Tuesday, October 14, 2008

YOU...and MY Big Mouth!

Here's hoping I haven't offended you recently...  

Start a series about having a big mouth and it's a given that you will say something stupid somewhere along the way.  I mean, hey...this series lasts a whole month.  I'm supposed to go a whole month without saying something stupid?  You won't, why would you think I could?  

We're "selling" our house.  I use the term "selling" loosely, because since June, all we've really been doing is "showing" our house.  To use the proper King James Version terminology: "It sucketh!"  

I am tired of looky-loo's traipsing in and out of what used to be my private sanctuary from the cold, cruel world.  They haven't done anything wrong.  We put a sign up.  They come and look.  It's what's supposed to happen.  But earlier this evening I sort of reached my peak tolerance for looky-looness.  

(I tweeted about this earlier, so ignore me if this is a repeat for you.) The people were supposed to show up at 5PM and were 15 minutes late.  Not a good start.  I was long gone when they got there, but I pull up in my driveway at 6:30 (an hour and a half after they were supposed to begin) and every light in the house is on.  That's a lot of lights.  And they are STILL in my house.  

Here's the stupid part.  I grab Biskit (our purebred boxer who, to the uninitiated looks like a pit bull) by the collar, hopped out of my truck, and with Biskit barking and slobbering, threw open the front door and announced (in a completely unnecessarily loud voice) "Hey, you people about ready to WRAP this up?"  Their collective breath sort of caught in their chests and they said, "Um...yes, yes...sorry, thank you...you have a lovely home..."  To which I snorted, "Yeah, thanks".  And they left.  Rather quickly.  

Guys, I don't know what to say (I know...all evidence to the contrary).  I just let my frustration with the process get the best of me, and I made them pay the price.  Really, really stupid.  Compound the stupidity of my words and actions with the fact that Enterprise is a small town.  It would serve me right if they showed up at church on Sunday.  Hmm...I wonder what Ben Rice is doing Sunday morning? 

1 comment:

  1. tee hee hee .... you know after reading your blog and getting a few good giggles out of reading it I sat back and thought to myself .... "you know what I love about Gene? (yes, I DO talk to myself and even answer myself occasionally) So then I thought "I love him because he's so HUMAN!!!!!! He's not the typical "labeled" pastor who you picture and see as so high and mighty who does no wrong and has the PERFECT pastor life and family" You and Leslie are so REAL!! You're human and make mistakes and live a normal life with kids just like we all do!! Its so perfect!! Thats why its so easy to read yours and Leslie's blogs and to listen to you at church. Thank you! Thank you for being human. :) I love you guys!!


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