that we can NEVER remember their name again?

How about this:  If Jesus - the actual Living Son of God - was on twitter (I don't know, maybe @theREALmessiah) would you "follow" him?  Would you retweet him?  Would you only retweet the things He said that you liked, or agreed with?  If Jesus only tweeted the "hard sayings", do you think people would "unfollow" Him?  Do we only actually "follow" famous people that say or do things that we like?  Would you "unfriend" Jesus on facebook if he posted: "You are from below; I am from above.  You are of this world.  I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your sins" (John 8:23-24)?  

Jesus was - and is - undeniably famous...for some.  Interesting how many times Jesus told people not to tell anyone about himself.  It's almost as if He wanted to remain almost famous until the time was right.  One time, one of his disciples answered Jesus' question, "Who do YOU say that I am?", with an answer so strong, so controversial, so dangerous that Jesus "strictly warned them not to tell anyone" (Luke 9:21).  

Amazing then, how all of that changed after the resurrection.  Jesus commanded us to go and tell and make disciples.  It's as if you and I are charged specifically with the responsibility of MAKING JESUS FAMOUS - in our LIVES, in our COMMUNITIES, and in our WORLD.  Hmm...

One thing for sure, He isn't famous until He's famous to you.  He's only...ALMOST FAMOUS.



Monday, July 19, 2010


Great service Sunday morning at Crossroads!  Here's a few quick hits:
  • First time attenders!!
  • Second time attenders!!
  • Third time attenders!!
  • People making life-changing decisions!!
  • These happen EVERY week and it's the reason we do this.  Thank you God!
  • I loved this series.  I was personally challenged by God every single week.  This was HUGE for all of us.  My prayer is that you came to a decision point in your own life, and that with God's help, you stay committed to the decision you made.
  • Many people over the past three weeks said, "God, I'm coming back to you.  I'm not running one more day!"
  • Many people on Sunday said, "God, I don't just want to surrender to Your will for ME.  I want to SURRENDER to Your will for the world!"
  • Sunday was the first time since our very first service at our house on February 3rd, 2008 that I tucked my shirt into my pants.  No particular reason.  Just did.
  • WOW-WOWIE-WOW!  With Elder pledges announced on Sunday, the total amount pledged so far for Phase One of the I Love My Church Building Drive is over $50,000!!!
  • Come on church, it's your turn.  For the next three weeks, you'll have an opportunity to submit YOUR pledge.  What an amazing opportunity to be an IMPORTANT PART of what God is doing in our community and in our world.  What a privilege to take a step in the direction of doing something meaningful and strategic with the resources God has blessed us with!  I can't WAIT until our College Cinema 2nd Anniversary Celebration to announce the total amount pledged!!
  • I'm considering tucking my shirt into my pants next week, too.
  • WORSHIP BAND ROCKED especially in the second service yesterday!  Great job by Nic and Janna at the end of the service, too!  Listen, if you're still reading this, then you will be among the very first to know that YOUR WORSHIP BAND is preparing something amazing JUST FOR YOU.  You're not going to believe your ears when you hear it.  What is it?  Can't tell you yet.  It's their surprise.  And it's coming very, very soon! 

Guys, just like you, I gotta get back to work.  It's Monday and I have more on my plate than I can handle right now.  Gotta get this workload pared down to size.  It's like my mother always says, "You eat an elephant one bite at a time".  Guess I'll take another bite.  Listen folks, help me out here.  Tomorrow morning, I'm heading down to Panama City to brief the ownership of the company I work for on my recent trip to Haiti.  They are interested in doing business down there.  I'm asking that you pray with me that if my company decides to pursue work in Haiti, we do so with corporate responsibility focused not only on profitability, but being a conduit for Christ in a very, very broken place.  Pray that the hearts of the ownership of my firm would be turned toward those who are poor and suffering.  Peace.

Friday, July 16, 2010

No Place Like Home

Got back this morning after having spent much of the week in Haiti, or traveling to it, or from it.  I saw so much during this trip, and experienced so many things, and spoke with and listened to so many people - the images and conversations burned into my heart and mind - that I am kind of on total overload right now.  I have many things to share and ultimately I will, but for now I'll keep it brief.  While my body arrived in Atlanta at 2 AM, the rest of me is still somewhere in transition.

One thing I am certain of though, and I can confidently share without thinking about it too much is this: You and I are fantastically blessed to live where we live and do what we do.  The most under-resourced among us is fantastically rich by comparison to the hundreds of thousands of Haitians living in the deplorable conditions that have created a culture crippling poverty inherited from centuries of brutal and corrupt leadership.  It was bad before the earthquake.  Real bad.  

I spent the bulk of my time with a group of people I referred to as "young Nehemiah's".  A cadre of young, energetic, Haitian-born leaders from all professional disciplines.  Educated in the United States and Europe - mostly all from a heritage of wealth and privilege, having the option to choose where they will live and what they will do - they, like Nehemiah, have come home to rebuild their country.  I am astounded by their dedication, their faith, and their willingness to sacrifice their lives in the service of a nation which is broken in every conceivable sense.  Truly inspiring. 

The provision of food, water and shelter continue to be of imminent importance to the masses displaced by the earthquake, and to those who were already living in unimaginable lack before the earthquake.  The UN, Red Cross and several hundred NGO's (non-governmental organizations) like Help Haiti Now are doing a remarkable job getting resources to those who need them. But the task at hand is so overwhelming, it seems to dwarf their ability to serve so many needy people.   

The long-term solutions to Haiti's problems are not going to come from movie stars serving in the tent cities, or politicians jetting in and out, or profit-hoarding contractors looking for a win-fall, or even from slick cable news anchors adorned in the coolest safari attire.  Where is the answer coming from?  From the young Nehemiah's who understand that 'to whom much is given, much will be required'.  My money's on them.

More on this later.  See you Sunday.   


Monday, July 12, 2010

WEEKEND UPDATE (A Beautiful Day)

Wow.  Don't really know where to start.  Happy Monday everyone!  This is the place in my Blog where on Monday morning I write an update with some quick takes from Sunday morning's service at Crossroads.  But yesterday was pretty much indescribable.  That said, let me take a crack at it:
  • I am blown away by God's goodness.
  • One Roadie tweeted: "Wow.  Really intense moment at church this morning.  But I loved every second of it."  I completely agree.
  • Dozens of people got up out of their seats, walked down to the front of the auditorium, fell to their knees, made their own personal altar before God, and vowed to stop running and change the direction of their lives, exchanging their will for His.  Don't know what else to say about it.  It was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced at Crossroads to date.
  • I have had a "God-buzz" ever since the 9AM service yesterday.
  • All morning long today, I have felt the personal, invisible, tangible, indescribable presence of God.  I am overwhelmed by His love for people.  People like you.  People like me.  It's like He is...right here.  And He's not here with us just to be here.  He's here to heal broken hearts, broken lives, broken relationships, broken people.  And He sent Jesus to deliver our lives from destruction.
  • I want to feel this way forever.
  • We were slammed yesterday.  We had our biggest attendance in about 6 weeks, and it couldn't have happened at a better time. (Almost as if it were planned.  Hmmm.)
  • I didn't get to see a lot of people yesterday.  I look forward to next week to connect.
  • HUGE congrats and WELCOME to our NEWEST NEW ROADIES!
I'm heading to Haiti tonight.  I'll be back in town midnight on Thursday.  I'm going on business, but since all of our business is clearly God's business, I look forward to whatever He wants me to see and share and experience.  God bless you and keep you this week as you walk out the changes you allowed God to make in your heart yesterday.  Peace.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


Because many of you asked, here's the vid of the church after Phase Five.

Crossroads Community Church from Crossroads Community Church on Vimeo.

Be sure to check out THIS PAGE on our website!!  Peace.


Can't wait for this weekend at Crossroads! At 9AM in Cinema Three we'll be holding our ROADIES 101 Class. If you want to become a member at Crossroads, or simply want to learn more about the church - where we've been and where we're going - then ROADIES 101 is for you. Don't worry if you haven't signed up, just show up, grab a cup of coffee and head down the Filling Station hallway to Cinema three and ROADIES 101!

Sunday morning at 9:00 and 10:30 join us for Part Two of our current series DEADLIEST CATCH. If you missed last Sunday, make sure you listen to the PODCAST of Part One and you'll be up to speed on one of the most exciting and relevant stories in the Bible, the Book of Jonah. It's a story of running. It's Jonah's story, and it's your story, and it's my story. Every believer has been in the situation where we know God wants us to do a particular thing, make a particular decision, move in a particular direction...and just like Jonah, we resist. Sometimes that resistance can land us in some rather uncomfortable or downright painful situations. But often, it's only after a period of brokeness in our lives that we really begin to see clearly. And when we're focused on the right thing, we see that God allows things to happen in our lives not to dispense His wrath and punishment upon us, but - like a father corrects and disciplines the child he loves - because He loves us.

God doesn't want or need to pay us back. Payback was taken care of more than 2000 years ago on the cross. But as the Jonah's story demonstrates, Gode will go to extraordinary lengths to win us back, so He can bring us back. Have a great rest of your week! See you Sunday.


Monday, July 5, 2010


It was a Happy Independence Day yesterday at Crossroads, as staff and volunteers worked hard after a long day at Freedom Fest to kick off our new series DEADLIEST CATCH.  Huge, huge thanks to everyone who showed up early, worked hard all day, and stayed late to tear down out at Fort Rucker.  And huge thanks to all who came and spent time working the Crossroads Booth.  It was our third year at Freedom Fest, and like every other time we've been, we connected with the community around us and saw on Sunday morning MANY families we were introduced to the day before.  Freedom Fest + Staff and Volunteers + Cotton Candy, Water and Balloons = HUGE SUCCESS!!  Can't thank you all enough!  Here's just a few of the things I noticed on Sunday morning:
  • Great crowd for the 4th of July!  
  • Great to see so many folks back from vacations who decided in advance to come to church!  Even on a holiday weekend!  You guys are very cool.
  • MANY First-Time attenders on Sunday, most of whom we met at Freedom Fest!
  • We have the greatest staff and volunteers on the planet!  I know everyone was tired after a long day of serving in the hot sun on Saturday, but you all pulled together and made Sunday happen and I couldn't be prouder or more grateful.  Thank you!!
  • LOVED worship!
  • GREAT video stuff on Sunday!  LOVED the George Washington quote: "To the distinguished character of patriot, it should be our highest honor to add the more distinguished character of Christian."
  • Loved the roll-in.  Makes me want to put to sea!
  • Love the Book of Jonah and the powerful message!  I need to hear that as much as anyone else.  That's the great thing about communicating from the platform; while you may only hear it once, I live with it for months, weeks, days, nights before you ever hear it.  (Shouldn't that make me more accountable to LIVE it?  Uh-huh.)
  • Are you a runner?
  • Me too.
  • Isn't it great that we can learn together how to run TO God instead of AWAY from Him when things don't go our way?
  • I have prayed that "prayer of total surrender" to God before, only to turn around an "un-pray" a portion of it.  Have you ever done that?
  • Do you ever pray "selective prayers", picking and choosing the areas of your life that you want God involved in?  Isn't it funny how we could actually think that the Creator of all Life would simply stay inside the lines we draw?  Big news: God isn't interested in coloring inside our lines.
  • Among other things, the Book of Jonah demonstrates that even people who love God and serve Him run away at certain times.
  • Thank God that He doesn't EVER abandon us, but He makes a way to BRING US BACK!  God is faithful, even when we're not!

God has a purpose and a plan for your life, just like He did for Jonah's life.  This week, spend some time thinking about things that God has put in your heart to do, that you have ignored, or wished away, or simply dug in your heels and refused to do. Then, if not before, come next Sunday prepared to surrender your will to His, your ideas to His, your plans to His, your priorities to His.  It may be time for some of us to simply yell "MAYDAY!" and welcome God's merciful rescue.  Peace.


Friday, July 2, 2010


Hey guys, trust your week is going exactly the direction God had in mind for it.  As for me, lots of work, lots of meetings, some opportunities to pray with others, some study, some teaching and heading into a big, big weekend at Crossroads.  If somehow you have not yet heard, this Saturday is FREEDOM FEST at Fort Rucker.  For the third year in a row, Crossroads will have an AWESOME booth there, giving us the opportunity to mingle and connect with our community, and do a bit of fundraising by selling bottled water and cotton candy.  This event is always a blast so don't miss out!  We'll be setting up from 9AM forward, and the festivities really crank up between 4PM and 10PM.  All that and fireworks, too!  We definitely need some folks to stick around and help tear down.  That's usually the part where everyone is worn out and wants to go home.  So hang in there and pitch in.  Many hands make light work.

Sunday morning at the cinema we're kicking off a brand new series called 'DEADLIEST CATCH'.  No, it's not all about crabs, crab pots, crab cakes, crab boats, or crabby people - and it doesn't even take place in the Bering Sea.  But it is a 'whale of a tale'.  About 750 BC, a guy named Jonah ran from God in the same way that people have run from God in the centuries since.  God "reached out to him" in a spectacular way!  But more amazing than the whole "swallowed by a large fish and living for three days and nights thing", is the reality that God didn't catch Jonah so He could punish him.  He chased him down not to PAY him back, but to WIN him back, and BRING him back.

The story says, "God prepared a fish for Jonah".  Come see what God has prepared for you at Crossroads this Sunday at 9AM and 10:30AM.  Scuba gear optional.  Harpoons strongly discouraged.  See you there!