Sunday, November 16, 2008


I am so stoked about today I can't wait until I write the Monday Mind Dump to talk about it.  I just got home and Leslie was making pancakes. That's a big deal on Sunday night, because it's something we did years ago when we had to commute long distances to church, and we'd be there all day, and do a service on Sunday night, everyone's tired and cranky, and Mom would make everyone feel great with a stack of hotcakes!  

For me it was the perfect end to a perfectly wonderful day.  I have to admit I was somewhat uncertain if not downright nervous about this morning's message.  We're in Week Three of the Blessed Life, and this morning we plowed headlong into the subject of tithing and giving offerings.  Exacerbating my unease was the fact that it was just really cold this morning, and the crowd - one of our largest ever - was a bit on the cool side as well.  Normally very vocal and at least moderately boisterous, I heard crickets many times from worship 'til I was 5 minutes into my message.  

But not only did the group warm up, they totally engaged.  Guys I am so honored to get to pastor Crossroads.  What an incredible group of people God is growing into a community of Christ-followers.  

We receive the offering in our typical service long before I ever take the platform.  So I know it wasn't because I stirred emotions, tugged at heart strings, or confronted some sort of disobedience when today we received the largest Sunday morning offering we've seen since we began.  I was overwhelmed by the generosity of the people of Crossroads, and overjoyed that it was in response to people being heart-deep in their relationship with God, and not some special message I shared to generate a big offering.  

Combine the great service this morning with a seven-minute nap, an hour of touch football in the park, movie night @ the Annex with people I love, and pancakes for dinner and you have all the ingredients of a positively wonderful day!  Thank you, Lord.  Can't wait to write the Monday Mind Dump...but I will.  Have a great night!

1 comment:

  1. Well...what was lunch then...just some sort of "time passer"...I knew I should of said something to the manager about your food!


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