Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Wednesday January 21st has arrived.  I know this may be meaningless to many of you, but I have anxiously awaited this day for many, many months.  Tonight...Season Five of LOST begins.  I will be planted in front of the plasma from 7 to 10PM Central.  No apologies.  That's just the way it is.

Sorry for the lack of posting so far this week.  I am slammed right now, in the middle of putting together 7 video segments for Sunday's service.  More on that a bit later in the week.

As for yesterday.  Guys - to me - it was a pretty special day for our country, for African-Americans across the United States, and for the cause of justice and equality for all people. But, like I said, that's just to me.  You may feel differently.  I celebrate your right to feel however you believe you should.  That's one of the benefits of living in a free nation.

I didn't blog about it because, frankly, I didn't feel that there was anything I could say or do that would add to the significance of the day.  It pretty much stands on its own.

Watching LOST tonight...and pretty happy about it.


1 comment:

  1. Lost was awesome! It left me wanting more. It was neat to see some long ago questions answered. Cant wait till next Wed.! BTW, did anyone else notice that there is a lot of sweating on Lost?


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