Friday, January 30, 2009

Thank You!

I read a comment to a blog post from a friend who is a pastor the other day.  And it reminded me how fortunate I am to be working with a group of people who really "get" what we are doing at Crossroads.  We have a plan, and we're sticking to it. Some may not like it, but that's the great thing about America...we all get to choose.  One thing is for sure, whether people like Crossroads or not, they'll never have to wonder what it is, or why we do the things we do.  

Let me challenge you:  Those of you who get off at 5PM have 40 more minutes to tap someone on the shoulder and invite them to Crossroads this weekend. Then there's tonight and tomorrow and tomorrow night.  Practically a lifetime.    

What's easy about doing that is you can tell them with absolute certainty what to expect when they get there. Do you know how rare that is?

Some will come because of the music.  Some will come because the message is short and sweet.  Some will come for free donuts.  Some will come because it's cool.  Some will come because it's casual.  But ALL will come because they were invited by someone who believed in what we are doing.

Thank you for being faithful to the vision of Crossroads!   

1 comment:

  1. awesome.
    talk with my old friend from high school. reminded me of our goal and our target.
    we can't ever lose sight of that.


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