Sunday, January 11, 2009


Today was the second week of our new series WiRED. Truly, it was a fantastic day at Crossroads!  Here's just a few of the reasons why:
  1. Despite the rain (and the arctic cold front that came in) we had a GREAT crowd today, in fact, it was the largest crowd we've had since before the Christmas holiday.  It was great to see old friends and meet new ones.  And there were many new folks to meet today. Why? Because we had the largest number of first-time attenders since we launched! LOVE first-time attenders (and LOVE to see them come back)!
  2. So many children today, too!  The lobby was absolutely buzzing with elementary-age kids and Hollie and her team saw the second-biggest crowd in Filling Station like...ever.
  3. Now, for some REALLY important stuff: MANY people made seriously high-quality decisions today to rededicate their lives to Christ!  Really an honor to be a part of that. 
  4. Sound system was (almost) virtually buzz-free for the first time ever.
  5. Worship, you ask?  Well, despite the fact that worship leader (and Dothan police officer) Nic McElveen works the night shift now - and was totally whacked on sleep depravation (but, thankfully, didn't accidentally 'taze' anyone) - worship ABSOLUTELY ROCKED (once the whole band got on stage and got in tune)!
  6. Will Lurie didn't fall through any ceilings today, and that blesses me...and him, I'm sure!
  7. I felt like we really connected well with our central message today; that we are wired for community (not just ANY community, but a community that is healthy and growing and full of love).  Other parts of the message seemed a bit herky-jerky at times, and the verbal wandering around I did (and I know BETTER than that) is going to make editing the podcast a deliciously difficult task. But honestly, considering the challenges we faced last week, I was just really grateful to be at Crossroads today, in a place I belong, sharing God's word with people that love Him, and need Him, and need each other.  In itself, that was a big, BIG win.
  8. Thank you, thank you, thank you to our incredible set-up teams for the sanctuary, the lobby and all the children's areas.  You guys are the backbone of Crossroads.  Each week you show up, dig in, do your job and you make it possible for Crossroads to exist. I am humbled by your faithfulness and willingness to do it week in and week out. Thank you! 
  9. Finally for this post, the Perpetual and Somewhat Spontaneous Crossroads Touch Football Extravaganza was back in action today (and I'll be needing Active-On tomorrow). Great fun!
Have a FANTASTIC Monday!

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