Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Things I Suck At

Wow.  Where did Tuesday go?  I went to bed Monday night, and got up with great expectation of all the amazing things I was going to accomplish today and *poof!*, it was 8:30 on Tuesday night.  Just enough time to write down the top ten things I suck at.  (Today, that is).  I reserve the right to amend this list at any time.  Or add to it, if I find that there are eleven or twelve things that I suck at.
  1. Time management.
  2. Exercise.
  3. Wrapping presents.
  4. Cleaning up cat barf.
  5. Patience.
  6. Writing lists with more than 10 things in them.
  7. Being unselfish.
  8. Not running my big mouth.
  9. Liking religious people.

Well golly, would you look at that? I guess there were only nine (ha, ha!).  

What do YOU suck at?  


  1. Being on time! Being organized! Man should I go on, nah that about sums it up for me at this point!

  2. I'll pass on the top ten things we suck at that an "anonymous" Roadie emailed to me. Thanks for playing!

    1. Sticking to a budget
    2. Sacrificing “my time, and my money” for someone else. (Is it really my time or money though?…Ouch!)
    3. Remembering names
    4. Keeping my feelings from coming out my mouth
    5. Saying “I appreciate you”
    6. Saying “I was wrong” (No problems saying what I think is wrong with someone else though. How does that work exactly?)
    7. Doing what I don’t “feel like” doing. (Cleaning, yard work, etc.)
    8. Enjoying Brian’s “big hair band” music with him.
    9. DIRECTIONS (I always park on the same lane at Walmart every time I go, so I can remember where I left my ride)
    10. Math

    I am just keeping it real!

  3. Oops. I meant to say, "The top ten things "SHE" sucks at (ha, ha!) Come on guys. More! What do you SUCK at? (You'll get to share what you're thankful for tomorrow.)

  4. 1. Being productive
    2. Training someone else to do my job
    3. Backing off and letting William help me. (I guess that falls under training for my job huh?)
    4. Keeping my mouth shut when all I wanna do in rip someone a new one.
    5. Being unselfish
    6. Sacrificing my time
    7. Being positive
    8. Forgiving (I can hold one mean grudge)
    9. Allowing change
    10. Exercise and being healthy

  5. Thanks for playing, Nat! Sounds like we all suck a little bit at the same kind of things. Hmmm... I wonder if there's something to that?

  6. 1. Saying "Im Sorry".
    2. Reading books...Im too A.D.D.
    3. Sleeping, I wish someone could teach me how to turn my mind off at night.
    4. Being Vulnurable (Dont like to be)
    5. Baking
    6. Ummm...patience with stupid people...I mean, uh... people that ask stupid questions...and dont give me that "There are no stupid questions" thing cause there are and we all know it.
    7. Time Management
    8. Remembering the little things
    9. remembering Dr. Appts
    10. Delegation, Delegation, Delegation!!!
    Oh and my mother in law told me to tell you that "The power of life and death is in the tongue." And you shouldnt put any word curses on yourself by saying that you suck at something. Me on the other hand....

  7. Ha, ha! Thanks for playing HM. And you can tell your mother-in-law from me...

    ...oh, nevermind.

    See, I'm getting better already!

  8. I Suck at:

    1. Hitting a ggod shot with anything above a 6 iron.
    2. Remembering I'm almost out of gas.
    3. I totally suck at remembering what I suck at.

  9. Well just like someone's being 'cool', wise, or beautiful, you really already know my list without being told. Perhaps it's like the first step to recovery is to admit you have a problem. My name is Will and I stink at:

    1. Saying certain words even children have a clear conscience saying
    2. Being on time
    3. Being sympathetic to people afraid to try
    4. Spelling words I use but never read
    5. Typing this list while Pastor Gene is on the phone
    6. Not being condescending ...still
    7. Being patient
    8. Putting my heart in to my day job
    9. Showing Natalie how much I actually love her
    10. Taking time for myself
    11. Being an adequate example of Christ-like behavior
    12. Oh and remembering names (nice blog Gary)
    13. Remembering anything!
    14. What was this list about?

  10. Hey Mike, do what I do. Whenever I can't remember what I suck at, I ask one of my kids. They have no problem remembering!

  11. Will, I feel you on #3 especially. I really suck at that.

  12. What do I suck at?

    1. Being patient...especially when it's waiting for something I REALLY want
    2. Knowing when to say something and when to keep my mouth shut
    3. Not taking frustrations out on others
    4. Being positive...especially when driving
    5. Letting people really get to know me...honestly, I have a big problem with rejection-I don't like it AT ALL
    6. Trusting God, that He actually will do what He said He will do
    7. Being productive...I can be VERY lazy
    8. Not spending too much money
    9. Putting others' needs before my own
    10. Not worrying

    And, the list could go on, but then it would get very specific.
    ~Lisa Marie

  13. We are sure more alike than we are different from one another. I think God must have been on to something with the whole "all have come short" thing. Thank you Jesus for overcoming my suckiness!

  14. Geez, I only get 10???

    1. Being brave.
    2. Trying new things.
    3. Logistics.
    4. Anything mechanical
    5. Holding my tongue. (that probably should have been #1!)
    6.Consistently doing anything. I get distracted....hey what a nice doggie......
    7. Shopping for clothes.
    8. Remembering orthodontist or dentist appointments.
    9. Doing anything outside my known, proven skill set.
    10. Trusting God when the wheels come off.

    There are lots more, but it would be too humiliating to list them all.....

  15. I appraently suck at properly posting a reply to this blog....take 3.

  16. Wow top ten things I suck at...

    1. Keeping my anger to a minimum
    2. Forgiving
    3. Reality
    4. Truth
    5. Knowing whats right from wrong
    6. Love
    7. Saving money
    8. Trust
    9. Opening up my heart
    10. Improving myself


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