Friday, October 3, 2008


It is fantastically fabulous outside.  Hope you get to enjoy at least a bit of it today!  I am actually a Fall-hater from way back. I always mourn the passing of Summer, so it's inexplicable to me why I am positively giddy about Fall this year.  I am absolutely loving it! Never happened to me before, but I'm going with it.  Crisp air, turning leaves, carving pumpkins, shooting pilgrims and stuff. Bring it on! 

So anyway...big, BIG Sunday this weekend.  So excited about it!  We are going to have a great service, sharing a little bit and answering some oft-asked questions about baptism. What it is, why we do it, what it does, what it means.  Then Sunday at 3PM we're going to meet up at Lake Tholocco at the EAST Beach (not the WEST Beach), for a little Beach, BBQ and Baptism.  We'll do our baptism service first.  Already have almost 20 people signed up! Then we'll just relax and enjoy some hanging out and eating Crossroads-provided hot dogs and hamburgers.  The church will also get the drinks so just bring a side (some chips, little debbies, potato salad, whatever).  Come, even if you're not getting baptized.  For those late deciders, we'll have extra shorts, dark shirts and towels.  for all the info go to  

Oh, and if that weren't enough to get you out of bed:  Janna's singing Christina Aguilara's 'Beautiful' Sunday morning to kick things off.  I can't wait!  See you there.

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