Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Do You Want To Know A Secret?

I'd love to get on here and glibbly gab about the glorious day I had...but in all honesty it was a bit difficult to get through.  And I'm not big on that concept.  Something on the inside of me absolutely abhors the idea of "getting through", or just "surviving", or "getting by".  Here's why:  It's just a total waste of time.  The hours are going to pass and they're gone.  I won't ever have them again.  When times are tough or challenges arise (which they invariably do) I need to recognize that I have a choice.  I can whine my way through the day, or I can laugh and enjoy my way through the day.

Years ago I traveled all the time for work.  I'd take a plane or a car out Monday morning and be back Thursday or Friday late.  Leslie and I had a tough time back then.  We would argue and fight and be generally discontent with one another all week long because I was gone, and then waste the entire weekend jousting about the fact that I had been gone all week and was leaving again on Monday morning.  The weekends we wasted not being content with our lives and peaceful in the midst of our circumstances are gone forever, and we'll never get them back.

I am convinced that even in the darkest of times we can experience a level of joy in our lives that makes other people look at us like we're crazy.  "How can you be joyful and cheerful and peaceful?  Look at what a mess your life is."  The joy, the good disposition, the positive attitude and outlook, the peace can all be present in our lives despite what our circumstances may look like.  After salvation, that is the heart of the Christian message.

Look, when we get to heaven, we're not going to need joy, good disposition, positive outlook, and peace.  We're going to be in an eternal state of love, joy, peace and worship.  NOW!  Now is when I need the joy.  Now is when I need the peace.  Now is when I need to be forward-looking. And none of those qualities are going to be the result of my circumstances, good or bad.

Check out what Paul said to the church at Philipi: "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty.  I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want" (Phil 4:12).  Then he tells them what the secret is, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".   


  1. Hi Gene! Just wanted to let you know that I found you, so I'll be reading.

  2. Hey what's up! Glad you're on board. Also check out Leslie's blog at (way better than mine) and our website with all the podcasts, etc. at

    Love to the family!


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