Monday, March 30, 2009

Easter Sunday is WHEN???

Yeah, I know, it's still more than a week away, but I want to tell you about a great thing someone is doing for Crossroads.  The Youth Group from Church at the Bay in Tampa, Florida is coming up next week to help us get ready for Easter Sunday.

Twenty or so young people from Tampa are coming to Enterprise for the express purpose of helping Crossroads reach people right here in our town.  Why?  Because they believe in what you are doing!  Task number one for these intrepid missionaries is the placement of 5000 door hangers (like the one to your right) in selected neighborhoods throughout Enterprise.

The other side of the door hanger, while using the same color scheme, list our traditional relevant information.  But billboards, and door hangers, and movie-ticket cards, 30-foot inflatable dinosaurs in the parking lot (not kidding), and 3-D glasses (yes, the clips will be in 3-D - cool, huh?) will never take the place of a person-to-person invitation from you to someone else.

While we are in no way looking past next week (we have a fantastic service on tap, "Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For" from our current series, God Loves U2), we are definitely counting on everyone to invite BIG, not just for Easter Sunday, but for the whole series.  This series is tried, tested truth based on Andy Stanley's teaching from his outstanding book, It Came From Within.

Have a fantastic Tuesday!  Cause a ruckus out there in your town, your school, your workplace and your world as we work together to make Jesus famous, right here in the Enterprise/Ozark Micropolitan. 158,000 people within twenty miles of our front door are counting on us to invite them to church.

Check out Church at the Bay.  They are moving, shaking, and making it hard to get to hell from Tampa!


1 comment:

  1. Love your church website. I wanted to thank you for your encouraging comment on my blogspot. It was a blessing. I will keep both you and Leslie in my prayers as you labor for Him and His glory.


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