Friday, March 20, 2009

What?! No more Donuts?!? I'm not going...

Courtesy of my friend Jed Henederson, this is about the funniest video I've ever seen in my life. Of course, to really appreciate this, it helps if you were a fan of the Gospel Harmonettes, back in the day. Still laughing so hard, I can barely type.  


  1. Sugar & rice, beef stew, nuts of grapes, soda pop and apple pie....what does this cat eat for breakfast? I had to take three shots of Pepto just to stop the indigestion brewing from listening to this.

    Wow...that guy sure has a crazy diet.

    I just hope there is some ice cream when I'm called home.

    JED in OK

  2. All I've got to say is, wow.
    I love to eat bacon and grits and sausage and pretty much everything he listed...but no donuts? Really? Come on the sweet sugary goodness of some Krispy Kreme could sway anyone I'm sure...

  3. something funny i just came across...the newsboys have a breakfast song...but in their song there's no breakfast in hell

  4. Yes, Newsboys! Saw them (and their Breakfast Song) live in...1995 in Denver. They did a concert with Plankeye and Geoff Moore and the Distance. Now I'm really dating myself.


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