Monday, March 23, 2009


Another great weekend at Crossroads!  The weather was stunning.  Here's a few quick takes from yesterdays activities:
  1. Really cool that Clark is having the building painted.  Don't know how many noticed, but I sure did.  Want you to know that you have a part in that work.  Crossroads donated 10% of the cost (about $200) to improve the appearance of the building we are so fortunate to have as our home.
  2. Sunday was one of my favorite days as a Roadie start to finish.  Though we missed several people (including Pastor Ben), people really dug in and worked hard to make set-up and tear down work smoothly.
  3. Mack Clark (we call him, simply, "Clark") was in the house yesterday.  He came about 11:00 AM so he missed most of the service, but he was completely blown away (in a good way) at how his beloved movie theatre is transformed into Crossroads each Sunday.  He walked all over the building from the lobby to the main sanctuary to the filling station and nursery and toddler area with a big 'ole grin on his face.  You can see that he is proud for the College Cinema to be a big part of what is happening at Crossroads.  He said he was coming back early next week to come to church.  Now guys, that's about as big a deal as you're gonna get from the guy that owns the space you lease to do church in.  Props to everyone who makes it happen.  We are truly blessed to have such a great landlord!
  4. For my money worship sounded the BEST it has ever sounded. Kudo's to Nic & Janna, Will and the whole band and I think getting Brian behind the soundboard is one of the best things that's happened to our worship experience in a while! (Don't tell him I said that, he might want more than the $3 a week we're paying him.'s more like $2.30 once you take taxes out!)
  5. Any time the worship band wants to open with rock and roll from the 70's or 80's i will love you for the rest of the week.  THANK YOU!  (I grow weary very quickly of secular music from this particular decade we are in).  
  6. I promise, we are the only church in town that had .38 Special AND wisdom from Yoda on the same platform Sunday.  I LOVE going to Crossroads.  If I wasn't the pastor, i would STILL go to Crossroads.
  7. I know a TON of people were out (great day to go to the beach), but we still had a GREAT crowd.  It was good to see so many first-time attenders.  It was fun to laugh with you (and have you laugh AT me - I can take it), and just enjoy time together, learning together, a little more about what it means to LIVE out this faith we say we have.  Great day.
  8. I never realized how much time you all spend in the bathroom (re: video clip - you had to be there).
  9. Oh!  I can't believe I forgot about this until just now.  The Great Wiregrass Donut War of '09 is in full-swing baby!  We got royally scrooged by Krispy Kreme in Dothan.  I can just see Nic at the donut shop Sunday morning, "What do you mean you ain't got no freakin' donuts?  Is this a donut shop?  Does it say Krispy Kreme on the outside of the building? Then where's our donuts?"  Kudos to Nic for not clubbing, tazing or shooting anyone.  You're an oak.  My best guess: I think DJ Dave at Covenant United Methodist has thrown down the gauntlet.  I can see him pulling up in front of Krispy Kreme and filling his DJ Dave trailer full of hot, fresh donuts, minutes before Nic & Janna showed up.  Maybe not.  Maybe Krispy Kreme is just a horribly run operation that cares nothing about their high-volume customers.  Later haters.  Your donuts are good...but only if we actually get to eat them.  Stay tuned.
  10. Community Group ROCKED for us last night.  I haven't heard from other groups yet today but I can tell you the Starting Point Group was smashing last night.  Great food, fellowship and LIVELY discussion.  It was truly great.
  11. Leslie and I drove around for a couple of hours after small group with another Roadie scouting possible locations for...
Have a great Monday and a FANTASTIC week.  Love to all, can't wait to see you again!


  1. Well Gene let me sound off about last nights small group, " The walk Across the Room People! " We had alot of fun, and tons of discussion about the different types of telling our testimonies! Funny illistrations of how we get long winded, fuzzy, christianese, and superior! 2 re occuring themes came to light were, be brief, and factual! Sparked some great conversation and a real growing experience! I am so blessed to have the group I have, each one are a real joy!

  2. Possible locations for...what? You can't just leave us hanging on that one!!!

  3. Okay so are we supposed to guess what comes after the ...?
    Here are mine:
    1. locations for.... a DONUT SHOP!!!
    2. location for.... a new chicken place!! Oh please tell me it is cause Enterprise just needs another chicken place...we dont have enough..
    3. location for...a CCC!!!

  4. Wait, you left out Mexican food restaurant. You're slipping. :)

  5. Honestly, we're looking out a year ahead. Lots of questions for us. How big can we grow where we are? Yes we can seat 300 in the main sanctuary, but can you imagine our lobby with another hundred people in it?

    We can go to two services when we get over 250, but we won't be able to sustain that past 500 or so, because of our lobby size. Think of it this way, when people go to the movies, they move quickly through the lobby (after getting their popcorn) and quickly find a seat inside. For us, the lobby experience is a community unto itself. In many ways what happens in the lobby is as important as what happens in the sanctuary. We can only get so big where we are.

    Though we are in a first-right position to purchase the college cinema when Clark builds a new 12-screen complex, it may be a while, considering market conditions. Though our first choice would be to stay right where we are (in an ownership capacity), don't know that we'll be able to wait that long. God willing, our growth outpaces the market.

    So...we have to always think WAY out ahead of where we currently are, and consider all the possibilities. But, as of this morning, we'll see you next Sunday at the college cinema. LOL

    A year from now? God knows, and that is a comforting thought.


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