Thursday, November 20, 2008


I had lunch today with a couple of guys that also pastor independent church plants in Enterprise.  Though our backgrounds and experiences are different, we find common ground in our new experiences of starting (or re-starting) church in the portable mode.  
Guys, this is unique and truly awe-inspiring.  We are smack in the middle of what could rightly be characterized as a defining moment.  I have lived in Enterprise more than 11 years now and I know of no other time when there were three independent churches doing what we are doing at the level at which we are doing it.  The key to all of this working, is to demonstrate to our community that independent church plants are good for Enterprise, and are an acceptable alternative to traditional mainline denominational churches, and that we, as independent churches, are a stable, solid, relevant and important part of the spiritual fabric of this community.  

Though some may disagree, the three of us are in complete agreement that churches like ours (or unlike ours) are not in competition with one another.  We are in competition with hell, and we intend to inflict maximum damage on it by supporting and working with one another.  

I am grateful to God for this new relationship between our churches and my growing relationship with these faithful pastors.  There is strength in unity.  Pray that the bond between me and Mike and Derek grows stronger, that God blesses our commitment to unity, and that the churches we each pastor are healthy, growing epicenters of salvation, baptism and sound relevant teaching that bring life change to those in this community.  And pray that I always beat both of them in golf.  

(You can pray about whether God wants you to pray about the golf thing.  I mean, I'm pretty sure it's God's will for me to win.  Hey, we gotta compete at something, right?)


  1. When Matt and I first moved here some 7 years ago, the first thing we noticed was ALL the churches. Coming from the "north" we didnt have a church on every corner, let alone 5 or 6 churches on the same street side by side. After living here for some time, Matt turned to me one day and said, "What would it be like if pastors got together, joined in the unity that is the message of Jesus Christ and hit this town with that unity and love?" I applaud all of you for doing such a thing. Like you said, we are playing for the same team right...I mean, we have the same goal...winning souls for Heaven. Bravo!

  2. Right on! But what about the golf thing, Hollie?

  3. I'm glad to about your lunch with the other pastors. I agree with Hollie about the need for Christian unity. Unfortunately many are more focused on differences than the universal truth of salvation through Jesus. I love to see more God and less religion.

    On your golf game I'll quote my old football coach, "Lord we will not pray for victory, but only pray for the safety of the athletes on the field."


  4. That's a great prayer. (The way I shank the ball off the tee, they're gonna need it. Ha-ha!)

  5. amen!!!

    I love to hear that "we intend to inflict maximum damage on it by supporting and working with one another. "


  6. Sorry Pastor Gene, but I have never understood the logic or love of golf. You hit a tiny ball way far away, sometimes to where you cant even see where it lands, then you get in a miniature car and chase the ball only to hit it again. What kinda sport is that? You have to chase after your own ball??? Oh and dont get me started on the attire...


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