Monday, May 18, 2009

Teaching Evolution vs. Creationism

Here's an issue sent in by a regular reader of the Intersection. Consider it issue #1 in our Touchy Topic Series.  Let 'er rip!

Q: Should the public school system be allowed to teach evolution and big bang theory without offering creation as an alternative?  


  1. I think that if your gonna teach ONE theory, you need to teach them all...including the TRUTH. The schools tend to teach evolution as fact and THAT angers not only myself, but my children as well. They are not even allowed to argue it as a theory.

  2. if they were teaching real science they would offer all alternative viable views regardless of personal affiliation or conviction.

    ...just sayin" :P

  3. I think that the theory of evolution should be taught as a theory, not fact. Micro-evolution can't be proven in any context, macro-evolution can only be proven in some cases. I also think that creation should be taught as a theory, maybe not 6 day creationism like most of us believe but at least intelligent design. Then again, if we send our kids to secular schools, can we really complain about a secular education? "If you send your kid to school to be taught by Caesar, don't be surprised if he comes back a Roman" -Voddie Baucham
    -Yisrael G

  4. I had a Biology teacher my senior year state that he was required to teach evolution. He said he did not believe in evolution, he believed in God and His design.
    Not many teachers are this brave, so evolution goes on being taught as though it were indeed factual. I believe if they teach one theory, they should have to teach them all. As Divine Creation is not viewed by all as Truth, it should be taught as an alternative to evolution and big bang.
    But as long as we live in this world, it is the responsibility of the parents to educate thier children on what they can expect to hear in school and what is the Truth. Open communication about this subject should be present in the home so parents can help the children decipher Truth from "fact".
    ~Peace out~
    Nat Lurie


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