Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ramblings of a Pseudo-Insomniac [AMENDED]

I'm kind of a light sleeper.  Truth be told, I really don't sleep all that much.  I do a lot of work, and I read a lot. Especially at night. You know, when you're supposed to sleep.  It's not that I couldn't.  If I was in a sealed room, cooled to a constant temperature of 70 degrees. With no light and absolutely no sound and definitely no cats.  

Shelby, one of the aforementioned offending creatures decided somewhere around one o'clock this morning - just as I was drifting off to Droolsville, after reading 62 pages in a book I'm FORCING myself to read - that she should jump as high in the air as she could and land with as much force as she could muster onto the back of my thighs, which were exposed because I was sleeping (drifting) on my stomach, with my legs outside of the covers, because the temperature was somewhere around 71 degrees.  

Fighting the urge to pick her up and throw her against the wall - something I regrettably did to our cat Sugar, who has never quite recovered emotionally after I did just that one Christmas after she ran straight up the trunk of a freshly trimmed Christmas tree in our living room causing the whole affair to come crashing to the ground spilling cat, pine needles, tree water and ornaments everywhere - I flopped my legs high into the air (made somewhat difficult by the fact that I was sleeping [drifting] on my stomach), flew out of the bed yelling "What the crap!", opened the door (of my marginally sealed and only mostly dark bedroom), and booted her down the stairs. [SEE NOTE BELOW]  

Two hours later, after 40 more pages in a book I have some serious questions about, I sit here blogging my woes to a small group of people that are probably sleeping peacefully right now.  I just thought you should know.  I'll probably pray in a minute.  I think I'll start by repenting (always a good place to start) and move on to questioning the Lord as to why I only sleep about two nights out of seven, as I'm sure somehow He is responsible.  It couldn't possibly have anything to do with my strict diet of Red Bull, Diet Coke, and high blood pressure medication.  Or could it?  These are questions one tends to ask oneself when one doesn't get much sleep...doesn't one?  

Someone once said, "If a man had as many ideas during the day as he does when he has insomnia, he'd make a fortune".  All I can say to that is, "Bring it."  

I'm going to pray now.  I think I'll skip repenting and go straight to praying for people I know.  Who are sleeping right now.  (Pray that I don't start with you.  I haven't had much sleep, and I'd sure hate to get it wrong).  

Have a great Tuesday (now that you're all rested and refreshed)!



  1. Good morning. Cats are wonderful creatures. That is my attempt to say something positive. It's funny how a message like,"Me and My Mouth" really makes me aware of me and my big mouth. It was minutes after the service on Sunday that I said something dumb and discouraging. I was smart(keeping myself positive) to realize it only 8 hours later. That is so strange. It takes a brief moment to say something stupid and then it may take years before you realize how much it hurt someone. Thank God he reminds us how important our words are. Anyway, that is just a ramble I have been rattling in my head recently. As you can tell I am awake at what I can only hope is a Godly hour. No cat to blame. Just the Army. J/K I have to get up early enough to beat my attitude to work. I mean beat. Beat it into submission.
    Love the Blog. Love this Church. Everybody have a great day...starting in an hour or so.

  2. I feel your pain. I too dont sleep much...and when I do, its always interrupted by either children, animals, the ice maker, or having to pee 10x's a night. I have tried to make my room a "sleep cave" with tinting the windows, hanging a blanket over it, and having thick curtains, but still there is too much light. Here's the kicker, I have no problem sleeping during the day in broad day light. Maybe some of us are just nocturnal, (questioning the spelling of that word.) I mean, I was always a night owl growing up, what makes me think its gonna change as I get older. Here's what it is Pastor Gene, us geniuses just have too much information for one day to handle, so we stay up all night with all this wealth of knowledge running through our heads....I mean, its evident in your blog...right?!

  3. HM
    I never thought of that. I can absolutely sleep in broad daylight with a jackhammer outside my window. You hit the nail on the head. Well done. As for the genius part you must be right as well. Proof? Only a genius would (parenthetically) question the spelling of the word knockternal. Have a great day. Try to get some sleep...this afternoon!

  4. ROFL.....hahahaha.... What I love is when all THREE of them want to pounce on our feet under the covers and fight with each other. Now that's some serious Nachturnel fun......

  5. Yay! Miss Spellining iz phun!


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