Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday Mind Dump

After another fantastic Sunday service at Crossroads, someone (Chris Vincent and yours truly) had the bright idea that we should all go play football in the park.  We did.  Many of us can barely move this morning.  I went to bed (in a heap) at 9:30 last night and slept until 6:30 this morning. It was HUGE fun, but I am reeeeeeeally sore, ha-ha!  Can't wait to do it again next Sunday!

Some quick hits from the weekend:
  1. Great attendance yet again with an amazing number of first-time attenders.  Even had a couple of folks that saw the balloons and said, "What's going on in here?", and stayed for the service.
  2. We had a TON of kids in the Filling Station and Big Wheels Pre-School yesterday.  Most ever!
  3. Volunteer help is on the rise in our children's ministry.  I know Pastor Hollie is thrilled! Thanks to Peggy with new graphics and set pieces in the Filling Station, and thank you Haskins family for hooking up with the vision!
  4. The band blew it up yesterday.  Bar none, the best they have sounded since we moved into the cinema!  Great worship.
  5. It's only the 2nd week of our new series The Blessed Life and guys, I have to tell you, giving is going through the roof.  People are being rich towards God.  What a thrill to see!
  6. Great to have Family Life Pastors Brian & Michelle and the whole family back after their "working" vacation at the SEMA show in Lost Wages, Nevada!
  7. Thanks to all our great and very faithful Roadies that make the Lobby work every week  - Mike, Kimber, Ivy, Shelly, Chris V., Star and all the teens that pitch in!
  8. New hands helping with set-up in the main sanctuary ROCK!
  9. We have the best techies and communicators on the planet.  I'm so proud of all of you!
  10. Got to meet Pastor Derek from High Point Church here in Enterprise at lunch yesterday. Great guy, great vision.  I look forward to working with him to make it hard to get to hell from Enterprise!
  11. Volunteer Meeting/Training session tonight at the Annex 7PM to 8:30PM.  If you volunteer (or want to) please be there.
Well that's a wrap for now, but take a look at the video below.  Children's Pastor Matt Mendenhall is making a delivery in Afghanistan (and it ain't a pizza delivery).   

1 comment:

  1. Pastor Gene it has been two days since the first ever Crossroads game and I am soooo sore! Ha ha but man what a day it was on so many fronts! The service was timely as far as what we all need going into this next season and year, its as if God gave you the heads up and we are taking full advantage of it! What an awesome God! As far as the game itself, what a great time we all had and what a time to recover! Ha ha I am so grateful to be a part of Crossroads!



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