Friday, October 29, 2010

IT'S FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!

It's Friday and I'm so excited for the weekend, I can't hardly stand it!  In fact, my absolute favorite thing about Friday is how close it is to Sunday!  Earlier today I was looking for a picture from an old blog post I did a couple of years ago.  One thing led to another and a half an hour had gone by as I got lost in scanning posts all the way back to February of 2008.  I discovered a really consistent theme.  Here's a snippet of post from August 2008 that says it all: 

I'll admit it. I'm a junkie for the weekend. I LOVE attending Crossroads. But not just because I get to preach there. No, when we sat down over a year ago and began dreaming with God what church could be like, what we were dreaming wasn't a place to preach and play music that hopefully some people would come to so we could justify doing it. It was a place we wanted to attend

I believe we're starting to see those dreams come into being. And it's a great deal of fun! I look forward to going each week where I get to see old friends and meet new ones. (I swear it's not for the donuts, I haven't had one in a couple of weeks!) I just really dig the vibe there. Yeah, we have technical bugs and glitches to work out and we're learning week by week what they are - but Crossroads is making my church attending experience fun, enjoyable and meaningful. I can't wait to see what happens next!

I guess that's what I wanted to express today.  I haven't had a donut in a really long time now, but I am just as excited to be an attender at Crossroads TODAY as I was the first day we started doing this.  In fact...I'm WAY MORE excited.  The things that God put in our hearts more than three years ago are things we're really starting to see.  And while we've had plenty of challenges (and will have plenty more)  I can honestly tell you that I'd rather be at Crossroads than any church I've ever attended or visited.  I genuinely cannot WAIT to see (and be a part of) what happens next!!  


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