Monday, July 21, 2008


As I sit here 19 days, 10 hours and 13 minutes from Launch I am thinking about all the people that do the stuff that makes the rocket go up in the air, and all the ground we have covered since Feb 3rd and all the conclusions you could reach from all the things that are happening and the conclusion I have reached is that we are (oh, my) ABNORMAL.

What is happening at Crossroads isn't normal.  It's not.  Not normal. It's not normal that we should be as large as we are before we've even launched. It's not normal that we should have the immense talent at every position in the church that we do.  It's not normal that everything should be coming together for us like it is.  It's not normal that we are seeing a tidal wave of love building in our community. It's not normal to have such a fantastic pastoral staff this early in the game.  It's just not normal.  NOTHING that is happening at Crossroads is NORMAL.


That concerned me.  So I looked it up in the dictionary.  

ab-nor-mal [ab-nawr-muhl]  

     1. not normal, average, typical, or usual; deviating from a
     2. extremely or excessively large

I think I'm okay with that.  I think we might want to start expecting ABNORMAL results.  And expect that ABNORMAL things will probably happen at Crossroads. 'Cause I'm pretty sure by the above definition that God is Abnormal...

Bumper sticker?  Hmm...maybe later. 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! Crossroads is just oozing with talent and people who are just amazing. I'm really starting to see what God sees in us. And it's happening in a little mall? And moving into a movie theatre?
    Hmmm... is right. Abnormal... Yeah!


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