Friday, March 13, 2009

Sacrifice vs. Intolerance

Sacrifice vs. Intolerance.  We're going to let them duke it out on the platform at Crossroads this weekend.  I'm pretty sure who will win (hint: it's the one who doesn't care about winning).

I'm going to open up a vein and share some stuff with you on Sunday that hopefully will get the ball rolling.  You know, I used to be quite a baddy in my old life.  And the funny thing is, I was real intolerant of people who weren't like me.  Then I got cleaned up, sobered up, picked up and saved. But I also got 'religion', and with it, I got it's ugly twin sister 'intolerance'.  And the funny thing is, I was - STILL - real intolerant of people who weren't like me.  How does that even work?

There was a time that I really believed that being a Christian and being a Republican were synonymous.  If you were a commie-pinko-liberal-tree-hugging-homo-loving-nazi like Bill & Hillary (or Pat Schroeder) I just hated you and everything you stood for.  But I was a Christian.  And on Sunday morning and Sunday night and Wednesday night I'd be on the front row - in my best suit - singing to God and lifting my hands to heaven - tears streaming down my face - so in love with God who had brought me from darkness into light.

I never realized until much later in life, that I had only GLIMPSED the light - I wasn't really LIVING in it.  I had swung so far to the right, I really believed that it was ME that was right.  Guys (understanding that you may disagree vehemently) today, I KNOW that it isn't ME that's right.  God is right.  I'm just someone he loves, that has a lot of work to do.

Show up on Sunday morning at Crossroads as we crack open Part Three of our current series GOD LOVES U2.  This week: In The Name of Love.  See you there!

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