Sunday, January 4, 2009


What a GREAT weekend at Crossroads as we started a new year and a brand new series about getting connected called WiRED.  Here's some quick takes from the day:
  1. Lobby experience was fantastic.  The energy of the lobby was off the charts as we welcomed many returning from vacations with friends and family.  Props to all who who worked the lobby this week and made it go!
  2. ZERO TECHNICAL GLITCHES!! First time ever! (Except, of course for our usual low level, low hertz hum attributable to existing circuitry in the movie theatre...but we're used to that's like, part of our DNA.  You know, coffee, donuts, balloons and low level hum).  Super tech day all around!
  3. Great to meet new people today, like folks from Heaven's Saints MC!
  4. How GREAT is our set-up team?  So good, we pushed set-up back a half an hour this year.  Awesome job guys!
  5. Today was probably my personal favorite day of WORSHIP at Crossroads.  The worship team did a fantastic job, new songs, great vibe, good sound, and really PURE worship. Made it easy to connect with God, the crowd was totally engaged.  I'll tell you this, it REALLY blessed MY life and prepared the way for me to share the message. Thank you, God and way to bring it, guys...and gal!
  6. Felt like we connected well with each other during the message, good flow, real easy to deliver...GREAT CROWD!
  7. Small Groups took a HUGE step forward today at Crossroads. Many people plugged into the concept, and many came forward asking how to get involved and offering to lead small groups!  Great first week of our series.  Can't wait for GROUP LINK! 
  8. Excited for the Filling Station, starting a new series, WINTER EXTREME.  Pretty ouchy emotionally to see Matt head back to Afghanistan.  Nothing like it is for Hollie and the boys, though.  Pray for great success and safety for Matt and for the whole family.  He's hardly left, and I can't wait to see him again.
  9. Looking forward to LIVE praise and worship to begin in the Filling Station!
  10. Special thanks to Buddy Haskins for all the electrical work he did at the Cinema and at the Annex last week.  Made a HUGE difference.
  11. One more big thank you to Pastor Ben and Kelly, Buddy, Rob, Mike, JD, Brian, Trask & Monica, Greg & Becky, Will & Nat (and everyone else I'm forgetting...sorry), ALL OUR GREAT STUDENT LEADERS AND HELPERS, and everyone else who pitched in to complete the renovation of the GARAGE and make New Year's Eve such a great success. 
  12. On a personal note:  Thursday, Friday and Saturday are traditionally my big prep days for the weekend with the big final push each Saturday.  As a result, I have rarely left my office on Saturday's for almost a year.  Had a breakthrough. Went out for dinner with friends Saturday night.  It was great, and I plan on doing it again!
Let's focus this week on building positive human relationships - not just with those in the church - but with people we come in contact with outside of Crossroads.  This is an important and pivotal time in the development of our community.  Reach out and INVITE people to come to Crossroads this weekend.  Make it a priority, and let's go STRONG into the new year.  Have a GREAT Monday, and a GREAT week!  TCB

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