Monday, July 6, 2009


What a fantastic weekend at Crossroads.  So many things good things cooking Friday through Sunday.  One of my favorite weekends since we started doing this.  Here's a few reasons why:
  1. Since this time last year we have looked forward to Freedom Fest at Fort Rucker.  It is a HUGE event for Crossroads! 
  2. Our booth was awesome, and I was blown away by how hard everyone worked to make it special.  Roadies met up at the Annex at 0900 and many stayed right through until 11PM that night.  Thanks to all who gave their entire weekend for the cause of Christ.  Special thanks to Dan and Shayla who headed up our efforts made the event a raging success!
  3. My favorite thing about Freedom Fest is meeting people!  We met hundreds and hundreds of new faces, new families all with a story to tell.  Connecting with people in our community, and introducing Crossroads as a place for THEM to hook up with God and other people is what it's all about!
  4. Sunday morning, we saw the fruit of the hard work put in by so many, when people by the dozens whom we'd met at Freedom Fest came pouring through Crossroads front doors at the College Cinema!
  5. Tons of first-time attenders on Sunday!
  6. Here's the cool part, dozens of regular attenders were on vacation this weekend.  Add them to the mix and all of a sudden Crossroads breaks the 200 barrier!  SWEET!
  7. Guys, all of that is great, but what happened in the lives of those attending on Sunday was far greater. MANY people made decisions to rededicate their lives to Christ, adding to the amazing number of folks who have made similar decisions since coming to Crossroads.
  8. LOVED Sunday's service from start to finish.  The worship, the video segments, Natalie and Ben communicating with the people, the energy in the room was fantastic, and having my well-worn BBQ on stage to dance with to the tune of 'Let's Get It On' was EPIC!
  9. I personally felt like Sunday's message on the marriage covenant really hit home for many, many people in attendance.  I encourage everyone to attend every message in this four-part series!
  10. GREAT new ORIGINAL worship tune by Nic McElveen and the band.  Great job by our worship team connecting with the crowd.  Great to have Janna back, too!
  11. I can't blabber enough about how special this weekend was, and I think it's just part of the HUGE momentum that is building at Crossroads as we head into the Fall!
Have a fantastic week, and be sure to stop in at our website to check out Sundays podcast if you missed it.  

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