Wednesday, September 3, 2008

What It Is

Not sure how to properly describe what I am experiencing in my personal life right now.  I made a commitment to a company to do some work for them - something I refused to do during the incubation period of Crossroads pre-launch.  I felt I really had God's heart about that decision at the time.  We were really hurting for money (you know, the kind you use to eat and stuff?) but I could NOT get a "release" from God to take on any outside work.

God's plan and purpose is often easier to distinguish when you're looking at it in the rear-view mirror. Looking back, I can see we would not have been able to do the things we did to develop the work of God in Enterprise if it hadn't had our 24-hour focus.  You know what? We still ate.  God provided everything we needed at just the right time.  Is it hard on your pride? Uh...what pride?  Gone.  I don't get to have that anymore about the things I can personally accomplish.

Which is why it was so flummoxing (you like that word?) when I got a call a few weeks back from a company asking me to do a bit of estimating for them.  I KNEW that I couldn't do it before.  But now that we were post-launch, I had a "release" (there's that word again) to do it.  I have to be honest.  The very thought made my stomach turn.  I felt I was abandoning what i was supposed to do - but we had to eat, right?

So the most bizarre thing has been happening.  Despite my fears about doing this work - every step of the way, I have exactly how much time I need to accomplish my work in the ministry.  In fact, everything I am doing, from studying, to attending coaching meetings, to message preparation is on like...some sort of supernatural accelerator.  I am able to do more - better - in less time than I could before.  And the work?  That's the really interesting part.  I have enough time to take care of what I'm responsible for, and tons of support from those around me.  It's's like I am being fed by ravens.  It's truly remarkable.

I just wanted to share that with you guys.  God's heart is in the work at Crossroads.  My heart - and my life - is in God's hands.  It is such a privilege to serve Him.  Just like He provided a way for us to be with Him forever, He provides everything we need to live for Him today.

1 comment:

  1. How right you are! Its all about timinig...GODS TIMING! If we stick to what He has asked of us, He will provide...He is our Provider. Awesome!


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