Friday, October 8, 2010


Vision (vizh-uh n) ...seeing or perceiving that which could be, or should be...

CROSSROADS VISION: To create a church that people who don't like church would like to attend.

Purpose (pur-puh s) ...the reason for which something exists...

CROSSROADS PURPOSE: To love God, love each other, and serve the world.

Mission (mish-uh n) operational task (usually assigned by a higher headquarters)

CROSSROADS MISSION: To connect people to God, to each other, and to the world around them.

I heard Rick Warren say this once: "A lot of people say, 'I'm going to be original...or nothing', and wind up being both".  I don't care about being original.  I don't care if Crossroads is original.  I want for my life, and for our church, to be effective for Christ.  I've heard pieces and parts of our vision, purpose and mission spoken and written by other church leaders.  Not a new idea (see Ecclesiates 1:9 if that concerns you).

That said, the Vision, Purpose and Mission of Crossroads resonate deep within me as surely as if I invented them myself.  I have taken ownership of them and made them my personal vision, purpose and mission in life.  I invite you to do the same, and to continue to be liberal in your use of them, especially as you share them with people new to Crossroads, and to those who serve throughout our church and community.

Much love!


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