Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Could you do it for a year?  For a month?  For a week? Today?  Pretty tall order. Take a look and comment. Would you do it better? Holier?  Different-"er"?  Would you drink beer? Would you vote Obama?  He did. Sound off.


  1. wow!
    that's insane.
    Jeff and were just talking about that at work,
    how insanely hard it is to follow Jesus' teachings.
    like the 10 comandmetnt stuff is a piece of cake but stuff like, never worry, bless those who persecute you, love others like yourself, and loving God with your whole self (mind, soul, and strength) being humble, turn the other cheek.

    each one of the is incredibly hard to do 100% for a DAY, much less a year!
    mad props to that guy!

    I wouldn't drink beer though, not because it's sinful but because it tastes gross. fruit margaritas though...

    and I don't think Jesus would vote, honestly.
    if you think about it, he seemed more concerned for the kingdom of heaven than the empire of Rome.
    Oh the hardest part, Jesus was volunteerily homeless! he would rather live on the streets with the beautiful outcasts of Rome, than to live in a nice little clay house. I don't think I could do that.

  2. Thanks, Chris. C'mon guys, bring it. What do YOU say?

  3. Well, I dont think that Jesus would be drinking in a bar. For one thing, the word "wine" in the Bible is translated into many different meanings. (Fermented/ Unfermented, Sweet wine, new wine...) Wine is sometimes used for the word "grape juice". People often bring up the miracle of Jesus turning water into wine at the wedding of Cana. If Jesus had turned the water into fermented wine it would be opposite of the many texts in the Bible which teach against the use of intoxicating beverages. It is seen in His harsh reply to his mother when she comes to Him telling him that they have no wine. His response, "Woman, what have I to do with thee?" (Meaning, what have we in common.) It was a good response stating that he was not going to make more of the kind of wine the company had been drinking - alcoholic wine. He turned the water into sweet pure wine, "grape juice". Also, scripture forbids a Christian from doing anything that might offend or cause another Christian to stumble. Who knows who might have been in that very bar with this man struggling internally with the decision to drink or not to drink. What ever your beliefs, its better to live by the rule of "Dont do anything that might cause another to stumble." On the voting thing, well, I think he needed to look a little closer at what Obama's beliefs are and then decide whether Christ would of voted for him. Those things aside, I'm sure that it was a very hard year for Him. I mean, Christ lived a sin free, perfect life. Im not sure I could even last a day.

  4. Thanks, HM. More! More! C'mon guys, who doesn't have an opinion on something like this? Bring it. Sound off.

  5. Well after listening to the guy, I have to say he has more discipline than I do! Very interesting how the alcohol has stirred the conversation here and the technicalities of it! Reading the gospels everday impressed me as well as trying to live it out! Unlike HM, I think Jesus would go to a bar and scoff at his followers for not going in there, not for drinking a beer but for thumbing our noses at those who do! We have to remember Jesus did and said things to the disciples that made them turn there heads all the time! I dont think it is so far fetched to say that Jesus would have gone into a bar, but it does make for interesting debates! The Obama thing, well I would have to say the only thing Obama and Jesus has incommon would be the hope that is in there message? Although in Jesus' message it is God inspired, Obama well I cant say the same! ( I am going to get my gun permit this weekend, just for the record! ) All in all it was a really cool video and I bet he had an awesome experience!

  6. Thanks for posting the video. Rather interesting.

    Hmmmmm. Just to keep spiritual things out of it for now, I'd say it is quite a remarkable thing to attempt. Obviously it isn't impossible to do, but difficult on many levels without living life as a hermit. :)

    On the flip side of the coin, it doesn't take a spiritual giant to realize the intent of this interview. If all Mr. Dobson had wanted to do was tell how he lived the teachings of Christ "to the T" (in his mind), that would have been admirable and newsworthy. However, he took it upon himself to interject that he drank beer and voted for Obama. Why? What do those two things have to do with how well you followed Jesus' example in your life over the last 12 months. I think THAT is the real question. Why did he feel compelled to share that with the world. To me, it almost takes the focus away from the real testimony of what he (at least said he) was able to accomplish. Simply look at the posts above mine to verify this assessment. The focus on this interview should have been: "Living like Jesus would have is possible. This is how I did it, and you can too".

    The scripture where Dobson said they accused Jesus of drinking (as justification for him drinking) is a convenient misrepresentation of the scripture. Luke for yourself. Jesus was drawing a bit of irony of how the Pharisees looked down at John the Baptist for one reason and also cast judgment on himself for the exact opposite reason. He was making the point that no one could be justified in the eyes of the Pharisees if they didn't like them. In other words, He was stating that no one with a "light" that outshone the Pharisees would be excepted by them. They would disparage anyone that made them look bad/weak/useless. But I digress....

    Drinking a beer never sent anyone to hell, but by the same token, is it prudent to a Christian lifestyle? Even sinner people know that Christians shouldn't partake of alcohol. "What? You drink? I thought you were a Christian?" It is funny to think that Christians try to justify it at every turn if it pleases their flesh. If Jesus were here, would He be in a bar tipping back on a Bud Lite? I sincerely doubt it. Would He light you on fire and send you to Hell for doing it? I KNOW He wouldn't. Jesus didn't hang around the sinners because He knew they'd buy Him a beer. He came to seek and to save that which was LOST. You can't save a righteous man because he is already justified in the eyes of God. Take note at where Jesus went to find those "lost" people. You have to go where the lost ones are.....for some reason you aren't supposed to find lost people in the churches.....:)

    As for the Obama voting thing..... Again, why did he find it necessary to interject that nugget of information? It points back to intent. This past election cycle was historical, popular and monumental in many aspects. Many people voted for a ticket that they never would have in previous elections....on both sides of the fence. While Mr. Dobson felt that Obama was more closely aligned with the teaching of Christ, I personally disagree with his assessment. I could expound, but it is pointless to the intent of this video clip and discussion.

    As for the eating Kosher and other items he spoke of in the interview, one must realize the main difference between Jesus' earthly ministry and the New Testament church (i.e. age of grace). The New Testament didn't start in Matthew chapter 1 as many suppose, but when Jesus arose from the grave. At that point, the Law was abolished. I could talk about fleshly works, and the Pauline revelation of Grace for pages, but I will spare you.

    I think that what Mr. Dobson attempted is admirable and should be an encouragement to all of us to hang up the "it's just too hard to live like Jesus" argument. He was able to accomplish (according to his understanding of scripture) something that others in the body of Christ don't even TRY to attempt. For this he should be commended. I just wish that he would have left his spiritual "hot topics" at the door and focused on glorifying Jesus on such a national platform as ABC News.

    Jed in OK

  7. Thanks, Chris. What a beautiful mosaic the body of Christ is. C'mon, guys. Go - Go - Go - Go!

  8. Thanks, Jed. (Oh, but aren't hot topics the fun part?). C'mon folks, these guys are bringing their 'A'-game. What's important in all this? How does the post make you feel? How do the comments make you feel. Bring it. (I know there's more opinions out there. Remember...I know most of you.) Waiting...

  9. Wow! Great Comment by Jed! I 100% agree. To Chris, I wasnt stating that Jesus wouldnt be in the bar, just that he wouldnt be drinking with them. After all, we are not to be of the world. We are to be the light, an example to those who are still in the dark. No, I dont think if you drink a beer you're condemned to Hell. Just stating that so many people I know that are not Christians and see Christians drink tend to think those Christians are hypocrites. Example: My mother, who goes to church, was at a bar drinking with some friends (who are not Christians). She stated that she needed to head home cause she had to go to church in the morning. WEll, one of the other ladies laughed at that statement. (Rightfully So.) My mother was not being an example. How can you convince someone of how awesome a Christ centered life is if you look JUST like them? We are called to be different, to let our light shine, and put our own flesh aside for the sake and salvation of others. That is all. =)

  10. Greetings Captain Cynical here checking in from Marketopia. Ha Ha! Just Kidding! After reading the post from Jed I rewatched the clip a few times. It would seem that this interview, with the beer and Obama comments, would make for a great book launching propoganda, wouldn't it???

    I enjoyed all of the comments. I will just add that for whatever Mr. Dobson's motives were, only God knows, but he did close the interview with some great advice...'Read the Word'!!!

    From my humble foxhole, that is some great advice!

    One thing that I have always loved about Christ is how He always had the word on His tounge. I know... that's cause Christ is, 'The Word', (John 1:1,2), but I think one could aspire to be like Christ be saturating themselves in His word, weekly...passionately...for an entire year. That's awesome!

    One last comment on the beer thing. I believe that HM, Chris, Jed and Mr. Dobson are correct. In this sense. Everybody agrees that Christ came to save the lost not the righteous. Everybody agrees that alcohol IS a stumbling block for the lost, and for the saved. For the saved, this topic is about a personal heart condition and posture towards the Lord. It's personal. If a christian doesn't cause someone to stumble in a bar, he or she will cause a person to stumble somewhere else. That's just the reality of it. So, if a christian is not convicted about drinking or not, either way, it a personal thing. As long as we all know there IS a huge difference between a drink, and being buzzed or drunk. Being drunk is not allowed, Eph. 5:18.
    Love you guys,

  11. MM,

    I couldnt agree more with your statements! This is a matter of the heart!For a christian to drink is one thing, for a drink to have anyone is another! Excess is a sin in just about all areas of life, food,exercise, going to church! There are so many things than can be good that can cause people to stumble as well! Like Cpt Cynical said, " It is a matter of the heart! " What was in Dobson's heart was God and sharing with people about God, he just so happen to have a beer in his hand. Everyone's take on this is there opinion and I value people's opinion when they leave it at that, there opinion! God is so awesome to have created us and given us minds to think and mouths to speak! I think that we can all agree on!

  12. I don't know about all this. I kind of think the guy is a nut to be honest man. Anyone that thinks that Obama exibits the most "Christ like qualities" isn't all there. Abortion....need I say more? I don't think there IS a politician that exhibits anything close to "Christ like". As for the whole bar craziness; I would like to think that ol' JC would sit down and have a beer with me along with some conversation about what's really important in life. Maybe even play a game of darts. I think he's that cool. What ever it takes to reach that individual at their level. A biker dude is probably more inclined to listen to another biker dude, know what I mean? I'm out.

  13. Now, that's what the Intersection is ALL about. A place to meet and mouth off. THANK YOU GUYS!!! Great stuff.


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