Monday, October 20, 2008


  1. Kudos to all who did double duty this weekend to make our service great!  Thank you!!
  2. Worship was REALLY good...again!  We are very fortunate to have what we have.
  3. Glad Fall break is over.  Hope you had fun!  (Come back to church now.)  Smallest crowd since Late June, tons of folks out, attenders, leaders and staff.  Brutal.
  4. New family this week.  Lots of kids.  Great to meet them!
  5. Heading to Ocala for coaching network Tuesday.  Should be painful.  Have to bring video of service for group to dissect.  I hope I can sit in front and heckle myself.  
  6. Tons of technical issues this weekend.  Simple stuff that ALWAYS works...didn't.  Lights went out.  What?!?  
  7. Big takeway: it takes a whole mess of happy folks to make all of this work right.
  8. Despite all the glitches, I enjoyed this weekend.  We rode some on Saturday.  Alabama survived and is #2 in the BCS.  Liked the message.  Had fun on the platform.  Had lunch with several Roadies.  Quality time.
  9. Life is good.  I'm grateful to get to do what I do.

Remember: Guard your heart this week.  Listen to the Alarm (ding-ding), establish perimeter security (eye's and ears), and keep your sword sharp (the Word in your mouth).


1 comment:

  1. in spite of the tech problems and small crowd it was one of my favorite services yet!
    (the ones where's everything's messing up usually are).
    Cant wait for this sunday Brotha!!


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