Wednesday, November 26, 2008

"LIFE" Should Top the List

Okay, the whole 'things I suck at' trip was wild.  Lots of people responded.  Amazing how many similarities there were in the things we think we suck at.  I've got a much better exercise for tomorrow. How about a top ten list of the things you're thankful or grateful for. There's way more then 10 for me, but I'll take a crack at it to get things started:
  1. Jesus who came and died and rose again to take away not just my sin, but all my suckiness, too!
  2. A wife loves me, knows me, actually LIKES me and is my very best friend in the whole world.
  3. Kids that I am so proud of for what they believe and what they stand for.  Though every bit as imperfect as me, at the end of the day their faithfulness never fails to blow me away.
  4. That I get to pastor Crossroads.
  5. The young people who have given me the privilege of speaking into their lives.
  6. The incredible pastoral staff and leadership team who, despite my shortcomings, believe in what God is doing and are heart deep in the ministry.
  7. That the love of God in Christ is beating out religion in the battle for the hearts and minds of people.
  8. That God has BLESSED me so abundantly.  I have so much I don't have room to keep it all.  More food, and clothes, and stuff than I could ever use. (Like my friend Dave Anderson said, "I'll throw away more food tomorrow than many people in the world will have a chance to eat").
  9. That I get to participate in a community where L-O-V-E is more important than anything else.
  10. That I get to do LIFE with ROADIES like you. 

Oh my goodness!  Do this, write down ten things, and you'll go, "No, that's such a SHORT LIST, I can't possibly BEGIN to write down all the things I'm thankful for in a list like that"!  When we START to take stock of all that we have, we should start with this one: LIFE. Everything after that is gravy.

I love you guys.  Have a great Thanksgiving with someone you can show God's love to.  If you don't know someone you can share God's love with, call me.  I'll point you in the right direction (and throw in a turkey leg if you're hungry). 

Give me your ten in the comments section.  Peace. 


  1. Sent big long comment to this blog. Not sure if it went through. As Forrest Gump would say, "I am not a smart man, but I know how to post a blog". Except I don't. Let me know if you got that other one. But of course I don't know how to post so you won't see this anyway....Touche'

  2. 1. The Blood.

    2. Crossroads- A place where I can be me.

    3. A mate that knows my darkest secrets and still thinks I'm Superman.

    4. Shalisha, Tyler, and Marissa our children that have disappointed us very little.

    5. Employment I Love and can serve people, and pays pretty good too.

    6. Touch, smell, sound, taste, and sight.

    7. The Smokey Mountains.

    8. EOCC - where I met my sweety.

    9. Gene and Leslie - Have led us in worship, now we follow them as they follow Christ.

    10. Third Day

    APM Energy Drinks.

  3. Ten things that I'm thankful for...

    1. My best friend, that does so much to be able to protect me and continue to love me through thick and thin.
    2. My sister who has supported me and stood by my side when the rest of my family has drifted away.
    3. My entire church family
    4. God
    5. Support
    6. Strength
    7. Hope
    8. Laughter
    9. Courage
    10. Faith

  4. 1. That God picked me up turned me around and gave me life more abundantly...full of love and forgiveness.
    2. A God loving husband.
    3. Healthy children.
    4. That God has trusted me with speaking into the lives of children. I am so honored and thankful.
    5. That I live in Alabama
    6. CROSSROADS!!!!!
    7. Shelter
    8. That all my needs are met.
    9. Reeses peanut butter cups.
    10. Grace

  5. 1. The sacrifice Christ made so that I might me made righteous in the eyes of God.
    2. My best friend in the world, my leader, and my hero. William. I would never have the life I have today if it weren't for him.
    3. My pastors and "spiritual" mom and dad, Gene and Leslie Oden.
    4. My angel of a dog, Buddy
    5. My parents, though they may be crazy, I love them.
    6. I live in a country of Freedom
    7. Crossroads
    8. Jon and Kate plus 8 :). I love that show and take great comfort knowing if she can remain a sane, dedicated Christ follower with 8 kids, I can do it with 4.(one day!)
    9. Dakota Coffee! Medium Mocha Vanilla, hot, no whip cream. *Smiles*
    10. For my home, car, and climate control.
    11. The opportunity to bless people. Nothing like giving away a car!!
    12. My boss. The best anyone could ask for.
    13. For my health
    14. LOVE!
    15. Last but not least, I'm thankful for HOT water!

  6. 1. God still loves me even when I screw up and make the same stupid mistake for the billionth time.
    2. That God is always there for me no matter what and has never let me down.
    3. For a family that loves me.
    4. For amazing friends that make life fun...or at least VERY interesting.
    5. A place to call home.
    6. I don't have to pay rent or other necessary monthly bills right now.
    7. Good food to eat...I love food maybe a tad bit too much.
    8. The freedom to worship God.
    9. A job that I actually enjoy.
    10. Simply that I'm alive and have fully functional legs, arms, etc.

    ~Lisa Marie


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