Monday, March 30, 2009

Easter Sunday is WHEN???

Yeah, I know, it's still more than a week away, but I want to tell you about a great thing someone is doing for Crossroads.  The Youth Group from Church at the Bay in Tampa, Florida is coming up next week to help us get ready for Easter Sunday.

Twenty or so young people from Tampa are coming to Enterprise for the express purpose of helping Crossroads reach people right here in our town.  Why?  Because they believe in what you are doing!  Task number one for these intrepid missionaries is the placement of 5000 door hangers (like the one to your right) in selected neighborhoods throughout Enterprise.

The other side of the door hanger, while using the same color scheme, list our traditional relevant information.  But billboards, and door hangers, and movie-ticket cards, 30-foot inflatable dinosaurs in the parking lot (not kidding), and 3-D glasses (yes, the clips will be in 3-D - cool, huh?) will never take the place of a person-to-person invitation from you to someone else.

While we are in no way looking past next week (we have a fantastic service on tap, "Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" from our current series, God Loves U2), we are definitely counting on everyone to invite BIG, not just for Easter Sunday, but for the whole series.  This series is tried, tested truth based on Andy Stanley's teaching from his outstanding book, It Came From Within.

Have a fantastic Tuesday!  Cause a ruckus out there in your town, your school, your workplace and your world as we work together to make Jesus famous, right here in the Enterprise/Ozark Micropolitan. 158,000 people within twenty miles of our front door are counting on us to invite them to church.

Check out Church at the Bay.  They are moving, shaking, and making it hard to get to hell from Tampa!


Sunday, March 29, 2009


Super huge day at Crossroads.  Totally blown away...yet again.  Here's some quick takes from the weekend:
  1. Biggest attendance EVER at Crossroads.  194 people this morning! (195, if you count the guy that came into the lobby, grabbed a couple of donuts and took them back out to his car to eat them).
  2. TONS of first-time attenders!
  3. MANY people rededicated their lives to Christ this morning, and one asked how experience God's love in their life for the first time.
  4. The Band was incredible this morning.  When they started playing "When the Lights Go Down in the City" by Journey, I thought I would wet my pants.
  5. Worship was REALLY great.  LOVE the Starfield song.  My favorite new worship tune. Great job Nic, Janna, Jeff, Sam, Chris & Will.
  6. Super job by Mike Armstrong receiving the Offering this morning.  GREAT prayer!
  7. Many people are marking on their cards that they came to Crossroads because of the billboard advertising, but JUST AS MANY respond to our really cool ticket-like-looking invite cards.  Take 'em and leave 'em wherever you go.  They are working!
  8. Unbelievably cool vibe in the lobby.  It's just a place that's really friendly, inviting and welcoming, without being phony and overly "Oh, we're so glad to see you (but I'm just pretending)"-like.  What's happening in the lobby and throughout Crossroads is authentic and genuine - and you can't fake that.  And I absolutely LOVE it!
  9. Great crowd to share with today, you guys made bringing the message pure joy.  The connection was there, it was real, and it was good.  Lot's of laughs as we really learned something together we can USE in life!
  10. Randy Grimes is so COOL, I think he needs a regular monthly segment!
  11. Tough to say good-bye to the Owen family.  Something - as a church dedicated to serving flight-school families - we will do over and over again.  That's a HUGE part of our ministry in this military town.  Let's always make sending them off with prayer (and a plan for their next church home) a top priority at Crossroads.
  12. Also tough to send Trask Preston off to Korea.  But we are committed to loving, supporting and caring for his family here at home while he serves overseas.
  13. Our crack tech team scores high marks again.  Brian, Natalie, Will, Max.  Cues smooth, sound great, timing of everything done in a first-rate manner.
  14. I am really proud of the job EVERYONE in our ministry to children at Crossroads is doing.  Nursery, pre-school and elementary ministry is really connecting with our kids, making Crossroads a place for the WHOLE FAMILY.  Kudos to Billy Donegan for all the great new artwork and sculpted pieces in nursery/preschool.
After people receiving Christ, I was most excited today for our dedicated staff, leaders and VOLUNTEERS to see that the work they are doing is bearing fruit.  The commitment to do church the way we are doing it at Crossroads is beginning to pay off for hundreds of regular attenders. Though we had 194 in the building today, they represent over 300 regular attenders (people who come at least twice a month) whose lives have been impacted by what you are doing.  Keep it up!

Get ready guys, God hasn't even scratched the surface of what He is going to do in Enterprise. Easter Sunday is two weeks away, and with 5000 direct ads to homes in Enterprise, our regular email blasts, your continued rock-solid inviting, we are just beginning to grow.  Stay focused, stay in prayer, stay filled up on His Word, and be confident in the strategy we have adopted for reaching those who are un-churched, over-churched, de-churched, and just plain burned out on church.  Crossroads is a safe place to come and be renewed by the never-ending love and grace of God.  Remember to prayer for Pastor Mike at Christ-Life Church and Pastor Derrick at Highpoint, for their families, for their leaders, and for the work we are all doing side-by-side here in the Enterprise/Ozark Micropolitan!

Much love!  Have a GREAT week!    

Friday, March 27, 2009

Come on, sing it: "Let's Go To Church!"

I understand that hurting people hurt other people.  And I'm smart enough to know that we're all hurt or damaged in different ways by others as we go through life.  But, even at my advanced age :) it still hurts when it happens.  I know, I know, grab a box of kleenex and a pacifier and get over it. I'm not quite over it yet, but maybe this'll help.

I had a very bizarre experience tonight.  I met a man some years ago that was without a doubt the most unlovely person I have ever known in my life.  He was a gruff, foul-mouthed, bigot, who repeated stories of his great exploits over and over (though I noticed that most of his stories were from about 1985 backwards).  In my blind obedience to love even the unlovely, I reached out to him in every possible way.  Though he was quick to reject any spiritual overtures I made, we struck somewhat of a friendship; I listened when he repeated the same stories over and over, I smiled at him, Leslie made him brownies on his birthday, and I always took an interest in his physical well-being.  Over the years we made several deals on vehicles and real property (mind you, always suggested by him as some sort of positive, forward-looking option that would be helpful to me).  And we forged a unique bond.  I actually heard him tell other people that I was the only real friend he had.  

Tonight, I sat in his living room as he berated me, calling me a liar, accusing me of hornswoggling him at every turn, taking advantage of him and only taking what I could out of the relationship.  But the part that made me feel the worse was when he said to me, "I wish I'd never met you, my life would have been much better if I never knew you".  I guess you're never really prepared to hear words like that, even from really angry people.  And I really hate that he feels that way.  I'm a pastor for crying out loud, how could anybody turn on me like that, and say such hateful things about me (he typed as the Holy Spirit actually laughed out loud at his question)?  

I'd like to tell you that I handled myself with expert Christ-like aplomb, meeting every verbal smack-down with a serene look on my face, resplendent with the glory of the Lord.  It, kind of like that, but only later.  I am left with this conclusion:  This man is bound and determined to sabotage every relationship in his life, doing all he can to make people actually hate him.  Leslie said, "He probably does that because it's what he feels he deserves". I'm not a head-shrinker, but I'll bet there's more than a little truth in that statement.

I have to be honest, the whole thing made me mad.  I mean really mad.  And I did not leave without unloading a few well constructed sentences that I felt were important to add to the dialogue (by the way, that doesn't really help).  In the end, I encouraged him not to blow up one of the very few relationships he had left, as he had every other relationship in his life of 65 years.  He deferred, and chose to split the sheets.

As I left, I told him that even if he chose to hate me, I still loved him.  He said, "That's your prerogative".  As I walked out the door, he said, "Wait a minute, there's something I want to give you".  He reached over to his piano and handed me an old piece of sheet music, a song written many years ago by Steve Allen called, "Let's Go To Church".

I'm still trying to figure out which one of us thought the gift to be more ironic.


It's Friday? Already?

Yeah, I know, many of you are out there going, "What's wrong with him, I've been killing myself at work all week long, of course it's Friday, any moron knows that. I LIVE for Friday! THANKS GOD IT'S FRIDAY!!! I have the WORLD'S WORST JOB!!!" (please note photo...still have the worst job?)

I hear you. It's not really like that for me this week. In fact, it's not like that most weeks. Some weeks there's way too few hours in way too few days to get done all that needs to get done. And I'll be frank with you, I think that has everything to do with being stoked about what your focus is in life. I have worked for wages, and I have worked for love. Working for love is definitely better. It just doesn't neccessarily pay as well. But one thing is certain, we are all given the opportunity to design our lives around the things that we love to do. I'm guessing, but I imagine that very few people laying on their death bed have exclaimed "I wish I could have spent more time doing stuff I really disliked with a passion. It would have made my Fridays so much more significant".

As I write this, I can actully feel some of you pushing back at this with an attitude that says, "Well, Mr. Smart-Butt that's really easy for you to say, but I have to spend 40-hours next week plucking dead chickens". Look, I get that. And if you know me at all, you know I have spent my fair share of time plucking dead chickens. So, don't get the idea that this is easy for me to say. Because it isn't easy to say, and it isn't easy to do, and that's the point.

Living your life dedicated (and I am nowhere near doing it to the extent that I desire), to doing what you LOVE, what God has put in YOUR heart to do, is NOT easy. In fact - if you're doing it right - there's probably very little that is easy about it at all. Conversely, counter-intuitively, walking down a path of doing what you LOVE may never resemble taking the path of least resistance, it may NEVER be easy - but it will ALWAYS be the path to greater purpose and fulfillment for your life.

Here's a challenge for you today, if you are sitting there, glancing again at the clock, or waiting for the bell to ring: Recognize that you may never have an easier, less-challenging job than the one you despise so greatly right now this minute, and while you are doing that, recognize that maybe, just maybe, the thing that is the most upsetting to you is not the work your are doing, not the mundane, repetitive tasks you perform, not the over-amped, under-educated, hairy-knuckled simpleton, bad-breath boss breathing down your neck. Maybe it's that deep-down inside you're most upset with yourself, for not taking the risk necessary to break out and do ALL that God has put on your heart to do.

Ask yourself this question: "What would I do if I wasn't afraid?" Then do it. Do it anyway. Even if it scares you. It'll give a whole knew meaning to "TGIF".

Love you guys. See you this weekend.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Let Your Light Shine (even if it's attached to a farm animal).

With only minor apologies for stealing yet another great vid posted by Dave Anderson (@moviepastor), this is rich.  Thanks, Dave.  If I have an original thought someday, I'll let you know right away.  In the mean time, Roadies, take a look:

null - Watch more free videos

Monday, March 23, 2009


Another great weekend at Crossroads!  The weather was stunning.  Here's a few quick takes from yesterdays activities:
  1. Really cool that Clark is having the building painted.  Don't know how many noticed, but I sure did.  Want you to know that you have a part in that work.  Crossroads donated 10% of the cost (about $200) to improve the appearance of the building we are so fortunate to have as our home.
  2. Sunday was one of my favorite days as a Roadie start to finish.  Though we missed several people (including Pastor Ben), people really dug in and worked hard to make set-up and tear down work smoothly.
  3. Mack Clark (we call him, simply, "Clark") was in the house yesterday.  He came about 11:00 AM so he missed most of the service, but he was completely blown away (in a good way) at how his beloved movie theatre is transformed into Crossroads each Sunday.  He walked all over the building from the lobby to the main sanctuary to the filling station and nursery and toddler area with a big 'ole grin on his face.  You can see that he is proud for the College Cinema to be a big part of what is happening at Crossroads.  He said he was coming back early next week to come to church.  Now guys, that's about as big a deal as you're gonna get from the guy that owns the space you lease to do church in.  Props to everyone who makes it happen.  We are truly blessed to have such a great landlord!
  4. For my money worship sounded the BEST it has ever sounded. Kudo's to Nic & Janna, Will and the whole band and I think getting Brian behind the soundboard is one of the best things that's happened to our worship experience in a while! (Don't tell him I said that, he might want more than the $3 a week we're paying him.'s more like $2.30 once you take taxes out!)
  5. Any time the worship band wants to open with rock and roll from the 70's or 80's i will love you for the rest of the week.  THANK YOU!  (I grow weary very quickly of secular music from this particular decade we are in).  
  6. I promise, we are the only church in town that had .38 Special AND wisdom from Yoda on the same platform Sunday.  I LOVE going to Crossroads.  If I wasn't the pastor, i would STILL go to Crossroads.
  7. I know a TON of people were out (great day to go to the beach), but we still had a GREAT crowd.  It was good to see so many first-time attenders.  It was fun to laugh with you (and have you laugh AT me - I can take it), and just enjoy time together, learning together, a little more about what it means to LIVE out this faith we say we have.  Great day.
  8. I never realized how much time you all spend in the bathroom (re: video clip - you had to be there).
  9. Oh!  I can't believe I forgot about this until just now.  The Great Wiregrass Donut War of '09 is in full-swing baby!  We got royally scrooged by Krispy Kreme in Dothan.  I can just see Nic at the donut shop Sunday morning, "What do you mean you ain't got no freakin' donuts?  Is this a donut shop?  Does it say Krispy Kreme on the outside of the building? Then where's our donuts?"  Kudos to Nic for not clubbing, tazing or shooting anyone.  You're an oak.  My best guess: I think DJ Dave at Covenant United Methodist has thrown down the gauntlet.  I can see him pulling up in front of Krispy Kreme and filling his DJ Dave trailer full of hot, fresh donuts, minutes before Nic & Janna showed up.  Maybe not.  Maybe Krispy Kreme is just a horribly run operation that cares nothing about their high-volume customers.  Later haters.  Your donuts are good...but only if we actually get to eat them.  Stay tuned.
  10. Community Group ROCKED for us last night.  I haven't heard from other groups yet today but I can tell you the Starting Point Group was smashing last night.  Great food, fellowship and LIVELY discussion.  It was truly great.
  11. Leslie and I drove around for a couple of hours after small group with another Roadie scouting possible locations for...
Have a great Monday and a FANTASTIC week.  Love to all, can't wait to see you again!

Friday, March 20, 2009

The Paint Job

Real excited to pull up to the college cinema home of Crossroads in Enterprise and see the entire building freshly painted - including the metal roof area where the paint was so badly flaking. Props to Clark for taking pride in the cinema (and our church) with a great new paint job!  Score another one for putting mom & pop out of their misery! With our new signage coming, it's really going to look great for Easter Sunday and beyond.  If you see Clark or Charlie, tell 'em how great it looks.

What?! No more Donuts?!? I'm not going...

Courtesy of my friend Jed Henederson, this is about the funniest video I've ever seen in my life. Of course, to really appreciate this, it helps if you were a fan of the Gospel Harmonettes, back in the day. Still laughing so hard, I can barely type.  

Happy Friday

Totally "borrowed" this from my new friend Pastor Jason Jeong.  Thanks, bro.  You guys may have seen this already, but it was new to me.  And considering the seriousness of the Intersection's content this week, I thought a nice "little" animal story would be oh-so-nice. I'll post a preview of this weekend's service tonight.  Have a great day!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Brand New Day

You know what, after a sleepless night of beating myself up Sunday night for not delivering a perfect message on Sunday (yet again), and for my ill-advised use of the word "homo" (though, in fairness, it was used in the context of a caricature), I have come to the conclusion that further discussion along these lines - by me - puts ME at the center and that's not going to help anyone.    

For those who stand in front of people and speak - especially for those who present God's word in a teaching or preaching environment - there is a really slippery slope at the end of each message. That is the temptation to think that what others received from God has anything to do with how cool you were, how great you sang or spoke, or how awesome your video editing is.  It's really all about God, right? 

Sunday, I said the message wasn't specifically about gay people.  However, this blog post is.  Here's what I think: the church (at large) has done a horrible job communicating the message of God's love through Christ to the gay community.  I really believe most Christians don't even want to recognize the fact that there IS a gay community. For my money, it's time to wake up, smell the coffee and recognize that "We're here, we're queer, and we're not going away", isn't just a slogan chanted during Gay Pride Week, it's an actual reality that requires the attention of Christ-followers everywhere.  We've swept this under the rug and it's a disgrace.  At best, we've met the gay community with mild, uncomfortable indifference, at worst, rabid intolerance.  I just think that it's time we remind ourselves that the gay community - like any community - is made up of individual people.  Individual people that God loves.  People that need individual love. Individual attention. Individual grace and individual mercy.  Like any other ministry, this will only happen one person at a time.

Here's what I want to know from all of you:  



Sound off.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Great day at Crossroads Sunday!  Part Three in our continuing series 'GOD LOVES U2'.  This week it was 'In The Name Of Love'. Here's some quick (and not so quick) takes from the weekend:
  1. Really strong attendance numbers.  Crowd really showed up despite the gloomy weather. Lots of first-time attenders!
  2. Giving is staying strong!  People continue to put their money where their faith is.  Really encouraging!
  3. Several people made decisions today to re-dedicate their lives to Christ!  That's what matters.
  4. Worship music in the main sanc. was great today.  From a standpoint of sound quality, I don't think it's ever been better.  Ditto for the tech on my mic, which despite my best efforts, I always seem to make it pop and crack and whistle and hum several times each service.  Didn't happen today.  Cool!
  5. Someone stop Ordway from working out on the stripper pole in the lobby.  He's going to hurt himself if he's not careful.
  6. I LOVE going to Crossroads!  I loved the lobby today, full of energy!
  7. The kids meeting for their own lobby time in the Filling Station is GREAT!  We miss them during worship, but they have their own worship service now and everyone back there is really bringin' it. Great job!
  8. We dealt with a topic today that was tough.  Intolerance.  At times I felt like a dentist poking around exposed nerves. (Didn't really know when I might get a laugh, or a groan, or a knee to the midsection).
  9. Used the term "homo" in a sentence...Oops.  If you missed it, it was spoken in the character of a hard-core, radical, right-wing, conservative, republican, Christian (emphasis on radical).  A staff Roadie overhead someone behind them say, "I'm ready to leave, I don't like him".  I don't blame them, I don't take the platform with the intention of offending anyone.  I probably shouldn't have used the word "homo".  But honestly, if that's all they got out of today's message...they probably won't like it at Crossroads.  I hope they give us another chance.  
  10. Just to set the record straight for anyone who misunderstood me (and that's MY fault, not yours), today's message wasn't about me not liking gay people ('cause THAT ain't true - I LOVE them and one of the big drivers for me in ministry is to find a way to minister the love of Christ to the gay community), it was about intolerant Christians who judge others for their perceived unrighteousness - while forgetting that fact that we are ALL unrighteous without Christ (Romans 2 - good read).  It's epidemic in the church, and something we have ALWAYS talked openly about since we opened our doors.  At Crossroads, it doesn't matter who you are, or what you've been through, or what you did five years ago, five months ago, five days ago, or five minutes before you walk through the front door.  Our door is open for you, and so are our hearts.  And that's the whole ever-lovin' point.
  11. I could have toned-down my message this morning and it would have been more palatable.  Again, I'm not into making people mad or uncomfortable.  There's plenty of other places you can go to church and feel that way.  Crossroads should never be one of them.  But, wasn't boring, was it?
  12. The BIG TAKE-AWAY today was the introduction of PlumpyNut.  I am so excited about this opportunity to serve and to help.  Now, for those who are concerned about sending all our food money overseas, let me encourage you with this: we'll be rolling out how Crossroads does outreach, feeding hungry people, clothing naked people, sheltering homeless people, in the weeks and months to come.  With regard to the current emergency food initiative: Half of the money we raise will be sent to the Global Plumpynut Initiative (, the other half will be spent on the creation of 3-Day Survival Boxes (enough food for a family of four for three days) for distribution right here at home.  I look forward to your heartfelt participation in doing the work that God has called us to do (Isa 58:10, Matt 25:40). 
I am going to blog tomorrow about what we shared about on Sunday.  I am pretty sure that people have strong opinions about it, and I'd like to hear them.  Have a GREAT Monday.  Go out into your world and share God's love with someone this week.  Talk to you soon.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Sacrifice vs. Intolerance

Sacrifice vs. Intolerance.  We're going to let them duke it out on the platform at Crossroads this weekend.  I'm pretty sure who will win (hint: it's the one who doesn't care about winning).

I'm going to open up a vein and share some stuff with you on Sunday that hopefully will get the ball rolling.  You know, I used to be quite a baddy in my old life.  And the funny thing is, I was real intolerant of people who weren't like me.  Then I got cleaned up, sobered up, picked up and saved. But I also got 'religion', and with it, I got it's ugly twin sister 'intolerance'.  And the funny thing is, I was - STILL - real intolerant of people who weren't like me.  How does that even work?

There was a time that I really believed that being a Christian and being a Republican were synonymous.  If you were a commie-pinko-liberal-tree-hugging-homo-loving-nazi like Bill & Hillary (or Pat Schroeder) I just hated you and everything you stood for.  But I was a Christian.  And on Sunday morning and Sunday night and Wednesday night I'd be on the front row - in my best suit - singing to God and lifting my hands to heaven - tears streaming down my face - so in love with God who had brought me from darkness into light.

I never realized until much later in life, that I had only GLIMPSED the light - I wasn't really LIVING in it.  I had swung so far to the right, I really believed that it was ME that was right.  Guys (understanding that you may disagree vehemently) today, I KNOW that it isn't ME that's right.  God is right.  I'm just someone he loves, that has a lot of work to do.

Show up on Sunday morning at Crossroads as we crack open Part Three of our current series GOD LOVES U2.  This week: In The Name of Love.  See you there!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pray For Those In Geneva County, Alabama

We just spent Sunday together working on a mystery.  Talking about how God has revealed Himself to us, through the person of Jesus Christ.  We said that there are many, many things that God wants us to understand about His nature and His character - and above all He desires to be in a relationship with each one of us.  We also said that there are things that God has reserved for Himself.  Even Jesus does not know the time when He will return.  Jesus said, recorded in Matthew 24:36, "No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father".

In the light of yesterdays unfathomable tragedy in Geneva County, God will surely be thought of by many as the mysterious orchestrator of terror, who took the lives of people at random, to serve His own unknowable purpose. But what about free will?  Where does that factor in?  Do we recognize that we have a choice? We have been given the privilege by God to choose.  To choose what we will do and say, to choose how we will live the precious life He has given us, and ultimately to choose what we will believe.  Free will can be a tremendous burden for all of us to bear, when the perfect gift of choice is used - exploited - for evil purposes.

I welcome your comments, as we pray for those who lives have been torn apart.  May they receive comfort from those around them and may the God of all comfort surround them with His peace in this tragic time.

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those with the comfort we ourselves have received from God" (2 Cor 1:3-4, NIV).

Monday, March 9, 2009


What a fantastic day yesterday at Crossroads.  Here's a few quick takes:
  1. Great turn out on a day where Enterprise was completely socked-in by fog.  What a weird looking morning.  But people really showed up.  Al the more impressive when you consider that Daylight Savings Time began Sunday.  Great job guys!
  2. First-time attenders OFF THE CHAIN yet again!  We had at least a dozen at Crossroads for the first-time.  Awesome!  
  3. Worship was great, the band sounded wonderful.  We are really fortunate to have such great players.  I could listen to Janna sing the phone book and be totally blessed.  Great job guys!
  4. The Filling Station was rocking Sunday morning.  I slipped back there at one point to watch some of their service.  All the set pieces, the lighting, the video, the sound was just great.  It was obvious the elementary kids were totally into the service, whooping, hollering, dancing, singing and having a great time.  Children's ministry at Crossroads is the bomb, no doubt.  Way to go!
  5. Really enjoyed Sundays message, 'Mysterious Ways'.  The crowd was really engaged and the message was easy to share.  Funny 'Bruce' clips, and Will's facebook page for God was the highlight and a great way to close out the service.
  6. Privilege to pray for the Haskins family as they head out for the Northwest.  One of our realities at Crossroads is that young people and families in flight school at Fort Rucker will come...and they will go.  It is a privilege to get to serve them for the time they are here.  Let's make it a matter of prayer, and smart work, to find ways to connect with soldiers and their families as soon as they get to town.  Let's maximize the time we have together.
  7. Overall, I am really enjoying this series.  'Bout as much fun as I've had with a series at Crossroads.  The comments have been overwhelmingly favorable, so I trust that those attending are enjoying it and getting something out of it that they can apply to their lives each week.
  8. Small groups last night were great.  Excellent reports from all of our groups at Crossroads!   
I'm keeping this intentionally short today.  I was wiped out last night after our group.  It was a long day and a busy week of preparation before Sunday's service, so I didn't blog last night, or do the podcast.  Had to work a bit this morning to get caught up, and now we are outta here for the day.  Going to enjoy a restful sabbath with Leslie!  I'll be off the computer and off the phone as well.  Have a GREAT Monday.  Talk to you tomorrow!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Spring Forward

Chili Cook-Off was fantastic fun last night! Great atmosphere, tons of people, fabulous food, excellent job by The Garage Band.  I look forward to making this an annual event. Worth doing again!

One more time: don't forget to set your clocks AHEAD one-hour before you go to bed tonight. 

See you tomorrow!


Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Quick video ad for the youth fundraiser Chili Cook-Off at 6:00PM this Friday night at the Annex.

$10 to enter your chili.  $5 just to eat chili.  Yes, that's right...if you BRING food, it actually costs you MORE money!  How does that even make sense?  Yo, it's a fundraiser.  Let's raise some funds for THE GARAGE (the most bringin' it youth ministry in town), let's eat some good chili, and let's have a great time hanging out with friends.

Need more convincing?  Take a look.  See you Friday night.


Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Freaking out about how much fun this series is.  First week was huge.  Next Sunday: Mysterious Ways.  Ever heard the expression (or the old hymn lyric)"God works in mysterious ways, his wonders to perform".  Is God mysterious all the time?  Is He unknowable simply because He is infinite?

Let's shoot some sacred cows together next week.  It's gonna be cool.  Invite LARGE.   

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Big wins all around this weekend at Crossroads.  A full week with a lot of it out of town made for a challenging Friday and Saturday.  But what a day Sunday was.  Here's a few quick takes.
  1. It snowed.  What?!?  In South Alabama?  Weird.  Here's what's cool: Pastor Derrick from Highpoint and I spoke on Saturday and both prayed that the weather would not keep people away from hearing the Gospel. What a faith-builder Sunday turned out to be.  Huge crowd for us at Crossroads.  165 in attendance on the strangest weather day I have seen in 11 years. Not only are the people at Crossroads innovative, faithful, resilient, hard-charging, and appears we are also weather-resistant.  Cool.
  2. Kicked off a new series this morning, "God Loves U2".  It was great sharing the message 'Beautiful Day' when the weather was so bizarre.
  3. I'm really going to like this series a lot.  This morning's message was God straight up for many, many people.  Can't tell you how many folks told me how helpful it was to talk about our 'inner dialogue', and how to keep it on a positive track.
  4. Can't wait for 'Mysterious Ways' next Sunday, as we line up (and shoot) a whole pen full of sacred cows, and de-bunk some modern mythology about the God and the Bible.
  5. Worship was GREAT today.  The band sounded tight and strong, and our sound system seemed to work much better.  Virtually no hum, crackles, pops, or buzzes.  That doesn't change anything for me however in my steely resolve to acquire top notch gear to faithfully reproduce the music made by the fantastically talented people we have at Crossroads.
  6. Love the fire-starters we have at Crossroads.  Proof that a crowd of many are invited by a handful of authentically inspired zealots.  Thanks God for inviters.  They are world-changers and history-makers and Crossroads is FULL of them.
  7. Giving continues to stay strong as people continue to be faithful stewards of God's resources.
  8. Thanks to all who did such a great job today with set-up and tear-down (and my personal apology to all who had to wait on yours truly to bring the helium tank this morning)!
  9. Congrats to Nic and Janna's 'You've Got Style' small group which kicked off tonight at the Annex.
  10. Speaking of the Annex, what a wonderful time we had tonight as we gathered for communion.  Truly special.  Thanks to all who helped make it happen.
I know I'm leaving out a ton of stuff that was great about today at Crossroads.  I can't remember it all right now.  So many new people coming back.  it's so inspiring to see what God is doing.  I am overwhelmed by the support and faithfulness of our staff and leaders that bring their 'A'-game week in and week out.  I know you are ALL thrilled to really begin seeing the fruit of your labor.

This week, make our soldiers and their families a focus of your prayers.  Pray specifically for Pete, Michael & Darren who are headed off to SEER school. Pray also for the family members of those deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan and throughout the world.  We are humbled to have the opportunity to serve and worship with so many military personnel and their families.  Lift them up!

Have a FANTASTIC Monday and a great week!