Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Totally Spiritual

I spent the morning with a good friend (and Xroads staff member) doing something completely recreational.  It was a blast and I'm entirely certain that God was digging it too.  It was just like...well, church.

Church?  Yeah, see sometimes we get stuck on the idea that church is about a service time, or a building, or a sermon, or something "spiritual".  In the same way, we can compartmentalize our thinking into spiritual versus non-spiritual activities.  Whether we understand it, as human beings, we are wholly spiritual beings.  And if WE are involved in it (whatever "IT" is) it IS spiritual.  Church is about you and me, because we ARE church.

So - while I was being completely spiritual (at church) trying to knock a little, dimpled white ball out of a sand trap - I got to thinking how grateful I am to be at Crossroads.  Not that our gatherings are the be-all-end-all of the collective Christian experience, but that God is connecting our hearts and our lives in ways we never imagined, as we experience His life-changing love together.  That's pretty cool, and it's also pretty rare.  Out of the sand trap, I felt certain that:

I have never been more passionate, enthusiastic and energized about what God is doing IN us and THROUGH us right here in Enterprise, not just at Crossroads, but in other churches as well.  

I have never been more certain that doing life and celebrating God in the way we are is right on target to put us all in the best possible position to ride this wave.  

I have never been more committed to following God's plan for our community, never been more willing to lay down whatever I have to lay down, to see His plan come to pass, and never been more confident in expressing to those who have found themselves marginalized by their life experience (or church experience) that God loves them unconditionally.  

I have never been more able to work, nor more aware that God's goodness is not a product of my work, but a product of His grace and mercy.

You didn't know golf was such a spiritual pursuit, did you?

Love.  Peace.

1 comment:

  1. bro!! I couldn't agree more with this post. that's what I mean when folks ask me about the best worship expience I've ever "been to" (whatever that means,like I have to GO to one?lol) I have say honestly it was longboards on a breezy spring day last year at the park. I felt so alive. I could hear the wind rustling the trees, the ducks, felt the wind in my face. It came to my mind "wow, this awesome!! I bet God is totally into this right now!" it was great!!
    thank you for this post!


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