Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Birds of a Feather...

I am really digging one of the fastest growing small groups at Crossroads.  It's the electronic network of Roadies connecting on twitter.com

I first heard about twitter at a coaching meeting on April 28th of 2008.  I signed up the next day - with some reservation -  thinking that it was the third stupidest thing I had become involved in so far that year - right after starting a blog and being signing up for facebook.   

I am blown away by the growth of twitter in the past 6 months, over 350% growth - outpacing every other similar social networking site.

To the best of my knowledge there are currently a couple of dozen Roadies (and near-Roadies) that are on twitter.

What is twitter?  It's a FREE social networking and micro-blogging service that allow its users to send and read other users' updates (otherwise known as 'tweets'), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length.  You know, like text messages.

Sound stupid and meaningless and like a real time-waster?  That's what everyone I know thought at first.  But plug and give it some time.  You'll find yourself connected not just to other Roadies, but to people the world over.

Wanna start?  Go to twitter.com and follow @geneoden, @leslieoden, @willlurie, @natlurie, @kellyrice_bkmc, @Ben_Rice, @RachWilliams1, @christopher84, @jessiekb, @michelleordway, @maxoden, @ctv4ever, @5tephen, @maritalynn, @samwillgo, @guitarinjustin, @copstop429, @jeffreyw.  You'll be instantly hooked up with 18 other Roadies and the hundreds of people they follow.  

2009?  It's all about connections.   

1 comment:

  1. diddo.
    I thought it was pretty dumb at first.
    but it's a quick and easy too keep in touch.
    plus it's so cool when you discover there are people out there who actually care about how your day is going!

    ... and no 1000 word essays either .
    just "starting my diet today"
    and "painting a room"
    "...just dropped my pencil in class and can't get to it"
    of all the facebook, myspace, social networking sites. I like it best.

    short. simple. effective.


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