Monday, November 17, 2008

Birthday Party for Prostitutes

Guys, this is too good to pass up.  A quick video from "sociologist" Tony Campolo. All I can say to it is "Amen".  Watch.


  1. dude, I have to get you the movie "the least of the these" it's based on that story of Tony at the diner. I think you'd love it man!!

  2. WOW! Can we be a church that throws birthday parties for prostitutes in diners @ 3 in the morning? I'm so there! Awesome video!

  3. Dude what an awe inspiring video! I think we all have to answer that call, I am reminded of the prostitute caught in the act, and the religious people asking Jesus what he was going to do, back then they would physically have stoned her, now we just do it mentally! Are we going to be like Jesus or are we going to be like everyone one else? I am with Natalie, lets have birthdays at diners for prostitutes at 3 in the morning!


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