Friday, July 4, 2008

The Event

Like all of you who worked so hard today I am exhausted tonight. But I HAD to post immediately tonight to say WHAT AN INCREDIBLE EVENT!!!!!!!!!

Freedom Fest 2008 was such an amazing event on SO MANY levels.  The Roadies who spent their entire day off working, the musicians who played, the banner art, the video, and the PEOPLE we got to meet, WOW!  Top it all of with the best fireworks display I've seen in years, it was an exhilarating experience!

Do you guys realize that our logo, our name and the Crossroads experience was on display for some 10,000 people today?  You cannot buy advertising like that.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your help in making this event a smashing success.  I am totally humbled by your participation.  We made some new friends today. (I think we'll probably see some of them on Sunday, yeah?).

We're launching right on time.


  1. It was a blast!  I enjoyed getting to know other "roadies", and meet new people as well. 

  2. Man what a day yesterday! The set ups, the you cant do's, going to get ice, ha ha you should have seen the looks on there faces, Josh's drive by evangelism,Jacob handing a balloon to the little girl right before the fireworks,and the PEOPLE! Everywhere! It was awsom on soo many levels and to be there and be apart of it all was something very special! I will give up my seat gladly so that someone else can experience Crossroads!

  3. It was especially awesome when Ben got yelled at by some Sergeant for having to many Roadies in the Mule!!

    -Guy who got yelled at


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