Monday, July 7, 2008

Humbled & Hammered

I don't even know what to write.

I'm just blown away by all that happened at Crossroads this weekend - from the hard work everyone put in through the week and weekend on construction projects, to the all-day marathon of Freedom Fest, to standing in the lobby listening to people say they couldn't find a place to park this morning.  It's happening...  

We had 20% more people today then we've ever had - on the busiest vacation weekend of the summer!  God is all over this deal, folks.  That's just not normal.  

I'm thinking of coming up with a new definition for the word 'normal'.  Whatever that definition winds up being, I think it needs to include phrases like, "never know what's going to happen, but know it will be good", and "always expect the unexpected", and "if God builds it, they will come".  

I don't know how to describe how I feel about all this right now.  It's kind of surreal.  It's like God just took out a big, giant LOVE HAMMER and looked down at Crossroads and went, "THWACK!"  You know, the Bible says that he is LOOKING for those who will worship Him in spirit and in truth.  I pray that at Crossroads, He always finds what He's looking for.  

My Ask Pastor Gene in-box is full, just from today.  And I've got a podcast to edit, so I gotta go. But can I just say before I go: You guys ROCK!  That's all there is to it.


  1. I heard a new visitor say yesterday, "I was blown away."
    This weekend was indredible.
    The words from Ricky Bobby say it well, "THAT JUST HAPPENED!!"


  2. It is so exciting to see what is going on at Crossroads! I get excited to think that people no longer have to fear their future because God will take care of them if they just believe in Him and his supernatural ways. It is such a "relief" to know He is always there for us and will always empower us to do great things through Him. I feel so lucky to be involved with Crossroads because of all the joy we share each Sunday morning - what a blessing. God bless!


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