Monday, July 28, 2008

12 Days 12 Hours 12 Minutes

Just a quick one to let everyone know that today we got some great news. A friend of mine who pastors a purpose driven church committed to give us $2100 toward the $4200 projector we need to purchase for Cinema One - where we will meet beginning August 10th!

Guys this is HUGE! But there's a catch. We have to raise the rest by the end of this week to capitalize. Just as I challenged you on Sunday to go "whole hog" concerning your giving, it seems our friend has laid down a similar challenge. He's challenging us to raise half the cost, and he'll put up the other half. That's a challenge I'll take on any day!

Often we think that giving is something that we do when we have "extra". I learned many years ago the antidote for that kind of thinking in my life. I learned that it is God, Himself, who has given me the power to get wealth. The simple truth of the matter is, that without God, we have NOTHING. If we have anything at all, it is by his grace and love for us, not 'cause we're so smart, hard working, or talented. Don't forget - those abilities are God-given as well.

Don't give because you feel guilty. Don't give because you are compelled. But give - and give because you love. Give because God gave FOR you. Give because God gave TO you. Give as an act of worship, to the One True God, from Whom everything we will ever have, comes.

Do it on-line this week. Click it!

Let's not just meet the challenge, let's beat the challenge!


1 comment:

  1. Cool video! I like it when you post these. Matt and I can watch them before we listen to the podcast and feel like we get more of the "whole experience", if ya know what I mean.


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