Monday, May 18, 2009

Christian or Christ-follower?

For your consideration and comment, another reader sent this in for our Touchy Topic series.  Got an opinion?

Q: What do you think the difference is in being a "Christian" and a "Christ follower"? Or IS there a difference?


  1. In all fairness, there shouldn't be a difference. Christ follower is the literally meaning of christian. But we've done a horrible job and called ourselves christian when really we are doing unchristian things, hypocrisy among the worst. I'm sorry about that.

  2. I think so many people tend to check the "Im a Christian" box. I know that when I was younger, I would say that I was a Christian and didnt quite understand what it meant. I believed in Jesus, but wasnt even trying to live the Christ like life. I would think that there is a difference in saying your a CHristian, and being a Christ follower. Being a Christ follower means that you not only believe Jesus is the Messiah, but you try and live your life as an example to others of how Jesus wants us to live. Not saying Im perfect (AT ALL) but saying that I try and live my life as the Bible teaches us to live....without exceptions.

  3. donald miller didn't want to be called a "Christian" on the radio once b/c of the bad representation Christians have given of Christ. Jessie is right, there shouldn't be a difference. unfortunately it's necessary to move under a new name if the old one becomes tarnished.

    non-christians hear "Christian and think "Bigot", "hypocrit" "close-minded" "arrogant know-it-all" etc.

    let's do a better job with representing Christ as "Christ-followers", shall we?
    it would be cool if when non-christians heard the word "Christ-follower" they think,"giving""humble" "sacricficial" "loving" "open-minded" "honest"
    that would be cool :)

  4. I have to agree with the other posts. I think there shouldn't be a difference but there is. The term christian has been used to promote so many atrocities in the world. Blood has been on the wings of christianity through every war this country has ever fought. When most people think of Christian, thats what they think of. I want to be affiliated with it as little as possible, but I'm a member of that camp by default. When you here the term Christ-follower, I think it forces you to think a little harder. Anyone can check a box that says "Christian-other" on it, how many people would be willing to live their life following Christ?

  5. As Jessie said, There SHOULDN'T be a difference. But, sadly there is. The word Christian has become nothing more than a word that people use to affiliate themselves with a religion. To be a Christian means so much more. It means to be Christ-like. To walk and talk and love and give the way Jesus did. We shouldn't HAVE to tell people "Hi, my name is Natalie and I am a Christian." They should be able to tell by watching us and listening to us.
    That's all I have to say about that.
    ~Nat Lurie

  6. I agree with those who think the words "Christ-follower" more accurately describe an active believer in Christ. People often call themselves "Christian" meaning they are not Hindu, or Buddhist or Muslim. To call oneself "Christian" because one more closely identifies with Western theological ideas is not the same as becoming a new creation through faith in Christ, then following Him. Put me in the Christ-follower column!


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