Friday, November 7, 2008

Stuff and Junk - AND FUNNY - TGIF!

What an intense week this has been .  Between the election, the commentary, the road trip, the himalayan highs and the death valley lows I am R-E-A-D-Y for the weekend.  (Except for the fact that I'm not actually ready yet).  Is it just me, or was this week emotionally draining for anyone else?

I'm prepping for Sunday's service (as I have been much of the week), but I'll make a big push today and then put about 12 hours in wrapping it up tomorrow (I don't remember what I used to do on Saturday - I guess it was...a day off).

Got a fun new video put together for MAFIA - we'll show it Sunday morning.

Been reading some really challenging blogs this week.  If you're not reading OPB's (other people's blogs) I encourage you to do so.  The blogosphere is town square of the new century, and though it is wise to always carry a salt shaker with you, there is nothing like listening to what others are saying to broaden your vision (yes, that WAS a horrible sentence).

Oh (BLAAAAH!!!), my brain isn't working right this morning.  Okay, enough of my inane rambling.  Take a look at the Funky Fresh Sr. Choir at First Baptist.  INSANELY funny!  Have a great day! 


  1. Thank you for the video...I so needed that to end my week on!

  2. You have got to be kidding me! That video was HILARIOUS!!! There are no words to describe what I think about that...

    ~Lisa Marie


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