Friday, July 31, 2009


In the wake of yesterday's (and this morning's) "spiritual" rantings and railings on twitter and several blogs including this one, I thought it might be nice if we all took a deep breath and thought about bunnies, or sunrises, or happy laughing children running through fields of daisies.

Okay, maybe not, but how 'bout this. It's kind of like what it looks like when Christians go at each other over doctrinal issues (without the overdubbing). Enjoy, have a laugh, and be sure to attend Crossroads this Sunday as I open my message with the following statement, "I believe in evolution". You gotta be there if you want to hear the rest of the story...

Ladies and gentlemen, Bruce Lee vs. Chuck Norris


  1. HeeeYah!!!!
    take this, 1 peter 3:9

    well, what about this
    HIYA!!! Romans 8:28

    oh yeah?!
    well, 1 thessalonians 5:9 KARATE CHOP!!

    UGH!!, How about this Psalm 5:5 JUdo kick!!!


  2. funny and that’s what paster ben preached on 2 sundays ago. About how Husband and Wife shouldn't fight each other but fight the issue.
    it applies everywhere.

  3. Im just wondering why there is a kitten?

  4. I was wondering if anyone would watch long enough to get to the kitty. That's the "Happy Smiley Friday" part. Love you and your fam. Have a great (short) time in Nashville. Be safe!


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