Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Day

I'm on my way to the polls this morning.  I trust those of you of voting age will do the same. It's the thing we get to do every four years that sometimes influences outcomes. One of the greatest political quotes I ever heard was from Al Gore who said, "Take it from me, elections matter!"

I don't know what your politics are, and I think I've made it pretty clear to anyone who has asked me mine, or tried to convince me that theirs were more right (or at least further toward it - or further to the left for that matter), that my number one area of focus this election season has little to do with earthly kingdoms.

I go to cast my vote this morning confident that whoever is the next President of the United States has been hand-picked not by me, but by God, and I'm grateful that He is still the primary force in swaying every election - as He has been since a bunch of disobedient Israelites said, "Hey...Samuel...we want a king!"

A king we shall have.  We get the king we ask for.  Thank God, that:

The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases.  (Prov 21:1)

Another morsel to chew on (especially valuable on the day AFTER any election):

Everyone must submit to governing authorities.  For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God.  (Romans 13:1)

Happy voting!  I pray all people everywhere - and especially those who who are the church -  reject ALL political division in favor of unity in Christ.  Peace.


  1. Good blog. Very appropriate for a day like today. In pondering Proverbs 21:1.... God has the heart of him who He has anointed king, not just whoever is king. If a man turns his heart from God, doesn't God allow him? Even if God has a king's heart, the king still may do whatever he chooses. The key is are either of our choices in this election men who have God's heart? Even if they have His heart, will their hearts be pliable to His direction? That is why it is very important for all believers to forget what their favorite minister says, what the media says, even what you've always done in past elections. Get on YOUR face before God and get His heart on who He desires to rule over us in government. If all Christians would do this, division would be eliminated because all of the Body would be heading in the same direction. One man will win this election. Regardless of whether you voted for him or not, take up the mantle of prayer for that man and never let it go. Elections might steer the country, but only prayers of righteous men and women can propel the country toward the goal that God has for it.

    Great blog Gene.

  2. What about Hitler?

  3. RE: Anonymous Hitler comment

    Please. Spend some quality time in the Word.

  4. I understand about submitting to authority, but the new president is trying to pass into law things that go directly against what the Bible says. How do you support him?

  5. Paul, speaking to Christians, wrote as he provided guidelines, qualities and training for sound church doctrine:

    "Remind them to be subject to rulers and authorities, to obey, to be ready for every good work, to speak evil of no one, to be peaceable, gentle, showing all humility to men. For we ourselves were also once foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving various lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful and hating one another".

    May the Holy Spirit guide us in all truth and may unity in the body of Christ be our goal.


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