Friday, January 23, 2009


I am so excited for this weekend.  We have been planning our community groups kick-off for quite a while now and it's exhilarating to see those plans come together.  Back in the Fall, I was in Ocala for my monthly coaching network, and I was struck with the realization that we needed to really focus our attention on developing connections.  We needed to be about more than Sunday mornings at the cinema.  We needed to connect our lives not only to God, but to each other as well.  And having done so, connect our community with the world around us.

This Sunday as part of the final installment in our current series WiRED, we're going to take a big step in that direction.  All month long we have shared about how we are created by God for relationships, for community, and for service to the world around us. Now we begin to see how that community is created, by connecting our lives through small groups.

As I sit here putting the finishing touches on short video clips from each of our community group leaders, I have to tell you that interviewing them, and editing their video pieces has given me insight into their heart for each of the first seven small groups at Crossroads.

Whether it's Brian and Michelle's heart for building marriages, Chris and Jessie's heart for twenty-somethings, Nic and Janna's heart for worship, Chris Vincent's heart for sharing our faith by loving other people, Ben and Kelly's heart for families, of Leslie's heart and my heart for sharing with and teaching new believers and those returning to the church after some time away, and our heart for those in recovery from drug or alcohol addictions, there is a heart-created place for everyone at Crossroads.  These groups are not the end.  They are just the beginning of what will become the heartbeat of Crossroads.  A church of small groups.  A Christ-centered community - healthy, growing and full of love - connected by positive human relationships.

I encourage you to be there this Sunday and join your heart with ours.  Plug in.  Get wired! Love God, love others, serve the world.   


  1. dude, we're pumped.
    seriously, taking intentional steps to connect people to each other is a huge leap forward for Crossroads.
    I can't wait to see where it leads in this coming year and the years that follow.
    (ps. almost finished with "Tribes" by Seth Godin, it's been a GREAT read, especially when thinking about small groups.

  2. Hmm, decisions, decisions. I'm going to go with the group that try's to bribe me the most! Anyone offering a free vacation or anything? Just kidding. I'm excited to see each group's video.

    - Josh


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