Friday, March 27, 2009

It's Friday? Already?

Yeah, I know, many of you are out there going, "What's wrong with him, I've been killing myself at work all week long, of course it's Friday, any moron knows that. I LIVE for Friday! THANKS GOD IT'S FRIDAY!!! I have the WORLD'S WORST JOB!!!" (please note photo...still have the worst job?)

I hear you. It's not really like that for me this week. In fact, it's not like that most weeks. Some weeks there's way too few hours in way too few days to get done all that needs to get done. And I'll be frank with you, I think that has everything to do with being stoked about what your focus is in life. I have worked for wages, and I have worked for love. Working for love is definitely better. It just doesn't neccessarily pay as well. But one thing is certain, we are all given the opportunity to design our lives around the things that we love to do. I'm guessing, but I imagine that very few people laying on their death bed have exclaimed "I wish I could have spent more time doing stuff I really disliked with a passion. It would have made my Fridays so much more significant".

As I write this, I can actully feel some of you pushing back at this with an attitude that says, "Well, Mr. Smart-Butt that's really easy for you to say, but I have to spend 40-hours next week plucking dead chickens". Look, I get that. And if you know me at all, you know I have spent my fair share of time plucking dead chickens. So, don't get the idea that this is easy for me to say. Because it isn't easy to say, and it isn't easy to do, and that's the point.

Living your life dedicated (and I am nowhere near doing it to the extent that I desire), to doing what you LOVE, what God has put in YOUR heart to do, is NOT easy. In fact - if you're doing it right - there's probably very little that is easy about it at all. Conversely, counter-intuitively, walking down a path of doing what you LOVE may never resemble taking the path of least resistance, it may NEVER be easy - but it will ALWAYS be the path to greater purpose and fulfillment for your life.

Here's a challenge for you today, if you are sitting there, glancing again at the clock, or waiting for the bell to ring: Recognize that you may never have an easier, less-challenging job than the one you despise so greatly right now this minute, and while you are doing that, recognize that maybe, just maybe, the thing that is the most upsetting to you is not the work your are doing, not the mundane, repetitive tasks you perform, not the over-amped, under-educated, hairy-knuckled simpleton, bad-breath boss breathing down your neck. Maybe it's that deep-down inside you're most upset with yourself, for not taking the risk necessary to break out and do ALL that God has put on your heart to do.

Ask yourself this question: "What would I do if I wasn't afraid?" Then do it. Do it anyway. Even if it scares you. It'll give a whole knew meaning to "TGIF".

Love you guys. See you this weekend.

1 comment:

  1. I know. but deep down God knows as well as I. that I'm a scaredy-cat!!
    especially now that I'm respnsible for two lives, not one.
    I would love to spend more time giving my time to others, helping ladies move who don't have the strength, talking to teens about life, lovine on sinners while showing them a better way. but instead I get up and bust my butt carrying boxes of trinkets for people who have money to blow, or for businesses trying to get people to blow their money, all b/c I"m (bwawk, bwawk) chicken.
    honestly, maybe I'm lazy too. getting up and going somewhere that they boss forces you to make money is easier than living a self-motivated lifestyle.


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