Thursday, May 14, 2009


Our next series at Crossroads beginning on May 24th and running four weeks was initially to be called "txt".  "txt" is a series of teaching originating (I believe) at Northpoint in Atlanta, and done over the last couple of years by dozens, if not hundreds, of churches around the country.  The main point of the series is to encourage people to read their Bibles.

As we were preparing the series in our creative team meetings, we all voiced a certain uncomfortableness with the idea of comparing the Bible with a personal text message from God. Granted, it's catchy and current and, I suppose, relevant, but it's also fantastically cheesy and - to me, and the rest of your crack creative staff - utterly devoid of the greatness, the grandeur, the splendor and the surpassing majesty that is the Word of God.  The Bible is indeed epic, by literal, and colloquial, definition.

So come, Sunday's May 24th through June 14th, and find your place in the greatest adventure that ever really happened.  Epic.

Here's how it breaks down:
Sunday, May 24th - In The Beginning
Sunday, May 31st - The Word
Sunday, June 7th - Light to Live By (w/Chris Brooks)
Sunday, June 14th - Ever After   

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