Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Things Look Bad? Take Another Look!

I know it's just Tuesday, and there's a long way to go before Sunday, but I am already elbow-deep in this weekends service and I want to talk a little about it.  

There are turning points, or defining moments that occur in the life of a person, or a family, or a business, or even a church and I really feel deep down that the month of November 2008 is going to be one of those turning points that we look back on in the months and years to come and go, "Wow. That was really big.  God really showed me stuff that changed my life forever". 

I believe that many will say that about their own lives. Many will say it about their families. Many will say it about their work life, and their own businesses.  And we will all say it about Crossroads.

I know that may sound sort of vague - a turning point. But I believe that many are at a point in their lives where they really need to make a turn, or a change, or round a corner, or experience a breakthrough in their lives in the area of finances.  It is not ironic, nor is it coincidental that at a time of the greatest financial challenge our nation has ever faced, the greatest financial challenge our church has faced, and the greatest financial challenge that me and my family - and perhaps you and your family - have ever faced, we are beginning a new five-week series called The Blessed Life. A series that will focus entirely on what it means to live in Gods blessing.  We'll get eye-opening and life-changing perspective on Tithing, Giving, Generosity, Getting Out Of Debt, and Getting a Handle on Personal Spending, and we'll see how ALL of it has a big impact on what KIND of life we live.

If you are struggling financially DO NOT FEEL ALONE. Millions and millions of people in this country are right there with you.  God has an answer, and we need to hear it.  Make sure that you attend each week of this critically important series.  If you cannot be in the building, make sure you listen to the podcast.  Reach out into your world and invite others to receive HOPE from God's word in these trying times.  Together let's find out what it means to live The Blessed Life.   

1 comment:

  1. Just reading about hope and help from God's word is encouraging! I can't wait to begin "The Blessed Life"!


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