Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Sunday when I got home from church I noticed I had received a voice mail from a number I didn't recognize.  I listened to it.  "Hey, Gene call me back in about 5 minutes".  I had no idea who it was.  The voice was completely unrecognizable to me.  I didn't call back.  Then today at 3:00PM I got a call from that same number.  The conversation when something like this:

Me: Hello, this is Gene (those of you who call me are familiar with that greeting).
Him: What're you doin'?
Me: (not knowing who I'm talking to) Um...just working, you I do.
Him: (crackle) mmmmph  phummm mmbblll  phmufff
Me:  Hang on, let me go outside where I can hear you.
Him: mmmph phummmm mmbbll hear me now?
Me: Yes, I can hear you now, what can I do for you?
Him: Just comin' to Enterprise wanna know if you wanted to get a beer.
Me: What?
Him: Wanna get a beer?
Me:  Wanna get a...Um...who is this?
Him: Thomas.
Me: Thomas, who are you trying to call?
Him: Gene.
Me: Well my name is Gene, but I'm not the go get a beer type, Thomas.  Are you sure you have the right number?
Him: Well, he said his name was Gene when I picked him up.
Me: Sorry?  Picked him up?  What?
Him: Yeah, I picked him up at 84 and the Circle and he said he couldn't hang out now, but he said he was Gene and he gave me this number.
Me:  Okay, well that's not me.  I'm not the "get picked up on the corner and give you my number so we can have a beer later" kind of guy, Thomas.  Sorry.
Him:  Okay, well then...that's okay then.  Sorry to bother you.

So, whoever you are that's getting "picked up" by guys like Thomas at 84 and the Circle, I'd really appreciate it if you'd give them Pastor Ben or Pastor Matt's number next time.  Hahaha!  Although I'm pretty sure they won't go out with Thomas either, but he can give it a try.  Hahahahaha!

What a weird world.

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